Exit A1, Hang Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (17)
Level4 2015-05-10
我幫完人補習之後,就去左東港城周圍蕩。蕩蕩下無意之中發現左我好中意既分子雪糕店舖—Lab Made,所以就即刻買左杯分子雪糕食。Lab Made提供左四款各式各樣同獨特既味道,例如有奶皇包味同Tirumisu味,我就揀左奶皇包味黎食。奶皇包味雪糕有濃厚既奶皇味,味道香甜。以我所知,其他味道仲會包含實質既果肉,增加左味覺既享受。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-16
Lab Made have teamed up with Dialogue in the Dark to serve four random mysterious flavours to get our tastebuds guessing!.Once we concluded what we tried, we can submit our answers on their FB page to win FREE Lab Made vouchers with coffee cup set + Concert in the Dark preview tickets!You also get a $20 coupon to use at Dialogue in the Dark tour.There are four random flavours served and the only clues given are:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★(Hints)A1: Sweet and sour fruity Greek Yogurt★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★(Hints)A2: Fresh, Bitter, Sweetness★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★(Hints)A3: The flavour of your childhood treat★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★(Hints)A4: Sweet, fragrance and creamy★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★As it is a competition and the flavours are random, it is hard to review it here but the one I had was sweet and fruity! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2014-10-29
就到萬聖節,lab made 推出四款應節食物,我這個甜品痴當然要試試。一共有四款,四款都很鬼馬。我選了「鬼食泥」就貪那塊RIP 的曲奇牌。 (不過看到有人要了「血淚」,那鬼眼造型真係好搞鬼)「鬼食泥」其實是朱古力雪糕配花生醬脆脆,那脆脆真的很好吃。不過吃完以後不禁會想:那說好的分子呢?萬聖節做特價$31一杯,尚可接受。不過平日$48一杯就真的很貴。現在這個價錢,一試無仿! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2014-10-28
成日見佢拍烏蠅,終於要減價吸引下人!萬聖節呢個主題好有創意,好得意,平左品質無變,都係好好味!我食左個 D,有濃濃既moca味,重點係唔會太甜,無個d好「漏」既感覺。有朱古力脆脆,口感豐富左,真係想一食再食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-09-14
同老爺奶奶食完飯, 老公話想試下分子雪糕, 就行去睇下人唔算太多, 排一排隊就買到, 都係一家大細多見到的4種味:A. 腐竹雞蛋糖水 and B. 奶醬脆多-- 因為都係唔想食本身應有既texture以外既感覺, 所以買C同DC. 英式杏仁蛋糕入口好"粗糙", 應該係想營造蛋糕既口感掛杏仁味好重, 奶奶好錫意D.芒果菠蘿乳酪幾FRESH, 當然好有味芒果同菠蘿, 菠蘿味較出, 一般乳酪口感, 老公覺得唔錯, 我就覺得同阿BO蘿以前個D差唔多, 哈哈呢個價錢OK既小朋友最開心就係睇住整既過程, tum 細路唔錯既選擇  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)