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Review (98)
As usual the products here do not disappoint.The creme brulee tart was a new item so I tried it.It literally tastes like a flattened egg tart but much better because it was topped with crushed pistachios, dessicated coconuts and glazed.The pastry was flakey, delicate and gently flavoured with butter and sugar. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-02-07
知道 “La Rose Noire Bakery”是因為越式法包專賣店 “Delicieux Bistro”,看到報導寫 “Delicieux Bistro”都是由 “La Rose Noire”進貨,因此在網路上搜尋一番,發現在太子大廈的Olive超市內有零售點,於是拉著也相當愛吃麵包的大力女王一起來逛逛。來到太子大廈之前,是從紅磡很失望的離開了「聯記」這個傷心地。看著大力女王落寞的雙眼,我知道她如果看到想吃的食物一定會開始大爆發,果不期然在Olive超市中已經快手的挑了兩罐yogurt,而當見到La Rose Noire Bakery時,她更是對著櫥窗內的甜點指指點點,然後挑了「Pastry Cream Doughnut (14 HKD)」、「VIP Raisin Scone (14 HKD)」,我則挑了「Ciabatta Small (11 HKD)」要當做第二天的早餐。在Landmark前等著叮叮車的同時,我倆已迫不及待的打開doughnut的紙袋,站在大雨中的電車站開始享用美食。Doughnut相當的軟嫩,內餡應該是草莓醬為主吧!我倆一口接著一口的吃,三兩下就吃個精光,略微填補了在「聯記」遭受的創傷。雖然價格比一般的麵包店貴了些,但與其他高貴的甜點店相比可稱上便宜,我覺得以這樣的美味算是相當划算,以後可以都來這兒買麵包與甜點吃! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-01-26
出席食友的家訪最高興的是,總有意想不到的豐富美食。 拜訪三姑豪宅的一天,除了見識到豐富強大HK陣、學懂玩到上癮魔力牌,還品嚐了超多美點零食,包括多款日本可口手信、香脆曲奇、特別口味薯片、美味HD及自家製雪糕,還有各施各法獨門秘方脆法包、咖哩雞、茄汁蝦、燒雞翼、炒米粉、三文魚醬、杏仁糖,以及壓軸的兩款生日蛋糕、等等等等!! 此外還有會長超精美的甜餅外賣,賣相太吸引,抵埗不久已被甜魔們拆解分享:甜餅共有8款,當中5款都是小妹鍾愛的朱古力系,包括頂層有brownie的朱古力brownie、朱古力花慕絲餅、朱古力opera、圓錐形的朱古力香蕉慕絲,以及多層朱古力的拖肥朱古力餅;當中最喜歡的是頭尾兩款,因分別有brownie/拖肥口感很chewy很吸引,而朱古力花慕絲餅則給我濃濃的熟悉感。 其外非朱古力系還包括blueberry cheesecake、raspberry千層餅及tiramisu。藍莓芝士餅味道正常,raspberry千層餅就口味清新,個人甚喜歡,tiramisu則是最弱一項,芝味淡薄亦無酒香咖啡香。不過也是吃完這件tiramisu,才想起:這間店的出品,與K11的新咖啡店Espressamente illy何止相似,剛才提的朱古力花與tiramisu,根本就是一模一樣嘛! 看來除了做零售,La Rose Noire還會散貨給其他食肆;而運用邏輯推理,Espressamente illy的Triple chocolate fudge很好吃,估計La Rose Noire的這款餅也很出色的。下次到門市去求證一下! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-09-16
The food section at Oliver's Supermarket is often where I buy my lunch from. Today, I tried something new. A hotdog. It's certainly not the kind of hotdog you can buy in the western hotdog shops, but it's good enough as a lunch in Central. There was a choice of beef or pork sausaged. I chose the pork. I was asked what sauce I want in it and I asked what sause they have. They only have ketchep and mayonaisse. I got both. It would be great if they have onions and all other kinds of things a hotdog should have.I was still feeling a bit hungry after finishing the entire hotdog. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-06-23
六月廿三日(星期一)唔講唔知今日係Luxemburg國慶..所以今日有cake食!?呢間d cake個賣相唔多靚,好似好乾咁!放左好耐!我食左個好似玉桂卷既物體,一般啦~~~......唔香同埋冇mud牛油味! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)