This restaurant is expanded from a takeaway shop in Kwai Chung Plaza. It aims at using French cooking ways and a variety of ingredients to serve fusion dishes with reasonable prices. The shop is decorated with few paintings of Parisian attractions and moon to bring out a romantic vibe. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 22:30
Tue - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 22:30
*Lunch last order: 14:00 Dinner last order: 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay PayMe FPS
Other Info
Online Reservation
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (28)
Level1 2024-11-21
今日同太太慶祝結婚周年,試吓呢間隱世小店,冇諗過呢個地點有法國菜食,初頭以為好伏,不過食食下,覺得佢哋真係用心去做每一道菜,好好味!幾個前菜,鴨肝好好食,之後個主菜牛柳,牛舌,牛肚味道煮得剛剛好,好好味。配埋自携紅白酒,冇得頂,食得出每一道菜都係用心去做,絕對唔係hea👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼最後來杯咖啡配埋個鳳梨疏乎厘,簡直妙絕!不過如果有埋酒賣,就更加理想。一定要再來。加油努力。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-06-14
前菜🥐 麵包好新鮮,熱辣辣上到黎就聞到好香!搽埋牛油好食!之後蘑菇湯一樣上到黎就好香,入面有好多蘑菇!主菜🥣 肉醬意大利飯比較重口味,好似食緊taco咁,肉同飯同汁,仲有香草撈埋一齊,煮得啱啱好,都好好味!🥩 脆皮豬腩肉好味!肉質唔會太硬,加埋啲燒汁啱啱好,肥膏同肉嘅比例都啱啱好,舊肉juicy又唔會肥膩,肥膏仲係爽口的!連啲配菜都好好味,薯蓉好creamy, 啲菇同菜都好襯啲肉!朋友個雞卷都超好食,超juicy超級嫩!甜品🍰 朋友個梳乎厘超級靚,超級新鮮。蛋糕好似carrot cake 嘅口感咁,上面mousse 加埋下面蛋糕,甜得黎都好味!🥄 結論非常滿足嘅一餐!超級飽,野食好好食,擺盤同啲碟都超級靚,好有心機,幾抵食!侍應都好細心,成日幫我地fill水! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-04
食材好低質份量又細不過d 配搭係有心思既便野冇好野唔會再貪便環境坐得舒服 但個廁所細到嘔出入條褲一定會掂到個企缸冇野想再講大家唔信可以自己去試伏係咁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-04-20
I recently had the pleasure of dining at La Bonne Attitude and indulging in their exquisite seafood menu. From the moment I laid eyes on the menu, I knew I was in for a treat. The variety of seafood dishes they offered was truly impressive.One dish that immediately caught my attention was the lobster. It was cooked to perfection, with succulent and tender meat. The flavor was rich and flavorful, leaving me craving for more. The freshness of the seafood was evident in every bite, making it a true delight for seafood lovers like myself.What impressed me the most about La Bonne Attitude is that despite the high quality of their seafood, the prices were extremely reasonable. It's not often that you find such value for money when it comes to seafood. This makes it an attractive option for anyone looking to enjoy a delicious and affordable seafood meal.The menu itself was visually appealing, showcasing the freshness and quality of the seafood on offer. Each dish was carefully crafted and beautifully presented, making the dining experience even more enjoyable. The attention to detail was evident, and it added to the overall ambiance of the restaurant.Overall, my experience at La Bonne Attitude was nothing short of exceptional. The seafood dishes were not only value for money but also absolutely mouthwatering. If you're a seafood lover like me, I highly recommend giving La Bonne Attitude a try. You will be amazed! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-01-09
見到梁祖祖推介過 特登入葵涌試試佢!果然非常之喜出望外😍地點的確唔容易搵 係一條小巷裏面不過好嘢係絕對值得大家去找尋💛店舖座位都唔多,建議大家要訂位今次試咗餐廳嘅8 Course MenuCP值極高 睇得出廚師好用心去處理每一道菜色如果係旺區我諗價錢起碼雙倍甚至三倍一個人唔單止菜式非常之有驚喜每一道菜店員都會好用心去講解介紹令到你會好清楚整道菜自己係食緊啲乜嘢單單係呢一點已經令我覺得非常之有質素大家都知道喺香港好難搵到好嘅服務態度🥲好多時候問多句都覺得自己好似做錯事扯開左話題添😂😂總括!非常之推介大家去試一試🤩喺香港要食到好食性價比高嘅餐廳越嚟越困難當晚比較記憶深刻嘅菜式如下1: 焗龍蝦 超級新鮮同煮得剛剛好😋平時食龍蝦好驚煮到好韌2: 椰菜花奶凍冇諗過奶凍可以有呢個組合 好有新鮮感!😳3:海蜇蝦雲吞及法式濃湯超級濃郁同埋鮮味嘅湯旁邊嘅海蜇蝦都十分彈牙😆順帶一提當晚見到店員一個人服務晒全場人又要收碟又要上菜又要介紹每一道菜不過依然非常之有禮貌同埋細心更加為呢一晚嘅晚餐加咗唔少分👍🏻👍🏻走嘅時候真係忍唔住要同佢講聲辛苦晒希望店員會見到呢篇食評啦🤣🤣多謝你當晚咁用心嘅服務啊!🥰 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)