5-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
The burger steak in this local fast food shop is all handmade. The burger buns are baked in order to make it crispier. continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sat
10:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
芝士漢堡 雞脾 雞翼
Review (111)
老字號「 樂景快餐店 」🥲已結業由1978年開業陪伴唔少港島人成長就連我呢隻西貢牛屎妹🐂都光顧過無數次數數手指🤌🏻 應該由2012年開始幫襯🥡2023年要結業真喺非常婉惜🥲🥲🥲舖面其貌不揚 🌀 一眼睇晒左邊 牆身貼上大大塊餐牌📜右邊 貼滿飲食男女/其他報紙雜誌介紹專欄📰✌🏻張充滿歲月痕跡摺枱走不羈風格開放式廚房 🤣廚房煮咩 🐻身上就咩味價錢相當平民實惠雖然忙不開交😵‍💫💨💨💨但仍充滿人情味 🫶🏻 氣氛毫無壓迫感包括中場休息擔住口煙🚬唏噓嘅店員👨🏻語氣都相當溫柔「 啊妹隨便坐 想食咩? 」( 各位 ! 我差點戀愛了😂😂 )⁡🤎 招牌菜 💛除咗生炸雞髀雞翼 同 大量平價碟頭飯之外仲有我至愛🤎️港式地道🍔芝士漢堡蛋包🍔 $23-全人手製 🤜🏿手打牛肉漢堡扒🤛🏻 真材實料!肉質非常鬆軟 🤎 內裏加入碎牛、洋葱🧅牛味極為香濃內裏仍保留肉汁💦💦咬落有些少根😬每一口都喺滋味✨ ✨ ✨⁡漢堡包會預先擺喺鐵板上反覆輕輕煎過包邊 微微焦脆;包心 金黃色再煎漢堡扒🥩 & 雞蛋🍳 .. 最後連茄汁🥫+芝士🧀一齊組合師傅一連串動作爽快利落 過程令人目不暇給最後 外賣放入白底紅字紙袋🥡極具懷舊港式風味🇭🇰👋🏻👋🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-03-06
喺灣仔開業45年嘅樂景快餐做埋今個禮拜就光榮結業,呢類快餐小店已經買少見少,一見個裝修就諗起以前“香港八幾”嘅銀禧小食店,懷舊滿滿,如果有興趣嘅話不妨來把握最後機會……😋🍔🍟🍗可能寫一篇食評已經太遲,因為已經係結咗業,不過唔緊要希望可以 批核留番個美好回憶……😥😥芝士蛋漢堡,生炸雞髀,茄汁豬扒意粉,黑椒牛扒飯,星洲炒米,乾炒牛河,豉椒排骨河,羅宋湯……大部分美食都唔過$50.....😋😋 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-12-05
Hong Kong used to have a lot of these greasy spoon places serving fast quick fries for takeaway. Things from noodles to hot dogs to burgers. All fast, made to order and piping hot. But over time, more and more of these places closed up. The latest one is  樂景快餐店 (English name:  Lucky Snack House). A tiny hole in the wall in Wanchai, this place has been in business for over 40 years. But as there is no one to take up the business (as is usual in Hong Kong), they are closing.We decided to grab one last burger as a good bye.Menu is in Chinese only and is literally written on the walls of the tiny place. You can choose a sauce (tomato, curry, black pepper) for any thing you order. The place isn't fancy. You can see and smell the wok frying away in the corner.Then they plopped our hot burger into a paper bag and away we went.It only cost $23. A burger was seared and smashed between two sesame seed buns. A signature bun used in many local Hong Kong places. A generous smear of tomato sauce with a fried egg and processed cheese. Pretty good and satisfying. Nothing  fancy and that was the point of these places. Nothing fancy but just offer decent food. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-10-27
The signature product is "Deep Fried Chicken Leg", the size was not particularly big but the skin was crispy and the meat was juicy. The set goes with a delicious wavy French Fries - so crunchy, and a simple hotdog. Another must-order is the "sausage and egg cheeseburger", handmade everyday is the beef patty, with milk bun and made-to-order sunny side up, cheese and ketchup. homey flavours. There's not much delicacy or bold flavours, but its that simplicity that tells you what Old Hong Kong tastes like! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-08-29
睇雜誌講樂景做埋今年就會結業...同事們就話點都要食下...辛苦同事大熱天時行去外賣自取...生炸雞脾真係冇得輸~!皮脆肉嫩~好juicy!!!芝士漢堡一個字形容~!掂!!!漢堡扒一食就知手工野...好濃牛肉味!!!講真...越來越少呢D有年資同有味道既小店...有機會就要再幫襯多D... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)