6-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
15:00 - 02:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE UnionPay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (184)
Level4 2023-10-08
💬約了老朋友慶祝生日🎂,選擇在尖沙咀吃西班牙🇪🇸菜式,見到有咁多好評,以為會比較放心,結果上到餐廳🍴,烏燈黑火,而且地方都幾大,仲要全晚一枱客都無,真係好鬼得人驚😰.💬環境都會影響到心情,服務當然亦重要,但只屬一般,無乜服務,諗住快快脆脆攪掂就閃人,不過食物方面都叫有水準,未至於話係中咗伏,不過整體來講呢個體驗唔太自如咁解🥹———————————————————————————🇪🇸西班牙乳豬🐷💬價錢都唔算平,有1/4 隻嘅份量,斬開一件件,皮都脆肉亦係嫩滑,配上炸咗嘅薯片🥔同羽衣甘藍🥬,賣相不錯😂.🇪🇸西班牙藍肚蝦大蜆燴飯💬加入檸檬汁🍋令到大鑊飯更提鮮,有大蜆同蝦配搭,味道幾好都算新鮮😂.🇪🇸炸魷魚🦑配青檸辣椒🌶️💬蘸沙拉醬嘅炸魷魚🦑就係最好味,佐酒小食係必叫之選,唔油膩又香脆😂.🇪🇸蟹肉奄列🦀💬鑊仔上碟又幾好,蛋仲係滑又夠厚有口感,中間帶點蟹肉,都係味美😂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-08-20
Welcomed by the artistic graffiti on the wall, was utterly surprised when I arrived the entrance… where is the signboard - Lava ? Stunned and took a few steps back and allowed other patrons to enter first. … Interesting introduction Lava. Seated down with a little but a brightly littered lamp. Dark surroundings but with hearty and hip hop music in the background. Nice. 1st dish - Crab Meat Tortilla. Egg was cooked just nice. Soft and not at all scrambled. Matched well with the crab meat. Yummy combination. Yum 2nd dish - Masala chicken. Now this blew my mind. Succulent, JUICY, well fried chicken. Not dry at all. I did not get “choked” from dryness when eating. Simply could not stop - eating !3rd dish - Spanish Blue Belly Shrimps & Clams Paella. Okay lah. Okay lah. No wow factor. But pleasantly good.Drinks - Mocktail - a non alcoholic Pina Colada mixed with fruit juice. A Ladies’ delight. But removing the ice, it could be just half of the cup.However, the tables were placed quite closely together, which made it difficult to have private conversations without feeling like we were intruding on neighboring tables. It would have been more comfortable and conducive to a relaxed dining experience if there was a bit more space between tables.All in all - nice dinner experience with good Spanish cuisine. But keeping in mind that the seating arrangements may be a bit tight. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
尖沙咀隱世西班牙菜 提早同我慶祝生日 男朋友出手book餐廳 LAVA係金巴利廣場樓上巴一間西班牙菜 環境非常舒服寧靜 仲有一隻好可愛既狗仔 我地揀左坐outside high table都坐得好舒服一人叫左一杯classiccocktail Whisky sour 、tequilasunrise 2杯都好好飲Whisky sour balance做得好好 蛋白foam以至bitters拉心心都做得好細緻 第一道菜 Coldcut platter 唔會好似市面上一般既ham有皇死咸既感覺soft得黎又有香味 第二道 蟹肉奄列 呢個真係必叫!! 超級好味!!!!!!!超級厚身  又香又滑夠juice外面夠乾身 食到有蟹肉質感第三道辣椒仔! 係我鍾意食既辣椒仔,出面唔係度度有得食第四道西班牙深海紅蝦飯 呢個main反而令我覺得有D失色 西班牙紅蝦係應該有種好香既味 但係呢個飯煮出黎、食落去都無果種味而且蝦中間有D生… 飯味道偏淡總結 整體其實好好 係個飯有D失望 下次會再黎試其他野食! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
尖沙嘴除左大路厚福街餐廳外,用來仲有好多隱世高質小店,周圍去發掘隨時有驚喜!呢間餐廳暗暗地氣氛幾好,可以坐下傾下計,嘆下美食。最最最驚喜係餐廳竟然有welcome drink,係幾fruity易入口嘅cocktail🥂 聽講weekend仲會有live band。🥘西班牙藍肚蝦,大蜆燴飯$328- 呢款paella真心好好食,係一食難忘!上面超多海鮮料,款款高質,夠滋味- 大蜆係漲卜卜,粒粒鮮甜飽滿,超級juicy,熟度剛剛好😋- 燴飯上鋪上2 款蝦,完全無expect大蝦彈口好鮮甜,熟度剛剛好。另外藍肚蝦煎香過,同樣都係好鮮甜。- 燴飯吸曬海鮮鮮味,有口感之餘幾香口🌟炸薯粒配溫泉蛋,蕃茄香椒汁$89- 粒粒薯仔連皮炸得香脆,點微辣醬料,再撈上流心蛋幾滋味🥚蟹肉奄列$98- 厚厚嘅蛋好有層次感,入面粒粒蟹肉幾鮮甜,加上蛋汁,味道幾好。下次要再來食過paella❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-05-13
【LAVA|西班牙式Happy Hour】最近多朋友約我HH,今次到咗尖沙咀金巴利道嘅LAVA,西班牙餐廳酒吧,坐低就有兩枝🧪🧪Test Tube Welcome Drink🥰邊飲邊慢慢揀食物,心情都放鬆晒。食物方面Tapas有多款選擇,價錢親民。Main Course 有Pasta,Meat and Fish,當然仲有西班牙代表Paella 🥘。食咗咩💃Crazy heaven veggies plate Tapas嚟講都好大碟。內有:炸泮蔥圈、芝士、綠色紅色脆脆片、新鮮粟米🌽、灑滿芫茜🌿和芹菜,味道清新香脆,飲啤酒🍻都好夾。💃西班牙藍肚蝦大蜆燴飯客人親手唧上新鮮檸檬汁後可以品嘗。蝦🦐有兩款,蝦味濃啖啖肉。蜆唔算好大隻,但非常鮮甜,充滿肉汁、咸鮮味好開胃,每隻蜆廚師都用火灸過,做到惹味口感,配上大量甜紅椒,取材恰當,亦食得出廚師心機。💃Cocktail~Da Bino我被個名吸引,甜甜地,最特別係放上八角和辣椒籽係酒面,飲時聞到八角獨特嘅味道,飲落又輕輕有微微嘅辣,一個字「幾得意😎!」💃Cocktail~PinaColada 經典口味,水準之作,最可愛係個杯,同有塊葉,令人諗起史迪仔與莉蘿。餐廳空間感足夠、有戶外露天位置,喜歡開揚嘅朋友可以考慮。室內亦見有小舞台,相信會有Live Band Show,想像到氣氛會幾熱鬧。📍LAVA🧭尖沙咀金巴利道45至47號金巴利廣場4樓#Lavatst #lava #尖沙咀美食 #尖沙咀酒吧餐廳 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)