Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Stewed Duck Portuguese Style French Orange Wine Pizza French Mussel Marseille Seafood Soup Souffle Tartar steak
Review (57)
Level2 2011-02-19
主要因為今日有目的要係海港城行街買野, 所以一早就係openrice搵定o個頭有乜食..預先book左位同老公撐枱腳8:30去到.. 即時有人帶領入座, 點知未座定就聽到有幾位健談的女士大聲講大聲笑.. 坐係佢地附近不太是味兒..立即同waiter講問佢地入d有冇其他位置..而佢地都即時明白我既考慮.. 好在當時不太多人. 很快便再在餐廳另一角度settle先叫了吞拿魚沙津和龍蝦湯, 還有青口和銀雪魚..心想海鮮餐就開支白酒吧.. 完美既配合..怎知當我品嚐餐酒和香脆的包條時.. waiter跟我說沒有青口, 唯有改了我的第二最愛, 羊架!order時講左所有野share食.. 所以waiter很細心, 連餐湯也幫我們分兩份上..抵讚 小布魯圖還是第一次看廚師係面前即煮火焰龍蝦湯..看得開心, 食也開心, 雖然每人只分到兩小粒龍蝦肉, 但那啖香濃的湯真係飲完即刻回味吞拿魚沙津很多材料.. 不嬲唔食橄欖的我, 鼓氣勇氣吃了一粒.. 跟著個沙津所有的橄欖都全部歸我..好吃呀.. 清香, 不太咸.. 中和了吞會的魚腥味.. 再來我的第二最愛, 羊架, 五成熟的羊架嫩肉多汁..不用醬汁也很好吃, 最後來雪魚我己經飽左8成, 不能吃太多了..只細嘗一口.. 感覺overcook了, 但因魚油充足..所以不太難吃..是今晚失望之作.. 因肚皮不爭氣, 加上開左支白酒未飲晒..所以不叫甜品, 慢慢的坐下來傾傾講講.. waiter服務貼心.. 適當時會來添酒和水... 又不會打擾我倆.. 最後11:30我們才埋單.. 完來有抽獎... 用一個細既攪珠盤(好似舊時六合彩那種). 中左....獎品是用1983年menu既價錢來埋單(酒水除外), 再問waiter..原來餐廳今個月將會結業.. 哦.. 28年基業!!!!!!!!!這間餐廳雖是第一次幫趁.. 但覺得真的不錯..仲諗住可以再來...點知... .......是晚因為抽到獎原故.. 由千幾蚊既一餐變左幾百蚊... 用幾百蚊既價錢換呢餐..可以話係怒抵!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
After several years, La Brasserie has not let me down. With its service and good food, my friend and I had a very enjoyable reunion cum birthday lunch. I tried Alaskan crabs, prawns, smoked salmon and salad for entree, and seared scallops for main, to wash them down with a glass of white wine. I had not tried its pumkin soup but my friend said it was good. Frog legs did not impress me much, though, but the chef's decision in putting it out would worth mentioning. For desset, I had pavlova (twice), chocolate mousse (twice), and a aloe vera jelly.It is a good place to treat guests and get together with friends, with its excellent service and ambience. I will definitely go there again and recommend to friends. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-12-27
Angelini美好的一頓後,父母又要繼續為各自父母的煩瑣事苦惱.但平安夜是他們倆的結婚週年紀念日,又怎能不慶祝呢?父親早就吩咐我安排一個fine lunch慶祝,本來還害怕母親會拒絕我們的邀請,不過高興的是最後還是順利的出了門.今次選了位於海港城旁邊港威酒店下層大堂的林柏軒,名字也真夠有趣,像是個人名.室內以木色為主,掛滿了聖誕裝飾,還有薑餅造的精緻小屋.入門口就見到琳瑯滿目的海鮮.聖誕午餐內容寫在了一塊流動大黑板上.甫坐下待應便把黑板推到我們檯旁,為我們介紹Menu.海鮮頭盤甜品buffet也只是$218,加Main course則$248,包一杯餐茶和一杯紅酒/白酒/橙汁,比上2個月在Bostonian吃的海鮮Semi-buffet lunch還要抵食!是日有三款Main course選擇,魚,牛扒和豬扒,為免吃不了這麼多,只選了魚和牛扒來試試.飲品方面要了2杯紅酒和2杯橙汁.點餐後隨即為我們鋪餐巾送上麵包籃,有一隻香軟小法包,兩隻小橄欖蕃茄包,一條深啡色條和四片香脆薄片,全都是新鮮暖烘烘的佳品也.不得不讚待應貼心,聽到了妹妹說很喜歡吃薄脆片便主動問我們要不要添麵包,更立刻再為我們送上四片.飲品也很快上檯了,我要的是紅酒,雖然不知道品種,但紅酒非常醇而且順喉,對於我這些門外漢來說已是十分滿意.自助bar分開幾部分.最具吸引力的海鮮bar方面,生蠔雖小但不大有海水咸味,creamy甘甜.翡翠螺爽口彈牙,肉厚且甜.蟹腳長長的一條,肉多,汁鮮甜得很.青口大大的一塊,意想不到的鮮味.以上四款均是翻單了好幾次的美食.至於其餘兩款,薄小的藍貝味淡如水,吃過一遍也不想浪費肚內位置.熟蝦為了留肚所以沒有吃.頭盤bar選擇不少,沙律有數種生菜,蕃茄,青瓜,蔥圈,還有4種沙律醬任君選擇炮製田園沙律.另外有南瓜沙律,薯仔沙律,菇片沙律,紅菜頭沙律和蕃茄水牛芝士沙律等,都是挺有特色又好吃之作. 肉類有不會過膩的薄片煙三文魚,比較乾身的煙吞拿魚,鴨胸,燻魚塊,鵝肝凍,薄切parma ham配切得剛可一口吃掉的甜美哈密瓜粒,3款煙燻火腿,咸香忌廉焗三文魚扒,蜜糖焗火腿.還有聖誕獨有的火雞.龍蝦湯,濃香幼滑,咸咸甜甜的送包一流.甜品旁再放了些芝士和水果.芝士有兩種,是比較親民的口味,有刀供人客自行切取,另有香脆crackers讓人選配.水果有切片西瓜和密瓜,不過都不甜,可能因為不是當造之時.所以一貫甜酸味濃的波羅就成了我們是日水果之選.甜品區有多款精緻美點,Daily Special是Egg Custard with Passion Fruit Foam,看到師傅從廚房取出一盤盤的燉蛋,在客人面打foam再放在上面,蛋不算滑,但熱情果味配燉蛋吃頗新奇好吃.Petit fours有5款,都放在套了聖誕襪的籃子內.星形和花形的糖味太重,甜得不誘人.圓拱形的和正方形的玉桂味濃,個人挺喜歡用作送咖啡,但素不太喜歡玉桂的媽就有點抗拒.剩下的一款味如鳥結糖,甜度適中,果仁味香,不硬易咬,為5款中最出色. Tiramisu, 是一隻蛋糕放在外讓客人自己用刀取的.