At M at the Fringe, you are served in a gorgeous high-ceilinged room above the Fringe Club, a contemporary art and performance space that is a Hong Kong landmark in its own right. The quirky, romantic design of the dining room, though 19 years old, remains contemporary, fresh and comfortable. continue reading
Additional Information
Cake Fee:$30 per person
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
12:00 - 14:00
19:00 - 22:30
Sat - Sun
19:00 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Number of Seats
Other Info
May Bring Your Own Wine Details
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (25)
Level4 2009-12-29
自從前陣子吃了不少美味的乳豬後…就一直四處尋找好味的乳豬…很久之前已經看過這裡的乳豬食評味道很好…可惜後來忘記了…沒有來…偶然看到檸茶食友聖誕節來過…又想起KC曾經提起過這裡很快會結業…所以這次終於下定決心…翌日就來吃過乳豬午餐…聖誕節的下午…午餐時間都FULLY BOOK…而LAST ORDER的時間為兩點半…所以我們就選擇兩點多來到…這時餐廳幾乎滿座…幸好還有一張二人檯…因為是當天是聖誕節的關係…所以有CHRISTMAS SPECIAL…不過我們一心來吃乳豬的…其中一個主菜當然是點一份乳豬呢…另外再點了Meatball & Sausage …其實有一些頭盤都幾吸引的…只是我們還是點Pavlov做甜品…所以就放棄了…先上一籃麵包…有三款…最欣賞的是這裡給牛油絕不吝嗇…大大杯的…連極度喜愛牛油的我也吃不完…脆脆的薄餅麥味濃郁…味道不錯…乳豬有三件…另外還配了薯蓉和梨…乳豬很香…有點肥…皮脆不過有點黏牙…豬肉十分嫰滑…實在是好吃得不得了…甚至有點相逢恨晚的感覺…不過由於乳豬挺肥的…所以有點漏…所以兩個人分享最適合…薯蓉不是普通的薯蓉…是加了一種菜…不過我吃不出是什麼…放在薯蓉上的梨酸酸甜甜的…可以中和乳豬的油膩感…Meatball & Sausage…自家製的香腸…肉質比較實…味道不錯…肉丸同樣合格…不過我覺得配濃味一點的蕃茄汁醬會更好…這邊的薯蓉是加了紅蘿蔔的…帶點橙色的薯蓉充滿牛油的香味…加了蔬果吃起上來比起單吃薯蓉沒那麼滯…另外小椰菜也新鮮爽口…吃過主菜之後…非常擔心吃不下甜品…因為單看size…這甜品一點也不小…第一次吃Pavlov是在sift…是我當晚在sift吃到印象最深刻的甜品…之後在銅鑼灣一家店吃過…完全是兩回事…所以除了在sift我就沒吃過別家好吃的了…然而就是在這下午…我又再次吃到這個甜品了…好好吃…雖然是甜得有點過份…不過那種對我來說極酸的熱情果汁又剛好可以中和一點甜味…總之兩隻鹹魔竟然可以不費吹灰之力就成功KO了一碟…肚子還有空位吃放在檯上的桔仔和車厘子呢…不過就沒有吃掉最後送上來的那些朱古力和蛋糕仔...看上來味道一般...吃了一口就放下了...聽說三十一號就關門大吉了...好想再去吃一次Pavlov啊...p.s. 電話拍照功能不濟...敬請原諒...~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2009-11-23
九月中旬‧晴這裡終於要結業了,就趁「一窩蜂」未來前,先來吃一次。 雖然不常來這裡,但其實這裡是我最喜歡的西餐廳之一。招牌永遠的低調,只是一塊四方的金屬牌子,掛在藝穗會外,門面是暗暗的一條向上的樓梯,一不留神,準會錯過。走上樓梯,通過暗暗的通道,推開門,就見到這裡。 餐廳佈置得很有情調,中間是永遠的一大盤鮮花,燈光是昏黃幽暗的,別具情調。餐檯雖然擺得密,但每張檯的佈置及擺設也會略有不同。如果是二人同來,我總喜歡訂下靠窗的位置,華燈初上的中環,映照著外邊車水馬龍的下阿厘畢道,好一個動與靜的強烈對比。 說起食物,這裡是奉行簡單直接的模式,餐牌簡單,只分「前菜」、「主菜」、「甜品」三欄,而每項也有差不多10款的選擇,幾豐富的。很喜歡這裡的餐牌,以好像是手寫字的形式寫下的,有特色。是晚二人來吃,前菜是小吃併盤「a selection of Iberian tapas」及「Reblochon Tartiflelle」,主菜當然是「M’s Famous Crispy Suckling Pig」,至於甜品,就是是日特價的檸檬布甸;說到甜品,是這裡的另一強項,「M’s Pavlova」固然經典,「A thousand and One Delights」及「All about Chocolate」也很精彩,當然還有這裡的churros,不過是日就是吃這裡的「20 Dishes, 20 Weeks」。話說這裡由結業前倒數的二十周,每周推出一味特價品,是日的就是檸檬布甸。吃起來口感軟滑,很清香的鮮檸檬味道,作為濃膩的一餐的甜品,很對胃口。除了甜品以外,想看另外的食物的食評及所有相片,請參考下列網誌:http://gourmetkc.blogspot.com/2009/11/m-at-fringe-m.html continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
