Restaurant: Lung Dim Sum (Eastcore)

To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here: https://www.eeb.gov.hk/food/en/committees/crss/restaurants.html

5-min walk from Exit A2, Kwun Ton MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (4)
This dim sum restaurant is designed with an ancient tea house in cartoon style, which is young and colorful. The dim sums are made by experienced chefs and are presented with modern plating. continue reading
Opening Hours
08:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
08:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay WeChat Pay OpenRice Pay
Other Info
Online Reservation
Phone Reservation
Reward Dining Points
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
About Reward Scheme
Review (468)
Level3 2025-01-26
新興食點心餐廳茶餐廳嘅格局酒樓點心質素午市時段非常多人基本上要等位先入到去點心選擇非常多 不過適合 多人分享一個人食叫咗個飯章魚肉餅飯用料非常 豐富本身個碗已經好大章魚粒 非常多 仲要鋪到滿其實一個人都食唔曬仲搭咗菜襯返嚟 影相好靚要用電話落齊單 先會有茶咁啱隔離幾台都唔識用職員太忙又幫唔到手有待改善 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2025-01-22
《觀塘 新派特式點心🐉》好耐之前係觀塘返工 睇住點心鋪開日日中午都好多人 要等好耐 沒有機會試今日經過 終於試到去到門口見到🐲 「龍」字霓虹燈 同 龍記錢莊原來同龍莊同一個老闆設計以紅綠色為主調無論 餐廳設計 點心 同 菜式 都結合傳統 創新 多元文化加上龍仔同龍師傅卡通 介紹點心 幾有心意✨點心全部新鮮整 熱辣辣🔥❤️脆脆富貴紅米腸粉$52口感層次分明 香脆可口仲有三個汁選擇 豉油 麻醬 甜酸醬 配埋醬汁 又可以試到另一個口感 幾特別好食得黎又有玩味😍一龍大滿足 $70裏面有六款特式點心傳統同創新融合既最特別係 黑松茸菇餃 同 蟹粉菠菜餃兩個都幾有創意 同 好食😋之後再叫左一口鹹水角 $38一串串 外形好似日式湯圓😂蘿蔔絲酥 $42蘿蔔絲餡多 酥皮鬆脆筍奕蝦餃皇 $42鮮蝦彈牙 皮薄整餐試左好多新野 好滿足🥰✨龍點心 (Eastcore) (觀塘)觀塘觀塘道398-402號Eastcore 1樓4號舖#tg31eat觀塘 #龍點心 #觀塘美食 #觀塘點心 .....#852 #hkig #hkfoodie #foodie #hkblogger #foodporn #likeforlikes #like4likes #hk #hkfood #yummy #yummyfood #手機食先 #相機食先 #dimsum #chinesefood #traditional #fusion continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-12-29
之前一直都有幫襯開,一排無食就再唸住再去🫖一行兩人叫咗5樣嘢🥢脆脆富貴好米腸粉Ok好食嘅,keep到脆口~唔錯🥢馬拉小籠包阿姐成日強調D點心即叫即蒸,但上到枱勉強只可以叫暖暖地囉,味道亦一般,未試過都可以一試嘅🥢南北杏菜膽燉豬肺👍🏻佢嘅燉湯唔錯👍🏻🥢臘腸潤腸蒸雞飯👌🏻米粒粒分明,好多餸,蠟腸潤腸都偏甜🥢龍記陸寶燒賣拼盤👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻未至於好難食,但唔好食☹️👉🏻星加玻黑胡椒🦀燒賣⋯除左黑胡椒味咩都食唔出👉🏻十年陳皮牛肉燒賣~咪就係普通牛肉燒賣,不過陳皮味就唔多覺囉,👌🏻啦👉🏻冬蔭功泰辣燒賣~有冬蔭功嘅酸酸地,無咩辣👉🏻黑松露珍香燒賣~一般🤦🏻‍♀️其餘兩款我已經放棄,一啖都唔想再試本身我唸住唔食就算嘅時候,有個阿姐不停問我係唔係好好食呢,我開頭唸住算啦由佢講,點知佢重不停問不停問,好似要我讚揚佢咁,嗱係個阿姐問我架嘛,咁我講真話啦🤷🏻‍♀️個燒賣唔好食囉,個阿姐聽到之後超無禮貌,話呢個係最新嗰款點心,唔係之前出個款,我回覆佢話好唔好食同佢係邊款無咩關係喎!佢最後好無禮貌咁同我講話口味嘅嘢你食唔慣姐,咁都無辦法!!之後佢當我張枱透明嘅一樣,無茶都唔加水😑其實阿姐你唔接受客人評語你又何必問呢?唔通你要個個都要回答你好好食~好正呀咁先接受,我第一次寫食評都係因為你呢間店,其他員工都好有禮貌,唯獨阿姐成日唔係不停sell人比$300入會~又不停吹噓有4間分店,真係好影響心情。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-12-15
明明写的走姜蓉,竟然还上了一大坨姜蓉!!!而且在询问过后,非常的不耐烦,摆脸色给谁看呢??就这还敢收取百分之十的服务费、垃圾到不能更垃圾了,要想受气的话来这里一定可以被气死呢 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-12-07
邊行去車站邊兩頭望搵食情況下比我見到有間點心舖 啱哂我😆餐廳裝修新潮 連點心菜式都新穎茶芥$𝟏𝟐/位 需加一服務費༯ 南北杏菜膽豬肺湯 $𝟓𝟐有滋補燉湯 我當然要叫盅飲足料之餘味道清甜無味精豬肺腍而不腥臭 飲完「肺」氣十足༯ 一龍大滿足(各一隻)$𝟕𝟎有好幾款特色點心都想試 索性叫個點心拼盤試齊佢🙈六款中最喜歡 鹹蛋黃墨魚燒賣墨魚肉中間包住粒流心蛋黃比起傳統燒賣感覺仲肥仔又邪惡😂另外仲有酸菜魚鳳眼餃、蟹粉菠菜香蝦餃、松露野菌晶瑩餃、筍尖蝦餃皇斑蘭麻蓉桃子༯ 脆脆富貴紅米腸 $𝟓𝟐本身鍾意食加上店員都推薦所以叫腸粉軟滑有彈性 中間爽彈蝦肉食落同炸兩一樣脆卜卜附有沙律醬 泰式辣醬同豉油個人覺得唔點醬都夠味好食◡̈ 以上食評乃個人意見僅供參考◡̈ 價錢僅供參考一切以餐廳為準 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)