3-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (10)
Opening Hours
12:00 - 21:30
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 21:30
*非賽馬日: 星期一至日 12:00 – 21:30 賽馬日: 日馬 11:30 – 21:30 | 夜馬 12:00 – 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
TV Broadcast
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (31)
Level4 2024-12-22
Visited this Lady M in Jockey Club with my friends, as one of them got coupon for the occasion. .During the Olympics, the resto offered a Special Football Combo. We ordered the set menu, which included a dish with a choice of beverage, and we shared the following main dishes:-Earl Grey Mille Crêpes with Ice CreamAdorned with tea glaze, earl grey tea leaves and edible blue cornflowers, the cake emitted  a fragrant aroma. The French earl grey tea left a pleasant aftertaste, enhanced by the ice cream's coolness. -Omni Classic Fillet Fish & ChipsThe fish fillets were soft but slightly soggy, and the chips had a mild saltiness. -Southeast Asian Style Omni Beef PizzaServed hot and cheesy, the pizza had a stringy texture. The savoury beef paired well with the cheese, creating a delightful combination. For drinks, both of them chose French Rose Tea Latte, which was topped with delicate rose petals. I ordered Iced Chocolate, which was topped with cream. The sweetness was nicely balanced, and the cream blended harmoniously with the chocolate milk. .The resto was renowned for its mille crêpes, so we were lucky that there were still seats on that day. It seems they will hold events occasionally, as they invited some KOL to talk about some sport competition on that day. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-12-02
話說呢,之前我on board,我想知就帶咗過嚟呢間喺馬會入邊嘅Lady M度食welcoming lunch佢個入口好特別㗎,你會見到有馬會標記隔離有個Lady M,行上去就啱㗎啦。睇到個Menu嗌咗個抹茶嘅千層蛋糕同埋一杯嘅Americano 。抹茶千層蛋糕真係好Creamy ,好濃嘅抹茶味,食落口又唔會太膩,配上杯Americano,成個感覺好match。食完呢餐飯,感覺又有動力返埋下晝嘅工啦,個環境都唔錯㗎。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-11-17
吃完晚飯,想在附近找間甜品店吃甜品,最後近近地來到Lady M。這間Lady M的位置竟然收藏在馬會裏面,非常隱蔽。🍄不仔細看,可能會錯過的一間Lady M🤣🍄門口位置會令人誤以為這就是馬會,但他的而且確是馬會,不過馬會在3樓。🍄 2樓便是Lady M,穿過這兩張充滿波西米亞風情的鞦韆椅,便進到餐廳內部,好隱蔽🤣🤣餐廳服務態度很好,當我們在與這幾張椅子拍照的時候,他們已站在外面歡迎大家。🍄因為這間Lady M是在馬會的建築內,又或者這是間與馬會合作的Lady M,所以內部賣了很多與馬仔有關的精品。🍄當天沒有跑馬,只有球賽。當晚去到已經較夜,可選擇的蛋糕已所剩無己。玫瑰千層蛋糕原味千層蛋糕法國芝士蛋糕香芋麻糬忌廉蛋糕以前跑馬日經常見街邊坐滿阿伯阿叔,原來賭馬也可以很貴婦,只需要消費一件蛋糕便可以在舒服的環境下賭馬,又不用蹲在街上🤣🤣果然是貧窮限制了我的想像。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
說到千層蛋糕一定會想起𝓛𝓪𝓭𝔂 𝓜最近發現他們推出了全新的千層芭菲系列讓我忍不住想去一試 (´▽`ʃƪ)♡♥ 仲夏莓莓玫瑰千層芭菲 ($𝟗𝟖)芭菲的頂部是小塊玫瑰千層蛋糕🌹底層則由啫喱|士多啤梨雪糕|脆脆的士多啤梨|西米組成每一口都帶來清新的士多啤梨果肉酸甜適中 清爽不膩 整體味道不會太甜(〃´𓎟`〃)但讓人最印象深刻的當然是他們的招牌千層蛋糕🤤♥ 夏日芒果千層布丁芭菲 ($𝟗𝟖)這款芭菲充滿了夏日的氣息!頂部有原味千層蛋糕 |蛋白脆餅|芒果布丁底層則由芒果雪糕|新鮮芒果肉|檸檬啫喱|穀物脆片組成層次豐富 每一口的搭配都很豐富 ♡ヾ(๑╹◡╹)ノ"不過提醒一下有興趣的朋友😋這兩款芭菲只在中環馬會店/ 銅鑼灣世貿店/機場店供應哦 (不要撲空了! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
之前去過位於中環投注站2樓既餐廳「Tac Tic Room」,今次lunch就去1樓以素食cafe為主題既「Lady M」2 courses係包括主食,一件蛋糕 & 飲品CappuccinoRose Latte黑松露雜菌闊條麵新吞拿魚忌廉長通粉新蟹肉配藜麥黃金碧根果仁千層蛋糕伯爵茶千層蛋糕芒果千層蛋糕主食味道相當不錯,新蟹肉配藜麥香料較重,味道幾特別,出面較少食到,反觀其餘兩款主食就較常食到,所以唔會有好大驚喜千層蛋糕係Lady M既signature,叫了3款唔同既味,3款都一貫好味環境清幽,坐得舒適,因為係馬會既關係,四周有好多馬仔公仔作擺設,打卡一流 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)