1-min walk from Exit A1/C1, Mong Kok MTR Station continue reading
Additional Information
For DIY latte art, please check the tutor's duty time and make appointment via whatsapp.
Opening Hours
*Opening hours may vary occasionally, please stay tuned.
Mon - Wed
12:00 - 20:00
12:00 - 20:00
Sat - Sun
12:00 - 18:00
Public Holiday
12:00 - 18:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
DIY Latte Art Freshly Roasted Coffee Spaghetti, Rice, Mexican Wrap, Pizza
Review (17)
雖然小小豬就唔飲咖啡,不過有得DIY體驗咖啡畫花之外,就係咁我地就約埋姨姨去玩一個下午啦~ 每地今日就去位於旺角係小店 - 笠笠咖啡整DIY啦~ 睇人玩咖啡畫花都好多次,自己去整都係第一次,初時都好擔心困難。不過原來都有好多款式圖樣俾我地參考嘅~ 除左咖啡之外,原來仲有得DIY整熱香餅,依個貪玩嘅小小豬當然又想整埋一份啦~ 未開始之前就先睇下短片教學~ 好啦....飲杯送一到就可以開始動手了,成日覺得這些COFFEE SHOP都係得咖啡,原來都有其他選擇,好似小小豬就左杯草莓鮮奶,我就叫左一杯紫薯鮮奶~ 姨姨就向高難度挑戰,嚟一個3D版畫花~ 姨姨話看似好難,但其實只要好好控制住啲泡泡,咁就好容易啦~ 姨姨嘅完成品,都可接受啦....哈哈哈~ 另一邊小小豬都開始畫緊,睇見佢一筆筆慢慢咁係杯面畫,又真係好似有板有眼,而且一向粗手粗腳嘅佢竟然係可以輕輕手咁去做,真係要俾個LIKE佢呀~ 大功告成,雖然佢唔係整得好靚,不過都要俾少少支持佢啦~ 另一個重點就一定係送嘅卡通蛋白餅,真係款款都咁可愛,好想要晒佢地呀~ 我地ORDER左三杯,就可以隨機得到三款卡通蛋白餅,小小豬一見到佢近期至愛嘅比卡超就已經勁開心。款款都超可愛,睇見到唔捨得食落肚,最後就緊係俾為食豬二話不說就消滅左啦~ 原本我都打算杯紫薯鮮奶自己畫,點知依個小小豬要幫我攪攪陣~ 真係唔知佢想畫乜,不過最後放粒蛋白餅上去即刻好似美觀返少少~ 畫完都開始有點肚餓,先嚟一個煙三文魚意香草包~ 之後就嚟另一個小小豬期待節目,就係去整DIY熱香餅~其實係整咩圖案都可以,不過小小豬就建議整佢近期熱愛嘅比卡超同精靈球~ 係姐姐邊教邊幫嘅情況下終於完成,仲加多一個雪糕球,食得啦~ 自己整有一份成功感之餘,仲特別好味,小小豬好快就KO晒啦~ 食飽飽仲玩一陣BOARD GAME先走呀~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同朋友一入到間店就聞到一陣濃郁嘅咖啡豆味,於是乎對呢間店嘅咖啡有咗很大嘅期待。結果Lov Lov Coffee都無俾我失望,我地叫左杯espresso同hazelnut latte。我自己覺得hazelnut latte好好飲,咖啡味好香濃,口感幼滑,值得一試。呢間店店面雖然唔大,但勝在氛圍溫馨,老闆娘和員工態度都很好。特別要感謝老闆娘,特登送左自製嘅青蛙花占(?應該係)俾我地試,真係好有心!下次仲會幫襯呢間店下次同朋友嚟旺角仲可以上下呢度嘅拉花班~有得學拉花之餘仲可以品嚐自己親手做嘅咖啡添! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2019-06-30
用心經營的小店下次還會再來的第一次係同朋友去玩拉花第二次係當年男友生日和他慶祝第三次是有同事離職去玩下吹水第四次是2位姐妹生日今次係第五次黎到,十分滿足工作坊@好玩三文魚意式包@個包好脆pizza@好香芝士味仲有2杯出色的咖啡飲品讚。讚。讚 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-12-20
Lov Lov Coffee is a roastery hidden in Mong Kok. They sell seemingly nice coffee beans from various origin and coffee brewing utensils. It has a nice vibes and appears to be a good venue for a coffee workshop.My friend and I came here for the 2D painting latte art workshop, which is quite a disappointment. For HK$80, you get a small cup of coffee, as well as a lesson on 2D painting latte art. However, it was really not quite what we expected.The shop assistant seemed to have a bit issue understanding our question regarding the workshop as well as our order. Upon placing our order, we waited for quite some time before we were served with this cup of coffee and biscuit. The staff were just busy idling around or attending to other business instead of making our order. During our visit, we were the only two customers there.We chose two prints for our coffee, thinking that we were the ones who sprinkle the cocoa powder on the foam to make the pattern. But the patterns were actually prepared by the staff.For the latte art workshop, we expected some simple explanation of how the colouring works, such as how does the tool work, how much food colouring we should use, how to make the colouring even and pretty, etc. However, what we got was just one single instruction - “Make sure you clean the tool before you change colour”. We weren’t even told what colours were those on the plate…As you know, orange appears to be dark red, red appears to be brown, and green to be navy blue. It was all very disappointing and confusing, and totally not worth the money.The coffee wasn’t nice though. The black sesame I ordered did not taste like coffee at all. Maybe it’s not, I don’t know, as it wasn’t mentioned in the menu…The black sesame was quite aromatic though, but definitely not worth HK$80… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
同fd行開旺角,就搵下有無樓上cafe可以hea 下啦~search到呢間笠笠coffee ~第一個感覺好pink 呀 haha叫左個玫瑰花茶tea set 同一杯latte ~好中意個甜品呀!以為係馬卡龍~但原來係一隻意大利甜品..叫咩bacididama 類似~haha , 個店主話係自家制架~味道同個花茶好夾!如果有得賣個甜品就好啦!latte 都不錯啦~如果有大杯揀會仲好,可惜得一個size(仲有塊曲奇送) ,我覺得好有心機啊!下次再黎hea  .HEHE^^ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)