Maison Du Mezze

60695800 (WhatsApp)
The romantic style design features olives, flowers, and traditional Middle Eastern patterns. It serves Middle Eastern Cuisine, especially in Lebanese items, such as grilled seafood and skewers that are made with traditional herbs and a special charcoal stove. continue reading
Opening Hours
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
Wed - Thu
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 23:00
11:00 - 22:00
Public Holiday
11:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash
Other Info
Online Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Welcome to Maison du Mezze: Culinary Escape to Lebanon
Maison du Mezze a delightful gastronomic journey that celebrates the rich flavors and traditions of Lebanese cuisine. Nestled in a warm and inviting atmosphere, our restaurant is not just a place to dine; it's a place to feel at home.
Our art of grilling menu, featuring an selection of fresh, high-quality seafood and succulent meats, all prepared on our traditional charcoal grill. Each dish is crafted with authentic ingredients, carefully sourced both locally and imported from Lebanon, ensuring that every bite bursts with flavor and authenticity.
As you step into Maison du Mezze, the inviting aromas of grilled delicacies and the warmth of our ambiance will envelop you, making it the perfect setting for family gatherings, romantic dinners, or celebrations with friends.
Join us at Maison du Mezze, where every meal is a celebration of Lebanese culture, hospitality, and the joy of sharing good food with great company. We look forward to welcoming you to our house of mezze, where every visit feels like coming home

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Review (201)
Level4 2024-06-14
黎巴嫩菜的異域風情,打卡式慶祝朋友生日🎂炸原條鯧魚 Fish Kabsa慢煮香料飯這道菜展現了黎巴嫩料理的特色。酥脆爽口的炸鯧魚與香滑濃郁的香料飯完美融合,讓人陶醉其中。鯧魚新鮮多汁中,在口中散發出清甜的滋味。而飯菜的粒粒分明,複雜香料調味則讓整個口感更加圓潤豐富。鷹嘴豆蓉拼盤 Mix Hummus Platter這是一份極具代表性的黎巴嫩傳統小吃拼盤。不同風味的鷹嘴豆蓉,有原味、番茜醃菜、紅菜頭及松露,每一口都是令人陶醉的味蕾之旅。個人特別喜歡松露口味,有少少酸甜感覺,塗上麵包,讓人難以忘記那份濃郁的鷹嘴豆香氣。這份拼盤集中展現了黎巴嫩飲食文化的特色,值得一品。炭烤八爪魚鬚 Chargrilled Octopus Tenticles這道菜給人以強烈的海鮮風味。炭烤帶來的迷人香氣與嫩滑多汁的八爪魚鬚完美融合。黎巴嫩式風味的調味料賦予了這道菜獨特的韻味。Passionfruit Yakult這款無酒精雞尾酒將日本人氣乳酸飲料Yakult與熱帶水果百香果完美結合。飲品酸甜適中,帶有一絲百香果的酸香,再加上Yakult的微微醇厚感,口感清新可口。MDM mule這款雞尾酒以新鮮的黑莓和波本威士忌為主調,再加入一些冬季香料,最後以強勁的薑啤酒點綴。三種味道層次分明,交替出現。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
🍸ɢɪɴɢᴇʀ ʙᴇʀʀɪᴇꜱ🍸呢杯係朋友嗌嘅,係用冧酒調配而成,非常之特別~🍹ɢᴀʀᴅᴀɴ ᴏꜰ ʟɪꜰᴇ🍹主要用BlackBerry造成嘅梳打飲品, 酸酸甜甜,令人好開胃🥗ꜰᴀᴛᴛᴏᴜꜱʜ🥗呢個其實係Mix Salad,職員會嚟到你面前先至將材料倒落木兜度mix, 儀式感滿滿💯而且調味料會逐樣問你想加幾多~10分細心🥰🐙ᴄʜᴀʀɢʀɪʟʟᴇᴅ ᴏᴄᴛᴏᴘᴜꜱ🐙八爪魚真係烤得好香好香,唔會好韌,某啲部份仲係幾腍身,配上特製嘅醬汁,檸檬味突出,又有少少微辣,配合得天衣無縫‼️🐟ꜰɪꜱʜ ᴋᴀʙꜱᴀ🐟好香嘅烤魚,配上經過調味嘅中東米,非常之有中東特色😋🍖ᴍɪx ɢʀɪʟʟ🍖總共有5款唔同嘅串燒,2款係雞肉,3款羊肉,每款都烤得好香,其中我最鍾意係雞串,啖啖肉真係好正。羊肉亦都唔會好膻,值得一試,好啱同朋友share🤩值得一讚嘅係,職員態度都好好,差唔多每次上完菜都會問啱唔啱食,而且好快就會主動加水, 讚讚🥹👍🏻👍🏻 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2024-08-27
