3-min walk from Exit D, Wan Chai MTR Station
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The restaurant uses white and wood as the main tone, which feels fresh. Mainly Western cuisine with fresh ingredients and authentic cooking. It presents with exquisite garnishing, including Fish Papillote, Pancetta Carbonara, etc.
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Opening Hours
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday Eve
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
好耐無嚟灣仔一帶食飯,今次去一間隱藏在船街巷尾的餐廳,店名同街名襯到絕,餐廳以木系及白色餐桌為主調,還有樓上雅座共兩層,主打創意的fusion菜,單睇菜名都好特別。流心水牛芝士沙律 $168其實對一般西餐廳的沙律沒有太大興趣,不過這道沙律名字頗為特別,姑且點來試試到底是如何「流心」?擺盤賣相好靚,水牛芝士做到好似水波蛋般,一切果然有cheese流心,連同羽衣甘藍及洋蔥絲攪拌一起食,再加埋醋汁及番茄粉調味,酸酸甜甜又有濃郁芝士味,口感豐富,味道創新,好食,大推。冬蔭功大蝦意粉 $198番茄醬或是芝士忌廉煮意粉就食得多,這裡用的竟然是冬蔭功?確係有少少九唔搭八,但味道又出奇地夾。冬䕃功酸辣度適中,微辣又帶點香氣,醬汁掛滿在意粉上,食落幾開胃,配搭兩隻大蝦都算彈牙。味道令我驚艷到,唔知自己係屋企煮唔煮到呢?21天熟成厚切豬扒 $33821天熟成的豬扒,其肉質會比鮮肉更嫩滑,食落軟腍,有咸香且油而不膩,不用醮醬汁已經好好食,原個焗蒜頭好香口,仲有長邊豆、翠玉瓜、雞髀菇做配菜,唔錯。
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前菜🥗🥗🥗流心水牛芝士沙律(Burrata Bowl)啲cheese好濃郁,同成個沙律好match清新可口,好開胃🤤21天熟成厚切豬扒🥩🥩🥩(21 Dry Aged Pork)塊豬扒切開左之後,已經見到有好多肉汁肉質十分柔軟同細膩,唔會覺得好油膩加上本身嘅食材好新鮮適量嘅鹽同黑胡椒完成展現出豬扒嘅鮮味😋😋冬蔭公意大利粉🍝🍝🍝(Tom Yum Prawn Pasta)冬陰功嘅醬汁好濃稠,酸酸甜甜,完全停唔到口😋面頭仲有啲cheese幫手調味每一條意粉沾滿左醬汁,絕對值得一試‼️
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情人節出街食飯難免要熬貴嘢,呢間竟然冇推情人節限定餐牌,都冇特別加價!仲送每檯一份小甜品,真係好sweet~香煎章魚鬚 $148有驚喜!章魚鬚煮得啱啱好,口感keep到彈牙又軟滑,仲有啲三文魚籽增添鮮味。羽衣甘藍沙律新鮮脆口,好fresh好開胃~避風塘豬排 $348豬扒選用整叉燒嘅部位,滿滿嘅油脂香,外層炸蒜包裹住juicy嘅豬扒,外脆內嫩,肉質鮮嫩多汁。配搭蔬菜同薯仔。仲有一整粒烤蒜,啱曬重蒜人士!冬蔭公大蝦意粉 $198大蝦彈牙,冬蔭公醬比較重青檸味,食落幾開胃,味道濃郁又唔會太辣,比起坊間其他冬蔭公意粉,呢碟嘅味道算係比較清新,冇咁漏。情人節限定:蘋果千層酥隨碟附送煙花仔俾情侶們打卡慶祝~用肉桂煮過嘅蘋果片,包喺一層薄薄嘅千層入面,卷成花嘅造型,食落去口感層次分明,唔會太甜,仲有淡淡嘅肉桂味,食得又睇得~自家製檸檬撻 $68味道好清新,酸酸甜甜,搭配cream,balance返酸甜味,啱曬食完飯解膩~
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This fusion cuisine restaurant presents a delightful blend of flavors from different cultures, creating an unforgettable dining experience.**Flowing Buffalo Mozzarella Salad**: The meal began with the mozzarella salad, a dish as visually pleasing as it was delicious. The mozzarella was wonderfully creamy, paired with fresh, crisp greens and a drizzle of balsamic glaze, delivering a balance of richness and tanginess.**21-Day Dry-Aged Thick-Cut Pork Chop**: The pork chop was the highlight of the evening, expertly cooked to retain its juiciness. The dry-aging process enhanced its flavor, resulting in a tender, robustly savory meat with a subtle smokiness. It was served with seasonal sides that complemented the dish perfectly.**Tom Yum Goong Prawn Pasta**: For a taste of Southeast Asian flair, the pasta combined the iconic tom yum flavors—spicy, sour, and fragrant—with succulent prawns and al dente spaghetti. Each bite was a symphony of bold and exciting tastes, showcasing the restaurant’s mastery in blending diverse culinary traditions.
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🔹️今日到Bookmark已久位於灣仔船街一間隱世餐廳 “Flagship” 晚餐🍽 餐廳以古撲木系裝修, 感覺舒適自然, 設有兩層坐位🪑 食物高質有特色😋 廚師用心烹調、有心思👨🏻🍳🧑🍳 服務細心周到👨🏻🧑🏻 價錢合宜💰🔸️Clamsin Fusion Sichuan Sauce🍲▪︎ 麻唔辣四川蜆 ~ 蜆肉肥美鮮甜、大大隻, 以四川煮法加炸紅椒絲, 味道麻而不辣, 極度開胃👍🔸️Carbonara Chinese Style 🍝▪︎特色卡邦尼意粉 ~ 以反傳統做法▪︎免用Cream, 運用雞蛋和芝士做汁料, 以金華火腿和臘肉食材, 味道鹹香滋味, 意粉十分掛汁😋🔸️21 Days Dry Aged Pork🥓 ▪︎21天熟成厚切豬扒 ~ 以21天熟成厚切豬扒經12小時慢煮👨🏻🍳 肉質厚嫩細膩、入口鬆軟, 配菜以甘荀、四季豆、脆肉瓜和蒜頭🧄 配上自家製醬汁▪︎洛神花蘋果汁, 味道鮮香😍
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