2-min walk from Exit B1, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Tue - Sun
09:00 - 18:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
上星期初連續幾天都一直下雨,既濕又凍。這天剛好要會大學辦些事情,於是在西營盤站下車,經過一間麻雀般小的咖啡店,老闆在指導年輕人怎麼沖咖啡。我點了一杯鮮奶咖啡,坐在塞滿書本和雜誌的櫃前享用,奶味濃郁的咖啡為這個濕凍的天氣帶來不少溫暖。鮮奶咖啡 $35
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There’s long time that I haven’t tasted such a good coffee around Sai Wan, I walked pass last weekend and order an ice latte, at first I didn’t have a too much expectation of it as it’s small and just own a Conner , however as soon as I tasted it , just completely turn my turbo up ! The coffee taste super smooth with a ground earthy tone , it just goes so well with the cold milk, I have taste so many coffee shop nearby but not such a one catch my heart like this one, I will keep coming back for sure , and the coffee owner nice and talkative with his customer … anyway I will keep coming back it’s my spot now
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第一次去係飲佢地個奶啡,見個咖啡師都唔係好熟手,個so好耐都唔出,原來係個頭上得唔好,有啲雞手鴨腳。不過佢都即刻打過個shot,唔係特別好飲。 第二次係個男店主,睇落幾友善,都會同人傾下計,叫左杯凍black,都冇咩特別。重點係之前參加左個活動,抽中佢地送咖啡豆,但拎到先發現包豆已經過左期,包豆個包裝袋上面印住個月份係2月炒,但我5月先攞,正常咖啡豆放3個月已經唔飲得,過曬期。好唔老實。雖然係小店但唔老實真係好差,送過期豆不如唔好送,唔好參加活動啦。舖頭唔大,得舖面兩張bench,睇過下入面唔係好整齊。唔會再幫襯。以上都是事實,並沒有任何猜測。
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今日繼續coffee hoppinglunch前想飲杯啡就搵下附近有咩未試過嘅咖啡店e間係一間外賣店都有放左一張長椅店內好似無冷氣得風扇不過唔緊要最緊要係咖啡由於外賣店,都係用紙杯咖啡個base偏淡而奶就打得就一般般啦不過距埋$35一杯white coffee比其他咖啡店係平嘅整體黎講一般般啦
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食完lunch就去咗呢間新開嘅角落咖啡小店佢裝修簡約得來幾有feel,有我最鍾意嘅黃色仲要有幾份蘋果試咗兩杯咖啡Mocha用咗nutella,唔會太甜Latte 同左soy milk ,感覺上冇咁肥兩杯咖啡都唔太苦,易入口老闆好Nice,好熱情咁同我地傾偈睇得出每一杯咖啡都係好俾心機沖店舖面積唔大,通常都係企喺度飲如果遲啲有多啲位坐就會好啲另外有小食供應,有機會會試吓
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