I’m impressed with their exquisite mixed hummus platter and succulent lamb skewers. The platter was presented beautifully and featured an array of hummus variations, each with its unique twist. I particularly loved and recommend the truffle hummus, which boasted a rich and creamy texture. The lamb skewers were grilled to perfection, tender and juicy, with a tangy garlic sauce that complemented them beautifully. The ambience was warm and inviting. The staff were attentive and knowledgeable, eager to guide you through the menu and ensure that your dining experience was nothing short of exceptional.Highly recommended, would definitely visit again. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間餐廳有「中東菜」同埋「地中海菜」,涵蓋範圍非常廣泛,「地中海菜 (Mediterranean Cuisine)」嘅概念出現咗只係幾十年可以追溯到 Elizabeth David 寫嘅書 Book of Mediterranean Food (1950),之後就有好多其他作者將呢個概念加以演繹兼發揚光大,Elizabeth David 其實比較集中講 法國菜、意大利菜、西班牙菜、希臘菜,但係依家 Mediterranean Cuisine 已經講緊圍住地中海嘅好多國家嘅菜餚,包括 葡萄牙、中東國家、北非國家 😊;Mediterranean Cuisine 裏邊嘅 西班牙菜 同 意大利菜 我比較熟悉,其他就真係唔係好識 🤣;而「中東菜」同「地中海菜」應該係有部份重疊嘅😊講咗咁多,呢日就同朋友嚟咗呢間「中東菜/地中海菜」餐廳食晚飯🤣Fattoush 黎凡特沙律Fattoush 係一種Levant 沙律🥗 (Levant 泛指 地中海東岸/東地中海地區),由烤或油炸嘅 khubz(阿拉伯扁麵包)混合其他沙律菜而成,Fattoush 喺Levant 地區非常受歡迎🤣。呢間餐廳就將所有 Fattoush 材料推到我哋張枱前邊,然後店員妹妹即場炮製/撈勻,全部材料都非常新鮮,材料有 紅石榴、番茜、青瓜、薄荷葉、生菜、大蕃茄、小蕃茄 等,仲有比較特別嘅 Sumac Pomegranate 醬汁,酸酸哋,清新又開胃,整體非常美味😋🤣Chargrilled Octopus Tenticles 炭燒八爪魚鬚材料包括 八爪魚鬚、大蒜、生曬番茄🤩;八爪魚鬚非常新鮮,肉質柔軟得嚟有少少煙韌,配上切碎晒嘅 大蒜、生曬番茄、初榨橄欖油,好食🤣,其實 如果落高質素嘅 蒜頭、sun-dried tomatoes、初榨橄欖油 去煮食物,一般都會好好味🤣Blue Mussels 藍青口配檸檬蒜蓉汁餐牌寫住 Australian Blue Mussel, Lemon, Garlic and Parsley 🤣;呢個藍青口 肥嘟嘟脹卜卜非常鮮味,可能係我食過最好味嘅青口🤣,檸檬蒜蓉汁 亦都非常惹味😋,店員妹妹話呢日嘅藍青口係喺法國🇫🇷嚟嘅🤩Charcoal Grilled Sea-Bass 炭烤鱸魚、香草、檸檬原條鱸魚又係非常鮮味😋,肉質細滑鮮甜😋,仲有一小兜奶白色好似係香草牛油醬汁,好滑又幾香,要嚟沾魚食更加提升 umami 😋;仲有炒香草嘅菇菌,又係好好食😊Karkade Delight:Hibiscus & Strawberry,叫咗少甜,甜度啱啱好,清新好飲😋Ginger Berries:Fresh Blackberries & Mint with Raspberry & Ginger Ale, 都係叫咗少甜,甜度啱啱好,又係清新好飲😋非常美味嘅一餐🤣🤩,大滿足😌 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-07-22
今天我和好友來到了位於東涌名叫Maison Du Mezze的餐廳享用中東菜。由東涌地鐵站走一分鐘,乘搭直通巴士就能到達餐廳。鷹嘴豆蓉拼盤有多種口味,包括原味、番西腌菜、紅菜頭、松露味。個人最喜歡原味,能品嘗菜式最純粹的味道。隨菜附上兩塊口袋麵包,帶有微溫嘅麵包配上濃郁的鷹嘴豆蓉十分可口。炭烤八爪魚鬚 包含大蒜、曬乾番茄,濃濃的炭燒味但同時亦清新,八爪魚爽口彈牙。Maison Du MezzeUltimate Mix Grill份量多,有多種烤肉,包括烤雞肉串、烤羊肉串、烤雞肉卷和烤羊肉卷。個人最喜歡烤羊肉卷,外層薄脆,夾住一層薄薄的羊肉碎,十分可口。Passionfruit Yakult一杯無酒精雞尾酒,混合了日本乳酸飲料益力多與百香果。飲品酸甜恰到好處,口感清新。Shrub Fizz一杯雞尾酒,用上草莓、琴酒和梳打,十分清爽。餐廳環境整潔乾淨,空間寬倘,用餐時坐得舒適。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)