Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station/ Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 18:30
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (10)
Level4 2016-09-15
今日同朋友黎度呢間位置灣仔利景酒店大堂既Le Petit Salon行街行到累黎坐下順便食件cake飲杯野呢度有好多特色蛋糕同朋友簡左一款黎share呢個成個藝術品咁口感非常豐富,一切開內裡仲有好多層,而入面係橙色既應該加左橙既元素朱古力味唔會勁濃,帶點橙香喜歡朱古力既朋友一定喜歡! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-08-01
Le Petit新推嘅夏日限定水果茶,好精緻☘用左蝶豆花,味道清清地,而且令到成杯飲品變成夢幻紫色💜西柚味會比較清爽,帶有小許柚澀香!飲完即時refresh ✨而荔枝味就會帶小許甜味☺️清新得黎又解渴!重點系裡面仲有四五粒大大嘅荔枝肉😍😍價錢吾算大貴,飲品都幾大杯,抵飲!❤️Mango Tango設計特別,好似成個禮物盒咁🎁外表鋪滿滑溜嘅芒果啫喱~芒果味濃郁,酸酸甜甜咁☺️裝飾用左白朱古力造成,甜而不膩!切開內面就更有心思啦,一層層,夾雜住蛋糕,啫喱同餅底!入口層次豐富😍滿足到芒果迷心嫁~Mille Feuille就系士多啤梨拿破倫🍓草莓用左層糖漿包住,甜甜地,而裝飾品就用黑朱古力造成!拿破倫都幾鬆脆,加埋味道比較清淡嘅吉士醬☺️咁就吾驚太甜啦! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-05-04
朝早同阿爺開會,一定要有啡,居然有一間新店响落車點,擺明要試。要Flat White外賣,like Facebook buy-one-get-one,於是要多杯Piccolo比細佬。老闆見我好認真咁影相,叫咖啡沖調師用瓦杯裝沖多杯比我,咁我就即場飲喇-泡身薄打得幼滑挺身,飲落泡啡融合度高,咖啡底口感略薄身稍淡,酸澀平衡,襯佢啲甜品應幾好,唔會搶味。店方用3款豆混合medium roasted嘅豆,原本啡師抄咗豆名比我,可惜張紙唔見咗。 多咗兩杯,我拎咗比阿哥細佬,大家開會都冇恰眼瞓﹏ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
熟悉呀CA* 的朋友都應該知道我超中意吃牛角酥 + 飲熱朱古力 =]有日放工,呀CA* 就與幾位好友來到銅鑼灣利景酒店的 Le Petit Salon 試試那裡的食物!Le Petit Salon 光線充足,環境舒適;這裡與好友相聚都是一個不錯的選擇 =]大家先分別點上自己喜愛的飲料 + scones 。飲料包括:♥ Green Tea Latte♥ Signature Hot Chocolate♥ Signature Coffee每款飲料,職員都用心地拉出美麗的圖案 =]呀CA* 飲的熱朱古力十分香濃幼滑,而且不會太甜,很喜歡這個甜度 ♥喝一口朱古力後,就先來個提子 Scones!這個 Scones 十分鬆脆可口;而且很實在,很有口感,不會過份鬆化 =]配上士多啤梨醬及sour cream,很好的配搭 ♥至於牛角包,它就十分鬆軟,吃上來有點不夠喉,好像有點吃空氣的感覺!之後大家都興致勃勃點了幾個出名的甜品 ♥A for AppleAlmond sponge cake with layers of apple mousse & apple compote.外表好滑,內裡是蘋果 mousse 的海綿蛋糕,比我想像中,它不算太甜,味道剛剛好!Colour MeChocolate sponge cake layered with chocolate passion fruit & Mango mousse, raspberry cream, pistachio sponge cake & apricot.這個我沒有試,不過朋友覺得這個 Colour Me 太多 cream,味道太mix,很難形容!Le PetitLight Chocolate mousse, passion and orange coluis, ganache, streusel這個 Le Petit 是 Le Petit Salon 的皇牌,朱古力味十分濃烈,吃上口都感到很滿足!Classic Cheese CakeSablee short crust base with vanilla cream cheese and sprinkled with icing powder吃過上面的Cake 後,呀CA* 發現我最喜歡的是這個芝士蛋糕 =]它比起之前所吃的輕盈,不會太 Heavy,放工後吃個小甜品,這一個其實就已經夠了,否則回到家就吃不下晚餐 =p continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Thomas Liu is an artist. An artist with a chef's palate knife. The pastry chef creates some of the most beautiful cakes imaginable and his cakes can be found at a small shop in Tin Hau called Thomas Trillion. Not only are they beautiful to look at, they taste wonderful, too. The Tin Hau shop is only for take away and I had wished they had a place to sit and eat the scrumptious cakes as a sweets break when I go walking around. So, boyfriend brought some cakes to my home when I made dinner for us as an after dinner dessert, much to my delight!Well, there is such a place for me to have a Thomas Trillion cake and sit down, too, without the need to take it home only! And it's at the most surprising of places. A small hotel called Charterhouse located in Wanchai. I've actually never been inside this hotel and I discovered it by chance as I was walking down that street to check out a shop  that sells baking ware.The cafe is located in the lobby. It's not hard to miss as the lobby is EXTREMELY small and cramped. The cafe itself is literally a counter with a few chairs and tables near the elevator. Tip is to try and choose a table away from the elevators (like in the corner) to avoid being bumped by hotel guests and their suitcases. The cafe has two sets. A breakfast set and a cake set. Since I was there for cake, I chose the cake set which came with a regular size coffee of any kind. Price is $80 and there is no service charge. This is actually a pretty good deal as the cakes are $60 each and the coffee is around $40. The staff was extremely friendly and even told me to have a seat while they brought me my cake and coffee. Even returning with sugar and a stick after asking me if I wanted it. I even dropped my stir stick and the staff quickly returned with another one.As the cakes were all so beautiful, I ended up with A for Apple. The cake was brought to me in a small cardboard take away box.The cake interior was an refreshing apple pie filling wrapped in a moisty sponge cake and a crumbly shortbread crust bottom. The green ribbon is actually chocolate. The cake was not too sweet but had a subtle apple flavor.I chose a cafe latte. It was a pretty big size cup of coffee. But it was a bit too milky and lacked coffee flavor.The staff informed me that they plan to have Christmas cakes during the week of Christmas so I'll be back to check it out! I now have another place near where I live to have a cake and coffee break. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)