went there with girlfriend.environment : good dim light with cozy european style decoration and furniture.NO DOUBT THIS IS A GOOD PLACE TO DATE A GUY OR GIRL !people : customers are causal, yet some are more formal. I believe SMART CAUSAL is most appropriatefood : ordered 2 starters and 1 Suckling Pig. all dishes are quite tasty, yet quite heavy.if you are looking for light dinner, pls ask the waiter to help.did not try desert, no comment on that.price : reasonably price for a decent dinner, around HK$300 something /pp.service: reasonably good service from the manager level, a lady served our table, her method of serving is not up to standard. afterall service is okay.extra: had breakfast tea after meal.. good tea come in a pot, 2 persons to share, actually can up to 4 or more cups... good to try with milk.. and later try with milk. both are nice. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2008-12-22
十一月十三日(四)相約舊及現同事於此晚膳麵包籃: 不算突出,圓形的較硬主菜: 我選了兔肉(French Rabbit braised with Pommery mustard served with spatzle & a sauté of Swiss chard) HK$278兔肉已炆煮至極腍,肉質及口感像雞肉,非常美味.份量很大,遺憾未能「美人照鏡」同事1. 牛仔肉及肝腸Adam’s Veal & Liver Sausages sitting on Porcini Risotto served with roasted fennel & mustard fruits HK$258腸很粗大2. Crispy pan-roasted New Zealand Flounder sauced with burnt butter, salty capers & tarty lemon, served with green beans & small sweet potatoes HK$288魚煎得很滑3. 烤羊腿伴燒南瓜Our salt-encased slowly baked selected Leg of Lamb with zucchini gratin & rosemary roasted pumpkin ~ help yourself to M's fig jam HK$276上桌時香氣四溢,由於烤/燒的緣故,呈深色.羊腿骨架也巨大飲品: 2杯紅酒,檸茶,咖啡甜品: 由於各人已很飽,只要了一客朱古力批淺嚐,味道不俗環境: 英式家庭的佈置予人舒適溫馨的感覺 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2008-10-21
第一次光顧.餐廳環境雅緻,餐具都看得出花過心思選購.初時招待我們的外藉女士十分有禮及親切.我們叫了沙甸魚,蛋批,tuscan beef,煙三文魚,魚批等.食物以300-400位的價錢計算,只算普通.之後換另一位亞洲(不知是否香港啦)女侍應,明顯不耐煩,又一直表現出不屑的神情.如PETERC所言,真的很老土... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)