8-min walk from Exit B, Kowloon Bay MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
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收工想買甜點返屋企一齊食!龍島以前只食過朱古力!未買過蛋糕!門面好企理,光猛乾淨!蛋糕賣相唔錯!$28一件合理(而家西餅真係幾貴都有!一山還有一山高 )食物只可以外賣,無堂食!入去雪櫃前,店員好nice咁問我要乜,我話揀餅,佢就由得我慢慢揀!之後我叫佢要買四件,一個紙盒剛剛好!店員會問埋要不要叉!會幫我包埋一齊!攞到返屋企打開包裝盒,依然靚仔,每件餅都用膠紙包好!唔會乾!又唔會沾到其他餅,影好相,大家一齊開動!為了食評,我另外三件都食一啖!木糠蛋糕:比較輕,蛋糕鬆軟,味道清爽,唔太甜!栗子蛋糕:栗子蓉好滑,蛋糕鬆軟,唔會過甜!比利時純朱古力芝士蛋糕:蛋糕面一塊朱古力皮,好濃朱古力味!中間一半朱古力,一半朱古力慕絲蛋糕!好滑好味!朱古力軟心蛋糕(60%可可):呢件我食,蛋糕好濃朱古力味,比較實,朱古力味濃而微甘,大人嘅口味,蛋糕面有朱古力粉,好易揚起,嗆喉!但味道好味!龍島以朱古力起家!所以朱古力味道嘅蛋糕好好味!濃得來唔酸(有啲餅店啲濃度高嘅朱古力會酸)其他兩款其實好味!但水準普通啲!店員好親切,幾細心!可以碌卡!方便!四圍試餅感覺真好!
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BabyLu is the latest cute meme at Lucullus!! It is a cute deer with big sparkling eyes who enjoys treats from Lucullus with a slight resemblance to Bambi.At the store, there were so many items to choose from.The story of BabyLu!!BabyLu products.BabyLu cookies tin.Here was what I got.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Buttery butter cookies:These cookies were crumbly and buttery!My favourite flavour was the chocolate almond and coffee which were great with tea.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Crispy soooThese are cookie balls and there are so many flavours with a choice of sweet or savoury.I natrually went for the savoury flavours but there were quite a few that I wanted because they had spring onion, curry etc.In the end I settled for cheese.The cheese cookie balls were surprisingly delicious because they were quite cheesy and buttery.Each one was moreish!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Last but not least, the chocolates were just too cute not to try them.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★
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是日在德福廣場吃完晚餐,就在店裡逛逛順便消食,無意間經過這間龍島,結果完全是被櫥窗裡的蜜瓜和蘋果還是另外一個造型的小蛋糕吸引住了,實在是可愛的不捨得破壞它我想買來嘗試也是因為之前知道帝苑餅店也有類似的蘋果蛋糕,不過一直沒買到,所以今天就試試龍島的吧其實外殼是蜜瓜味的巧克力,不過我認為太甜了,所以建議吃這個蛋糕先吃裏面的cream cheese和jelly,不然就完全吃不出蛋糕裏面的味道了。 裏面的cream cheese部份好滑也不膩,也有蜜瓜的味道,而且有些小jelly陪伴也很有趣總體來講,除了巧克力太甜之外,是個不錯的甜品選擇
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週日行德福廣場突然想吃蛋糕,但發現原來九龍灣的糕餅店唔多。我地最後選了龍島,因為之前未試過。我地買咗兩件: 1) 藍莓芝士餅~未見突出,感覺味道一般,但可以接受。 2) 朱古力軟心蛋糕(含6%可可) ~ 第一口覺得朱古力很軟滑,味道香濃,朱古力店始終是以此為強,各位記得要買朱古力製品呀。
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公司有同事生日我地有成20人, 當然要買2個蛋糕先夠啦~!同事花名有個豬字. 所以就買左呢個豬仔樣既蛋糕!朱古力味同士多啤梨味. 不錯呢蛋糕夠軟身. 生日又甜唔太多cream~又唔太貴~幾好~!
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