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Review (43)
Level4 2011-11-03
看電影前吃甜品,最近的當然是樓下的發記。晚上接近七時,零顧客;看電影後經過,依然零顧客。只能說它十分寧靜,適合談心。我們吃了~糖不甩($18):一碟六粒,味道尚可,感覺煙韌,可惜份量少,每粒都非常細小,兼且不夠熱。焗香蕉酥皮卷($38):要等大約十分鐘,即叫即做,熱騰騰。酥皮很薄,頗脆,卻有某些地方太燶了。粉太多,一吃便弄得到處都是。餡料除了香蕉,還有很小的朱古力蛋糕,味道一般。以$38來說,份量很少。總結而言,深井發記甜品可以偶一為之。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2011-10-05
嗰日放假同女朋友去mega box去街同睇戲, 其實嗰度係啱一家大細行多d…..不過食飯少人d囉佢鍾意食甜品, 所以食完飯就黎左呢度, 叫左呢個楊枝甘露其實個色有d怪, 但個味道ok, 仲有, 係勁多份量, 芒果超多……所以最後佢食唔晒, 佢隊晒俾我幫佢食囉……食完諗住走, 勁多一家大細等車出返地鐵站, 我地行返去算啦, 好彩而家無咁熱…. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-08-06
晚上2個人閒逛MEGABOX, 由於午餐吃得飽, 晚飯真的吃不下但又口痕痕,另一半提議不如吃個甜品算了, 也可以滿足一下前陣子在減肥不能吃甜品的我.晚上7點多但店都沒幾個人, 坐得很輕鬆.我點了個綠茶綿花冰($39)份量滿多的, 而且擺得很漂亮. 伴碟還有些紅豆及2粒湯圓呢~吃一口, 綠茶味適中奶味也夠, 但不會很甜, 好吃!! 不過溶得超快, 所以要跟時間競賽地吃得很快....>__<湯圓是芝麻蓉的, 不過皮有點厚.另一半點的是榴槤綿花冰 ($45)這個是唯一一款比較貴的綿花冰, 點時我心想...$45吃個冰, 太不值了吧....~_~吃了一口, 很香很像真的榴槤味道!!!很像在飲榴槤奶昔一樣~超讚!!! 雖然我吃完我的綠茶巳很飽但仍忍不住不斷偷吃另一半的這個...>_<另點了一客芒果班戟一起分享上桌前其實我不打算吃, 因為很怕坊間做的一般都是包了超多忌廉. 一碟小小的3件, 皮看起來很光滑, 有點吸引. 吃前先切開看一下, 芒果滿多的, 忌廉很少呢~正合我心意~芒果不酸很甜, 最後忍不住吃掉了一整件~吃完2個人飽得像吃了一頓豐富的晚餐一樣, 很滿足.埋單百多元, 其實只是吃甜品來說真的不算便宜,不過不是常常這樣吃的話, 也是可以接受的~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2010-10-03
Under a Big Big moon, having dessert with mum, sister and aunt no.8...really sweet and enjoy... long time no see......榴槤棉花冰(HK45) EXCELLENT.... its presentations was very very beautiful(with a mint leave on the top; two riceballs and some red beans on the side)...it also had a very very strong 榴槤 (even the whole area was full of 榴槤 when it approaching me)..... everytime when I had a bit...it seemed like eating a real 榴槤 rather than eating 冰 .....But for me....a bit sweet...maybe adding too much suger when making ar...If you are a 榴槤 lover...u must must try and enjoy ar continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-09-23
芝麻豆腐花 (熱) $22芝麻糊係熱既, 但係豆腐花唔熱既............ mix埋碗野唔熱既, 怪怪的......芒果棉花冰 $39都好有水準, 幾濃芒果味. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)