This coffee shop is themed in music. It aims to provide a comfortable and relaxing place for people to enjoy coffee and music. There are some Vinyl disc players and CD players. It offers hand drip coffee. continue reading
Additional Information
滿3人即可預約 品啡。享樂精品咖啡品味會
Opening Hours
10:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 19:00
Wed - Sun
10:00 - 19:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Allday breakfast Hand-drip Coffee
Review (11)
Level2 2024-10-07
呢幾年去Cafe嘅次數都多,不過遇到一間咁用心同客人交流,裝修又有格調,個人風格色彩咁獨特嘅Cafe就真係好少有 一入到去嘅時候已經聽到黑膠碟播緊經典英文歌,見到好多音響唱片嘅設備,聞到好濃嘅咖啡香,已經心入面讚嘆「哇」左聲老闆好nice好貼地,同我哋講聲突然人多,希望我哋唔好「黑面招呼」佢😂😂而且,我哋想聽張國榮嘅唱片,客人咁多嘅時候都抽空幫我哋播🥹 仲要好風趣同我哋傾偈講笑,亦都留意到佢同其他客人會交流咖啡嘅煮法同溫度 好鍾意呢種同客人互相溝通,好有人情味☕️富士山美式咖啡好香滑,冇嗰種難入口嘅苦澀味,而且賣相真係好似一座富士山🗻🍵Matcha latte好濃抹茶,而且用料足,好想快啲飲完🥗All day breakfast 最緊要係夠熱!佢個牛角包加埋蛋同腸仔真係一流下次想悠悠閑閑坐返幾個鐘嘅話,都可以靜靜地聽歌同飲咖啡,成個感覺真係好悠閒,俾人一種慢活與世隔絕嘅感覺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同男朋友唔知係週末有咩做,咁啱諗起朋友介紹喺屯門有間好chill嘅coffee shop,就專登揸車入去試吓。先講吓環境,有專門聞咖啡區,來自世界各地嘅咖啡豆,啱晒咖啡發燒友☕️話到明「樂啡」,梗係唔少得音樂,仲要係黑膠,越嚟越少有,係一大加分!亦都係驅使我黎嘅其中一個原因。終於到食物啦,食物質素唔錯,叫咗一杯Matcha latte 同All Day Breakfast(食到一半先記得影),Matcha latte 唔會好似連鎖店咁甜,適合(偽)減肥人士,而且仲可以飲到濃濃嘅抹茶香。而All Day Breakfast 價錢合理,份量夠,牛角包一入口就有牛油香滲出,所有材料都新鮮,感受到店員用心製作🥐🥐仲有好多菜式,可以留返下次再嗌最後老闆好有人情味,會同客人chitchat ,見到店內夾滿咖啡卡,就知道有好多回頭客。如果我喺附近住或者附近返工,都應該會變成恆常客人。😂推薦指數 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-29
屯門良田村入面有間令你好輕鬆嘅cafe,一打開門就聽到"是誰~~~",因為宜間cafe 主題係懷舊音樂,黑膠碟,雖然唔係我年代,但個音響質素係好好,聽到好舒服舖係老闆一人打理,所以唔好催,俾時間輕鬆下,享受下今日叫左個all day breakfast,本身入面係有煙三文魚我轉左照燒汁雞扒,都係好好食,成個all day breakfast 好豐富,另外仲叫左cold brew,因為天氣真係好熱,cold brew 有幾款選擇,我要左nutty continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-23
開設喺村屋嘅cafe、寧舍indie。以為大路位係入口、正門原來要掘入村嗰邊至真。鍾意懷舊音樂一流、入面啲擺設有一半唔關咖啡事、但會係大開眼界。另外廚房掛設 & show 咖啡豆個擺設位又再大開眼界、雖然好多擺設品、唔會影響座位舒適度。呢間舖有自己一套風格。呢度老闆同陌生客都好多野講風趣friendly 、直頭嫌你坐得唔夠耐咁快走㖭。但我即使嚟cafe、始終都係唔慣攤長杯啡嚟飲、自己堂食時間長度歎極有個譜。基於廚房問題、已經講明唔可以煮到啲咩大餐。但冇問題嘅、咖啡方面應該唔應該令客人失望、始終入嚟呢類地方我係注重飲啡多過食嘢~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-05-16
I seldom write reviews for restaurants/ cafe But this is definitely becoming one of my favorite cafe in Hong KongThis place has great vibe and the owner runs it with his heart.I ordered a Pineapple Chicken Sandwich with grilled cheese. The chicken was succulent and well seasoned. Pineapple was juicy. Sandwich bread was toasted and crispy. Simple dish on paper, but the ingredients complement each other nicely.The boss tailored me a drink cuz I had to be on duty in hospital nearby (I mistakenly ordered an alcoholic one initially). I don't exactly know what it is, but should be something like a chocolate orange Expresso tonic. It tastes exactly like McVites Club Orange chocolate from my childhood memories, which fits my liking (and it tastes very good) I didn't wait to take a big sip, so I don't have a nice photo here.Almost forgot to mention the great choice of music and the Hifi system here!The owner is a very nice guy. But he almost did all the work with his assistant. The food may take some time to deliver in busy hours but good stuff worths the wait.I was contemplating not to write a review to keep this place hidden and not overcrowded. But at the end decided to give this cafe a shout-out. Add oil! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)