1-min walk from Exit E2, Sheung Wan MTR Station
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Opening Hours
07:00 - 20:30
Mon - Fri
07:00 - 20:30
Sat - Sun
07:30 - 20:30
Public Holiday
07:30 - 20:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
-{上環連鎖餅店🥯}多謝朋友聚會嘅時侯買多左個tart原來係黎自maison eric kaysor!🤤Raspberry Pistachio Tart🤤莓都好鮮甜😜撻皮都脆😙但個開心果撈左杏仁🤢有陣藥水味好唔夾 明明開心果有香味架嘛🥺👖褲評: 5.5/10打卡來講呢間唔錯 個tart普通啦🤓下次會試吓其他味嘅!性價比: 8/10服務: Nil環境: Nil🚩 Maison Eric Kayser 🚩地扯: 上環永樂街8號地舖 #fuudjai #fuudjai上環 #fuudjai甜品 #fuudjai小食 #fuudjai蛋糕
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Very happy with the quality and prices from this shop, I'm French and I must say the sourdough bread is my favourite! From my breakfast to diner, always an excuse to grab a slice And of course every time I'm going to a friend's place I bring a delicious assortment of individual desserts so everyone can choose their favourite! Thankfully Maison Kayser is in Hong Kong to remind me of home!
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CP值:3.5/5價錢 Price: - 蘋果批 Apple Turnover: $24一個好嘅早餐可以為你展開一個好嘅朝早😃咁尼個蘋果批係咪一個好早餐呢?我覺得佢都唔差嘅,好酥脆👍🏻而且當出面街好多蘋果批都貴過$30嘅時候,佢只係$24蚊,都算抵嘅但真心有啲油膩,而且個蘋果醬有啲太甜🙃早餐食尼啲嘢會有少少邪惡😂Good morning starts with a good breakfast😃Is this apple turnover a good breakfast?I think it is not bad because it was crumbly.👍🏻Comparably, its price is reasonable.However, it was be a bit oily and the apple sauce was quite over-sweetened. 🙃Feeling so guilty after eating it in breakfast.😂😂
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