Additional Information
已改名為: 派格餐廳/Bigpack Cafe
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 15:00
18:30 - 00:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Pizza 今日同友人去波鞋街買嘢, 行得耐想搵間無咁多人嘅地方食下嘢,歇一歇,咁啱見到有間西餐廳嘅banner. 我哋就一於上去坐下!間餐廳裝修得都幾特別, 好似間木屋, 真係估唔到旺角會有間環境幾好嘅餐廳友人想食pizza, 而餐牌上寫住pizza係homemade, 咁就試下係唔係真係自家製喇(因為試過有餐廳的pizza話係homemade, 但係食左又唔覺得係)我哋叫咗意式蕃茄芝士薄餅同Hawaii薄餅我哋等咗大約15分鐘後, pizza終於到喇!意式蕃茄芝士薄餅:真心覺得薄餅係自家製,蕃茄好新鮮,芝士味都好濃,薄的pizza餅底很像正宗的外國的pizza, 整體都好好味!Hawaii薄餅雖然Hawaii薄餅沒有意式蕃茄芝士薄餅咁好味, 但係d汁好味, 波羅唔酸, 幾好!
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I usually would not bother to even sign up to a site like this , but I have given up my valuable time tonight, to warn you NOT to eat here.The 服务员 do not speak a language. We tried English, Cantonese and Mandarin, all to no avail. They named the mulled wine "hot red wine", which was OK, but they couldn't even get the order right! We asked them how many glasses of wine there was in a jar, to which the lady confusedly replied 2 glasses. Great, so we'll order 2 glasses, because that only costs HK$120 vs. HK$160 for a jar (duh!). To our dismay, they couldn't even get that right, after clearly explaining in both English and sign language, what we wanted to order (2 glasses NOT 1 jar), a jar of "hot wine" gets served to our table.Even after bringing it over, and explaining we wanted two glasses not one jar, all that she received in the communication was that we wanted two not one.. so she went to get us another jar of hot wine. When we tried to find the other waiter who seemed to be able to speak English, all they would do, is send back the non-language speaking waiter to our table over and over again....When the manager finally came over, and we sorted out the wine issue, we finally got to raise our wine glasses.... to some SALTY WINE. Obviously, the prepaprers had put in salt into the mulled wine instead of sugar. Needless to say it tasted like crap.I'm getting bored of writing this, but I think you get the point. We went downstairs after paying +HK$500 for the food to buy some awesome 鱼旦 for HK$10 downstairs to satisfy our craving for decent food.
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上星期的某個下午 同友人點咗個 pancake souffle. 因為友人上次試過後極力推介, 而攪到極愛甜品的我專登嚟試下果然無令我哋失望!!整體上是幾好吃, 份量都幾大份,一個人可能都吃不完, 雖然份量係大份左, 但係唔算好甜, 怕甜嘅朋友都可以一試呀不過pancake souffle要等成20分鐘 (比我預期中耐, waiter 話焗要時間), 下次要係食飯中叫定
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上星期五約左三五知己食飯,揀左呢間好似幾有特式既餐廳開頭都有少少難搵,因為佢既招牌無開燈又唔起眼,去到既時候唔多人只有一檯食緊,環境真係好舒服又d似身處外國既郊區咁..系旺角區算比較少有呢!野食都幾多選擇,我地叫左pama ham,chesses pizza,龍蝦意大利飯仲有甜品既pancake梳乎厘,心太軟. 我覺得pizza幾好味,甜品就梳乎厘都唔錯不過有少少奇怪,星期五既晚市應該好旺,但呢度真係好靜...最多人既時候都唔夠5檯客,到九點幾走既時候得番我地張檯睇黎都幾難系旺角立足,希望佢捱得住,因為咁有特式又好味既餐廳,旺角真係唔多囉!加油呀!
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Totally different from what I had before.a disappointing birthday dinneri reckon the cheese fondue menu is quite misleading.Staff lack smile, and are not very caringRisotto is nice tho It can be a good place to hang around with friends if you aren't too fussy about service. 早在一星期前已訂位希望有較佳位置坐的位置跟上次不一樣, 今次坐的位置看到門口, 本人比較喜歡坐在最入的角落位置因有自成一角的感覺我們點了一個cheese fondue, 爐拿到桌上, 食物都一一送上, 可是我們只能白白看著已滾的芝士....有位同事到我們坐的位置檢查食物等有否到齊, 可是waitress竟然沒有注意到我們還沒有cheese fondue用的叉. 為何這個叉子那麼basic的用具都能忘記呢.. ITEM- black truffle cheese fondue 明明menu list上沒有寫有cold cuts, 我們才額外order cold cuts, 結果對於3個女生來說, 2碟cold cuts...太多了吧black truffle cheese fondue 很快便burn得黑黑的....我猜可能是爐&black truffle增加了burning的speed. 侍應並沒有提點過我們, 那個爐火實在猛得很, 我們都不太喜歡這個 i suppose 是stainless steel之類的爐..因這爐沒有classic黑色重重的那種爐來得那麼有feel.Cheese fondue的黑松露味道淡而無味, 有點失望. 侍應的態度起初是可以接受的..到中段好像不想serve的一樣, 木口木面, 懶洋洋的....詳情不想給太多意見.不予置評好像很負面, 但有值得讚的CHICKEN & SWEET POTATO RISOTTO.味道清新, 飯的質感OK, 不會太軟太硬或太濕~若大家不太介意service, 這餐廳是一個很佳hea的地方跟朋友hea, 價錢尚算合理的.環境ok, 不過還是喜歡有雪花報置的時候....別有一 番風味本來店前是很look forward 去吃他的apple crumble tart 之類的甜品因上一次試過真的很不俗很可惜, 我應該不會再來店了.....
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