6-min walk from Exit B2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (1)
La Creperie is a French restaurant that is famous for their savory galettes and sweet crepes. Apart from galettes and crepes, they also have salads and bistros.Some vegetarian dishes available daily. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
Tue - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 23:00
11:30 - 23:00
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 22:00
*No lunch booking accepted.
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay PayMe
Number of Seats
Other Info
Online Reservation
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (560)
可麗餅源於法國🇫🇷法國布列塔尼(Brittany)以3大美食聞名:🦞海鮮🫶🏻蕎麥可麗餅🍎蘋果酒位於灣仔皇后大道東附近的La Crêperie是全港首間供應布列塔尼可麗餅(Galette)的法式小館~ 而且首間La Crêperie早於2007年在上海開了分店 除上海及香港之外 越南胡志明市也有分店 可見可麗餅的魅力✨布列塔尼可麗餅(Galette)有別於傳統的可麗餅 是用蕎麥粉製成!內餡料多為鹹味 口感非常豐富 帶有麥香 傳統的可麗餅 (Crêpes)即是用麵粉製成 這次我們選擇了的可麗餅 上桌時由店員淋上法國酒 製造了美麗奪目的火焰效果 配上香蕉和雲呢拿雪糕 味道很好🫶🏻提及法國當然不可少得焦糖燉蛋和鵝肝吧?個人亦非常喜歡他的焦糖燉蛋外脆內嫩滑🥰🫶🏻 鵝肝也很肥美!配上焦糖醬汁~甜而不膩這次我們亦特別點了布列塔尼的蘋果酒為主 無論吃鹹味或甜味的可麗餅 配以蘋果酒才是最傳統的吃法✨ 而且盛器是瓦碗很有特色呢!蘋果酒甜酸適中 每一口也品嚐到滿滿的蘋果香味🍎 酒的濃度也可以自行選擇較濃的Dry (4%)或較容易入口的Sweet(2%)滿足的一餐!雖然有去過法國巴黎但還未有機會到訪布列塔尼 那就先到灣仔一嚐布列塔尼的味道吧👅這裏的環境也充滿了Brittany航海的感覺呢⚓️🌊2. Foie gras $158 鵝肝27. L'Americaine $162 牛肉布列塔尼可麗餅55. Creme Brulee $72 焦糖燉蛋70. La Jamaicaine $118 雲呢拿雪糕配香蕉的甜可麗餅 (帶火焰效果)🍎1 Cup Dry Cider $50 (4%)🍎1 Cup Sweet Cider $50 (2%) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
灣仔超有名法式班戟店,咸甜款式有近70款超多選擇!!人氣必試火焰橙酒班戟,口味絕對正宗!!🥞- La Jamaicaine HK$118 🔥🍊🥞超出色法式甜班戟!!微微煙韌班戟皮,滲滿火焰苦橙酒香!!高級酒香微醺易入口,配上天然雲尼拿籽雪糕及焦糖香蕉,香甜有深度!!絕對法式口味!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Fell in love with La Crêperie many years ago. There are just so many distractions in HK that you tend to go and try the new one. Is it better? Well, I must say I have been re-visiting for the same restaurants and I must say, most of them, the quality are well kept. 很多年前就愛上了La Crêperie。香港實在有太多令人分心的事物,往往會嘗試新的餐廳。是不是更好了?留給閣下判斷。好吧,我已經再次光顧同樣的餐廳,而且我必須說,其中大多數有年資的餐廳,品質都保持得很好。Over the years, the restaurant environment has indeed deteriorated a bit, but the quality of the food has not. Of course you have to eat desserts when you come here!隨着年月的洗禮,餐廳環境的確有點脫落,但是食物的質素沒有減退。可以來到這裏當然一定要吃甜品! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-07
⚓️ LA CREPERIE 📌灣仔皇后大道東100號鉅芝樓1樓好一段時間冇跟老友聚頭,今日一行多人去享受一個正宗法式烘餅。來LA CREPERIE 都會有愉快的用餐經驗,親切的笑容歡迎你向你問好,點餐後又細心的為你安排一切,每樣事情都慢慢進行。我們每人叫了一個 Set Brunch ,包括一個main + dessert,Mains主要是鹹的 Galette法式的薄餅,主要是用蕎麥粉來制作的,餡料可根據你喜歡的來選擇,變化很多。圓的薄餅皮加入你的材料後會摺成一個四方盒子似的,很有趣、又好味。我選了Galette English Breakfast 裏面有我喜愛香腸、煙肉、芝士、蘑菇、洋蔥還有一隻太陽蛋在中央,好滋味慢慢品嚐。Apple Sweet Cider萍果西打唔可以錯過,甜美果味濃,酒精含量不高。Crepe 甜的法式可麗餅是薄薄的以麵粉 雞蛋 牛奶 等做成,配上你喜愛的水果、榛子醬、朱古力醬、水果醬、蜂蜜等。今天選了Crepe La Melba 有芒果、士多啤梨、山莓醬、忌廉和杏仁片,餅皮柔滑,很好的甜品。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-09-06
灣仔毒食,食d平時lunch難食既嘢,揀咗La Creperie, 上一樓,2成滿,入到去經理🧑‍💼認得我,坐高枱。睇咗menu,叫咗頭盤Foie gras($158),皓肥美,外脆內juicy,配菜有焦糖蘋果同焦糖醬,底下面包🥖,如果多士更好。冇叫主菜,直接叫甜品🍮Les Voiles de St Tropez($88),crepe有焦糖醬、焦糖蘋果同雲尼拿雪糕,皓皓味😋crepe皮做得彈牙,應該係全港最好食😋既crepe continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)