可可粉份量足,芝士香滑,吃得出酒味咖啡味,不過覺得ladyfinger份量可稍微再多一點.Raisin Tart味不太甜,玉桂味香,有點像Apple Crumble.最喜歡吃是2款朱古力小餅,一款有多種果仁在下,微甜而香.另一款朱古力味濃甜得很,上面是厚厚朱古力層,下面是朱古力味威化餅底.2款都切成小小件,可一下子放進口的size.其餘的Berry Cheese cake,朱古力樹頭蛋糕,有糖面但不甜的實淨提子shortbread,酥皮Apple tart,數款啫喱杯,mousse和布甸杯都屬一般貨色.早在我們吃頭盤時待應已問我們想何時上主菜,並告知我們大約要10-15分鐘的預備時間.Pan Seared Coral Trout Fillet with Saffron Cream.Order時只知時魚,但上菜時便得知原來是東星班. 魚肉嫩滑多汁,魚皮滑,"班"味重.Saffron cream雖是黃色,但味道卻未見有何特別不同.伴碟的南瓜蓉香甜,所以也沒有浪費的把它吃進肚子.Grilled Sirloin Steak with Black Peppercorn Jus,待應主動取芥辣給我們配吃,五成熟做得剛好,西冷柔嫩多汁,牛肉味濃.配一隻大蒜,四顆小薯和雜豆,全都是有水準之配菜.最後餐茶要了杯香滑咖啡作結.吃得飽滿後又出發拍照去.感謝一直義不容辭當我食友的家人,伴著他們慶祝,看著他們高興,這聖誕,還求什麼?祝大家Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Resto @ HK Central: French – a Brasserie @ the Gateway hotel Décor: typical of a traditional French bistroAmbiance: lots of people, big parties, lively for a Friday nightSitting: fairly close to your neighborFood: The pan seared foie gras is over cooked, the steak tartare is overly spicy… too much paprika… too strong of a burning sensation on the palate. The grilled lobster is satisfactory, the Chateaubriand is over cooked when we ordered medium-rare… it came as medium or close to well-done. Given the time needed for the preparation of a re-order of the chateaubriand, we changed to filet mignon and steak, both were very well prepared. Service: courteous and friendly… however, due to the presence of a big party, the waiters had to run all over the place making the waiting time for food and service slower than expected. The guests at the table beside us asked to be moved to another less noisy part of the restaurant. The Chef felt quite bad for us, as we had to endure the noise and the big party. He offered us a Chassagne Montrachet 1er cru from his personal collection which we finished half a bottle and returned the other half to him… good wine is not to be wasted!Wine: Rather limited wine list for a restaurant in Hong Kong, in particular the selection of French wine is too limited. Selection of wines from other countries is more than prominent. We ordered a 2005 burgundy and had to return it because the wine has possibly not been store properly. A second bottle of the same wine was offered… slightly better but almost as bad. We accepted it, rather than making a scene.Cost: about HK$750 per head with wine (average quality wine) for diner.Value for Money? Reasonable… badly prepared food was taken back in exchange for a new dish without question or argument.General: the cooking could be improved…We have been coming back to La Brasserie, from time to time... Last time we came here was about a year and half ago… for no-nonsense bistro style French food… will come back again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-10-16
法國菜總給人高不可攀的感覺,來到尖沙咀工作,朋友安排了這一晚餐, 約了4個好友一齊去試,這還是我好友BB小姐, 第一次嚐法國菜呢!La Brasserie我之前嚐過, 優質新鮮食品累積了一班忠心支持者, 踏進這所酒店餐廳, 沒有預期中酒店餐廳的拘謹!自助式沙律 - 蔬菜材料好新鮮又爽口我喜歡的龍蝦湯夠濃,絕不欺場;BB小姐的蘑菇湯夠滑;CoCo 的洋葱湯夠香甜;Diana的蕃茄雜菜湯夠豐富! 煎鵝肝-入口即化,完全無筋煎帶子-新鮮又滑溜Beef Tartar--肉味濃郁;三文魚卷-素質不差最喜歡鱈魚,嫩滑尤如溶化在口裡。主菜伴碟加入了南瓜的甜味則剛好。芝士Counter - 好多款任君選擇!!!BB小姐尤如大鄉里出城般期待又好奇,四女生聚首一堂,輕輕鬆鬆的說說笑笑吃吃喝喝,共渡歡樂時光。好有水準好滿足的一餐!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)