7-min walk from Exit E1, Hong Kong MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (118)
近年韓國熱賣Croffle,就是牛角包Croissant和窩夫Waffle的合體,我點的是朱古力曲奇可頌。牛角包既保留了牛角包香濃的牛油味與酥脆口感,芯層軟韌,還有朱古力漿,加上上面還有一塊朱古力曲奇,朱古力味特別香濃!即使隔了第二天才吃,牛角包依然香脆,能清晰聽到拿起牛角包的咔嚓聲,把它弄熱後再吃,裏頭濕潤的朱古力內餡充斥口中,朱古力曲奇鬆脆,口感層次豐富。雖然邪惡,但是真的很滿足!地理位置有點難找,在butterfly酒店側面,要進入街市後才看到。La Viña (中環)📍中環嘉咸街23號My Central地下3號舖 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-02-06
@lavina.hk by @cuppingroom.hk (中環/銅鑼灣).伯爵茶芝士流心巴斯克 3”$60.呢排嘅posts 真係清一色蛋糕..呢個男人真係.. 唔簡單..🐷但我真係好鍾意🍰呢.. 今次有機會食到呢間巴斯克..之前都有睇人介紹過.. 但都係第一次試..實際如何呢!.首先 3”嘅size真係好好..既可以滿足想獨吞嘅慾望..又可以控制卡路里..☺️其實某bakery都有.. 大集團開嘅.. 但我覺得麻麻..呢件.. 我好ok!!!.首先 伯爵茶嘅茶香係明顯嘅所以我未食 齋聞都已經知係伯爵!切開.. yi.. 幾軟熟wor.. 食入口.. wohooo..中間嘅軟心未去到流心 但好軟心 ok!!重點係.. 好濃郁😝😝.成件蛋糕甜度8/10左右.. 甜嘅 但舒服 唔會over..係正常人可以接受嘅最高甜度我覺得係!!但嗰質感.. 茶味.. 口感 我都覺得係完全唔伏..甚至可以媲美好多出名嘅巴斯克..🤓價錢又好ok!!. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
《pistachio》Soft, rich and creamy. Thought the favour of cheese would be too overpowering but turns out to be well balanced. 《chocolate》tastes like chocolate truffle cake. It's a safe choice. 《earl grey》it was OK. The flavour of earl grey was a little mild comparatively. 《salted egg yolk & mochi》CNY limited edition. Cheese and egg yolk could never go wrong together. Personally I'd prefer a version without mochi though. 《8 inch original》 Highly recommended - the center is like molten/ lava cake. 3 inch or 6 inch ones are occasionally a little hard/dry. Given this shop is located in Central, their pricing is reasonable, but there are more affordable choices in Kowloon. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-11-14
:ʟᴇ ᴠɪñᴀ📍sʜᴏᴘ𝟹, ɢ/ғ, ᴍʏ ᴄᴇɴᴛʀᴀʟ, 𝟸𝟹 ɢʀᴀʜᴀᴍ sᴛʀᴇᴇᴛ, ᴄᴇɴᴛʀᴀʟ中環淨係得外賣,如果想堂食就記得去銅鑼灣啦,每隔一排都會推出唔同嘅期間限定口味🍰開心果巴斯克芝士蛋糕 𝟹” $𝟼𝟾期間限定至𝟷月𝟹𝟷號第一啖食落去覺得開心果味好濃面層嘅開心果忌廉係加分位😍開心果加埋芝士會覺得濟少少 兩個人sʜᴀʀᴇ食就啱啱好🍰原味巴斯克芝士蛋糕 𝟹” $𝟻𝟼原味最能突出芝士嘅香濃味道中間做得到少少軟心 巴斯克嘅特色口感順滑 甜度啱啱好 𝟹吋一個人獨樂樂最開心😙🍰 ᴄᴀsᴀ ᴄᴀᴄᴀᴏ黑朱古力巴斯克芝士蛋糕 𝟹” $𝟼𝟾期間限定至𝟷月𝟹𝟷號聯乘米之蓮朱古力品牌ᴄᴀsᴀ ᴄᴀᴄᴀᴏ食落係濃濃嘅黑朱古力加酒味啱啱鍾意酒味嘅朋友仔🍰伯爵茶巴斯克芝士蛋糕 𝟹” $𝟼𝟶伯爵味係上次同朋友慶生後一直都會回購嘅味道濃濃嘅伯爵茶味一啲都唔假茶味同芝士味互相配合 一啖接一啖食到停唔到口又唔會覺得太膩☕️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-04-29
位於中環嘅鬧市區域,如果平時有行中環嘅Donki其實佢就響附近,但門面比較隱蔽,一唔覺意就會行開咗睇佢唔🤣🤣佢哋嘅蛋糕有好多款,但係第一眼就係見到巴斯克蛋糕,全部都係3吋大細,啱晒唔想食太多又口痕既我🤪🤪Earl grey basque cheesecake伯爵茶味好出,未放入口之前都已經聞到陣伯爵茶味,食落同芝士味好平衡,無話搶咗佢既位置👍👍Yuzu basque cheesecake柚子味既外形有明顯嘅分別,喺蛋糕嘅上面加咗一層忌廉再放上少少柚子,賣相上比另外兩款吸引🤩味道方面,蛋糕加咗檸檬汁,會比原味嘅多咗一層酸香,配搭上面既甜忌廉同柚子,柚子既感覺出哂黎😋😋Basque burnt cheesecake原味係最食得出手工既選擇,外層焦香,內裡細膩軟滑,造工真心好👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)