Living Room is the relaxing place where you can watch the action unfold, or create your own. Enjoy cool DJ mixes, a signature W cocktail, board games and High Speed Internet Access. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Cake-cutting Details
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Oyster Sashimi Orange chocolate truffle Tea
Review (37)
Level3 2015-06-09
屋企人生日決定左黎食buffet 之前睇食評話d蠔幾正 一試之下發現真係唔錯 不過都幾多人排 之前都去過差唔多價位既酒店食 但呢度真係好食啲 無苦味 就咁加檸檬汁就好鮮另外有唔同既甜品食 款式多到食唔哂 黎食記住留定肚食甜品 因為啲甜品都幾正 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-09-19
好友回港玩幾日, 多年無見更係要請假陪下佢SHOPPING行下街食下野.陪佢行完旺角及尖沙咀已經得番半條人命, 最後一站更係食野.想搵個舒服既地方傾下計最好不過就係去HIGH TEA啦行左幾個鐘之後終於有得坐下休息, 點完餐後過了不久食物亦送上.食物既賣相都幾吸引, 至於味道就只屬一般,沒有一樣令我驚喜.咸點都係以煙三文魚多士, 火腿三文治, 雞卷等, 但可惜此店製作既麵包不夠鬆軟.就連HIGH TEA必有既SCONE佢地都做得麻麻, 沒有牛油香而且偏乾有點漿口唔好食.至於甜點如朱古力撻, PUFF都麻麻地, 撻皮唔夠鬆沒有香濃朱古力, PUFF就連普通麵包店都做得更好.整體上食物水準麻麻, 中評只是給予環境 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-06-14
原來想book 好食既High tea 可惜好多都Full 左,最後book左W hotel既Living room。W既裝修唔洗講一個字Cool~ 而且慶幸今日唔係太嘈,但私人空間唔係太多,不宜偷情WAKAKA食評麻麻既Living room實在有d另我擔心。 兩個人叫High Tea set, 兩杯飲品我點了Lychee green tea, 朋友點了熱朱古力。Lychee green tea 沒有太多Lychee味,綠茶味只是淡淡的;重口味既人就唔太岩飲。主角進場先由上的咸吃下去甜點。份量都唔少(甜點對我來說多左D)內容:煙三文卷──不過不失綠茶好豆Macaron── 唔太甜外層少少脆,GoodChestnut Tart ── 栗子蓉入面有栗子粒,唔太甜;係我最鍾意既一款Chocolate Tart ── 朱古力醬夠滑,tart皮比較硬Chocolate mousse ──朱古力醬滑而香濃,入面加左脆脆冇咁單調仲有Chicken Roll 、Sandwiches 、Puff、Berry Chess cake、Muffine… etc其他唔提既就真係一般仲有D唔好,不過依到都係一處悠閒kill time既好地方。High Tea Set for Two $368 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-05-07
一行六人加兩位bb去圓方聚會,貪果度地方大又新凈!大家諗住有嬰兒不如去酒店食,我心諗ritz Dalton 應該貴過w hotel, 加上有信用卡優惠,不如去果度食喇!點知又貴、食物選擇又少、refill蟹腳、魚生、水果。。 又慢!放食物的枱又唔方便拿,又冇服務員幫手拿(要企起度等一輪先有人)~ 好差勁 !啲coppa ham 幾好食,不過又係要等人切唉~我錯誤的決定, 總知對不起同行的朋友! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I came here for a group gathering. It's nice because there is a room in the back that can fit at least 3 people, and is set with a wraparound sofa and tables, along with tables at the center for those who are mingling/standing.The Living Room has very nice decor that is suitable for after-work drinks or even a date due to the dim lighting. The drinks are more pricey than the average bar, but you are paying for the environment and experience. It's also nice, because the bar isn't too packed either, and allows people to sit in the lounge chairs or at the bar.Good for: groups, dates continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)