Restaurant: | Le Cafe (寶其利街) |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
3-min walk from Exit B, Whampoa MTR Station
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The cafe is famous for pasta. The curry carbonara and creamy corn soup are highly recommended.
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Opening Hours
11:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday Eve
11:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Recommended Dishes
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🤍今次介紹既就系來自紅磡 ✨📜 Le Cafe (寶其利街) (紅磡)📍紅磡寶其利街35號華寶大廈地舖舖🌟Feedback🌟二人餐 $198蒜香雞扒意粉,卡邦尼意粉,芝士焗什菌仲包兩杯凍飲~經過紅磡美食地帶,見到間平民得種又有啲西式既餐廳就入了😌之前有聽過人介紹 不過我就麻麻地d意粉🥲冇咩味道但又好有顏色😹 價錢上係幾吸引 不過就冇咩質素☹️☹️-KS評分- 🌟5分最高🌟🏵環境指數:⭐️⭐️⭐️🏵味道指數:👅🏵抵食指數:💰💰💰💰🏵回訪指數:❤️
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放假訓到好晏先出去食嘢,經過見到呢間cafe嘅lunch set好抵食就入去試吓,唔知係咪鐘數問題,入面得我哋一枱客,叫左個芝士呑拿魚焗長通粉,真係超級好食,成件事係超香超夾又唔膩,完全係良心小店嘅感覺!之後過左2日又去左食晚餐,今次叫左個菠菜三文魚意粉同黑松露大蝦意粉,都係一樣超好食,而且今次試埋個甜品窩夫,都好食嘅但就冇意粉咁驚艷唔係誇張呢個價錢係好食到覺得感動,晚上就見到多d食客,希望呢間小店可以keep住做得起💓
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呢間位於紅磡專食意大利麵既小店,鋪面細細,但係座位目測都可以用容納到大概二三十人。 OpenRice 冇得book位,如果要book位嘅話就要打電話上去。 我地叫左幾碟,個個都食意粉,基本上每一段嘢嘅賣相都係一樣,但係入邊嘅味道就唔同。 🤣🤣🤣價錢唔抵食,麻麻地。我地點左: L14 黑松露雞柳意大利麵 $78;L06 白酒雞柳意大利麵 $65;S27 蒜香意大利麵 配 雞柳。 凍飲加$3。 凍檸檬茶嘅糖水係自己落。可以控制到甜度👍🏻 睇我啲相賣相一樣🤣🤣 但食落去嘅味道都OK嘅。份量啱啱好。
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黃埔寶其利街附近佈滿各種小店,由粥店、日式便當、韓式小菜到西餐都應有盡有😍走在這條路上經常會陷入選擇困難症,每間都有不同吸引之處 今次選擇了來Le Cafe吃意粉,午市套餐由$55至$78不等📜價錢不算貴而且包一杯飲品,店員叔叔下單後馬上到水吧忙碌,意粉靜待十分鐘就奉上🕯 意粉偏乾身不算太Creamy,煙肉的油香未被搾出裹滿意粉,意地質地偏稔,相信是早已煮好一段時間後再翻炒,街坊粗飽的質素🫠再來會選其他意粉再試功夫
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