4-min walk from Exit D2, Central MTR Station continue reading
It combines salon with cafe. It provides hair services and sells hair products. It also serves light meal like toasts and coffee. continue reading
Additional Information
Cash only, take away, outdoor standing area
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
08:30 - 19:00
10:30 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (47)
Level4 2017-10-08
有日經過呢間辦館,見到好多食評都ok,所以比個機會試試~叫左個蜜糖牛油多士,味道ok, 塊牛油真係好大塊,不過蜜糖+牛油+多士要成$38 認真唔抵...下次未必會再來. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
有咩會鬆乎過朝早起身有人幫你set頭扮靚靚仲要係免費?之後仲可以嘆埋早餐先返工? CCS咪有囉!地舖係辦館lof 10有CAFÉ同特色食物,有得免費SET頭㗎! Venus平日keep住直髮內彎都睇到悶,想set個微曲女神頭扮下女神(特別嗚謝hair corner) 一坐底即刻有水飲,服務周到^^ hair corner係CCS有售產品,試過支保濕乳都唔錯,大家可以到樓下地舖試下 係set頭同時Venus已經點好早餐,一陣有得食 自己手殘就整得唔好睇la,睇下髮型師整得幾有心機 話咁快髮型師已經幫Venus脫悶,SET咗個女神頭出嚟,真心覺得自己好飄逸,一路行d頭髮彈彈下,好似拍緊廣告咁XDD SET完個靚頭就食早餐la~ Venus點咗份蜜糖牛油多士同杯蜂蜜檸薑柑桔茶 快D約埋朋友仔一齊嚟感受下啦~~ CCS店: 中環威靈頓街22號威靈頓公爵大廈地面E店鋪 Hair Corner 辦館 LOF10 Corner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 免責聲明: 是次產品/產品資料由 品牌 提供, 本文章所發表的全部內容均屬個人意見及感受,並不代表該品牌之言論及立場。如需協助或希望獲得更多有關產品資訊, 請直接聯絡該品牌查詢或∕和尋求相關專業意見。如從而引起任何損失或法律糾紛,本人概不負責。 希望大家鐘意今次我嘅分享la~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Attracted by the lifestyle concept, thus go in. However, this should be the  only time I spent money there for eat and drink.The honey toast is simply a bread with honey and butter, but it costs around $40. The cappuccino costs over $30, the taste is good but not special at all. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-06-05
.芝士火腿溫泉蛋吐司 $58.中環檀島今個月結業係有啲可惜,無左一個地方可以hea吓食嘢,最近辦館同hair corner crossover開左間可以食下午茶又可以有專業髮型師幫你set頭,而且店內仲有好多髮型用品可以選購,啱晒對髮型有要求嘅我。.辦館中環威靈頓街22號威靈頓公爵大廈地下E舖A店.#explosion中環#explosion香港區#explosion西式..意大利泡沫咖啡 $32.Sometimes a perfect coffee gives you a better evening continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-06-02
以為是賣髮型用品,原來是一間小cafe。*黑松露油芝士多士($78)芝士有拉絲效果,芝士和多士的配搭真的是不會厭的;唯黑松露油太少,不太聞到黑松露的香氣。*西班牙黑毛豬火腿芝士多士($88)烘多士上,放了火箭菜和黑毛豬火腿片;火箭菜帶點苦苦甘甘的味;黑毛豬火腿加上芝士,不會太咸。*Rose latte (+$15)咖啡味道調得剛好,溫度適中;奶泡和咖啡比例很好,質感幼滑;玫瑰味可以再多一點就好了!*Green tea Latte (+$15)朋友點的green tea latte。有一隻很可愛的小熊拉花;口感幼滑,綠茶味很濃。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)