7-min walk from Exit B, Tin Hau MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay
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Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (48)
Time to escape from the city vibes and into this tropical paradise! 🌺🌴🍹.At a first glance, I was in awe with all the bamboo and wood 🪵 interior lining, with natural lighting ☀️ from the large windows. They even have patio seating which was filled with big trees and plants 🪴 - lots of greenery which gives a nice tropical vibe. Not to mention, the service is A-Class, everyone was super smiley and kind 🥰. It really made me feel like I was in Hawaii. Their food was such comfort food and is well curated by their French chef 🧑‍🍳. Their cuisine is Caribbean/Polynesian/and Southeast Asia inspired - full of deep flavours! We ordered the curried chickpeas with roti 🫓 and Mahi Mahi Fish 🐟- and it was an explosion of flavour. I highly recommend getting the Tuna Poke 🥗 that is paired with shrimp 🦐 crackers - this was my all time favourite! Love how there was a nice kick of spice towards the end of every bite, and how the shrimp crackers were a crunch texture. Finally, talk about those adorable cups! There is a funky tropical cup for every different cocktails 🍹 - I want to just order them all! Highly recommend checking out this tropical oasis 🌴 right in Tai Hang! .PS they have amazing free flow brunch options - perfect for big gatherings or girls brunch 👯‍♀️.🫓 Roti with Curried Chickpea ($95)🥗 Hawaii Style Tuna ($240) 🐟 Grilled Mahi Mahi ($265) 🍚 Steamed Coconut Rice ($35)🍹 Coco Paradise ($95)🍹 Passionated ($95) .Revisit? Yes 🙌🏻 📌 - Tai Hang continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
久違了既大坑搵食🫰🏻適逢99生日搵左間懶係有情調既西餐廳唔係酒店唔係會所估唔到食Dinner都有dresscode😳haha 除左貴 無野特別深印象。。。🤞🏻⍥ Deep Fried Tofu ❙ $95呢個豆腐夠晒矜貴🤣外層微脆 內裡軟稔 熱焫焫沾滿類似七味粉咁既調味 唔算太重口味點下醬反而辣辣地仲好食啲不過呢個份量呢個價錢呢個質素🤫超離地⍥ Maka Hiki's Salmon Crudo ❙ $240久違了既三文魚刺身!!我苦苦哀求先食到一塊既三分一炙燒過 我就圍邊切黎食 相當無陰公🤣三文魚籽晶凝通透 鮮味突出😌而我食得最多係夏威夷果仁有柚子辣椒醬及Wasabi Yogurt 相對清新⍥ Cajun Spiced Potato Wedges ❙ $75🤭薯角份量唔少 炸完撈勻香料辣粉惹味極緻!而且唔油膩 食唔停口😆⍥ Maka Hiki's Caribbean BBQ Pork Ribs ❙ $320個人幾喜歡食ribs😋經過12小時慢煮 骨肉超易分離連帶少少肥膏🤩我都lun得乾乾淨淨雖然調味偏甜 但我覺得好味!!⍥ Thai Turmeric Curry Tiger Prawns ❙ $240呢個就唔抵食嚕咖哩好水 辣度低 少少香氣唔濃郁我印象虎蝦好似無咁細🤣不過anyway~幾彈除左「虎蝦」仲有茄子 蘑菇等 整體表現平庸 可以跳過😊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-03-19
✨Sambal Beef Tartare $192牛肉他他都幾大份 蝦片好脆 放啲牛肉他他上去一齊食個口感形成好大嘅對比😋 牛肉他他加左啲辣油辣辣地好惹味 仲有啲洋蔥乾加埋更加香👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻✨Caribbean BBQ Pork $256份量幾多 係for兩個人share 嘅 佢唔算好肥 唔係好重油脂嗰種 但係煮得夠腍 口感好好👍🏻👍🏻 有香茅嘅香味 係好食嘅但係配個白菜仔比較中式 好香麻油味✨The Four Wise Monkeys $140一上黎嘅時候職員會點火 好啱打卡😍 個杯都好靚 除左靚之外味道都好好 好特別 好香薑味👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻✨Hokkaido Sour $140呢個Sakes 底 有啲菠蘿味 酸酸地咁 比較refreshing 都好易入口 唔會好重酒味👍🏻👍🏻好飲 同埋個杯都好靚 係一支竹咁 都好打卡able 🥰🥰總括黎講呢度啲野係又打卡able 又好食 環境都好舒服 🥰🥰🥰而家啲野食仲有八折 😆😆😆味道❤️❤️❤️❤️💔抵食❤️❤️❤️💔服務❤️❤️❤️💔環境❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💰晚餐人均~$400(包括+1) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
跟閨蜜好耐冇見🫶🏻打算搵間滿有情調嘅餐廳🥂嘆美食傾下計。決定二訪大坑隱世酒吧燒烤餐廳Maka Hiki 🌴上次週末來吃Weekend Brunch Set ,給它充滿熱帶風情的露台花園驚艷到🌳今次入夜來到💗無論室內或室外也很有情調~逢週二乃Seafood’s Night 😀 $398 for 3 courses🫶🏻 包括前菜Ceviche x2 丶Mussels x1丶甜品x1。🔴Ceviche充滿拉丁風味的醃魚生~Tuna Ceviche拌以小番茄、蜆汁、青檸汁等等所製作的醬汁,吞拿味濃。Scallop Seviche則以茴香丁丶蜆汁、檸檬汁等等香料拌勺~入口鮮甜。Salmon Seviche以青檸汁丶菠蘿粒粒提升鮮味~拌以泰式小辣椒片、烤椰子、檸檬草等香料,清爽鮮味。🔴 Mussels青口粒粒飽滿滑嫩又多汁~鮮香入味,佐酒一流! 配以香脆薯角🫶🏻忍不住吃不停喔。青口有2款口味~Southeast Asian Mussels👉🏻澳洲青口用了椰漿、芒果醬、羅望子丶咖喱等等來煮製,滲著椰香和咖喱香,又不會蓋過青口的鮮味👍🏼Seychelle's Cari Mussels👉🏻以羅望子、椰汁和 自家製Seychelles massale 醬汁來煮製,香辣味美🫶🏻🔴Dessert充滿濃郁椰香嘅冰淇淋🥳配以充滿意式風情嘅Rhum baba 丶焦糖菠蘿和小小爆炸糖,入口層次好豐富。🔴WineChef 還特別推介了3款葡萄白酒🥂來配我們鮮味滿滿的海鮮料理。只要+$120就可以享用兩杯葡萄酒/啤酒了。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I’ve been here for lunch, brunch and dinner. Never disappointed. This time for lunch I had a wonderful and fresh prawn salad - seasoned like a classic pomelo salad except with water melon - great idea! Main was a tasty chicken thighs curry. The place is in a very cute neighbourhood, has a nice “polynésien” style decor and friendly staff. Try its wide tasty menu with friends, you’ll be happy and you’ll come back. Enjoy! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)