makan makan

It offers Southeast Asian street foods featuring rich Malaysian spices and the fresh flavours of Vietnamese cuisine. The decor merges vibrant and retro styles, this creates a relaxed dining atmosphere. continue reading
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Welcome to Makan Makan, A Culinary Journey Through Southeast Asia, Here we celebrate the vibrant tapestry of Southeast Asian cuisine, inspired by our remarkable journey to Malaysia.

Welcome to Makan Makan
Welcome to Makan Makan, where every bite is a mini adventure through the vibrant tapestry of Southeast Asian cuisine, Inspired by our unforgettable journey to Malaysia, we've crafted an experience that captures the bustling street food culture of this incredible region, Imagine sinking your teeth into dishes that are a harmonious blend of Malaysian spices, zesty Thai flavors, and the fresh, herbaceous notes of Vietnamese cuisine, Each plate is a celebration, bursting with the tantalizing aromas and tastes that make Southeast Asian food so loved around the world. More
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Review (25)
Level4 2025-01-13
在逆市中看見新餐廳開業感覺興奮,缺定支持一下❤Makan Makan新開不久的那馬來西亞餐廳,位於將軍澳MONTEREY Place,午市時分戶外座位區座無虛席,人氣十足,一邊品嚐美食,一邊感受海風和陽光的溫暖,絕對是放鬆身心的好去處。朋友點了招牌雞尾酒Calamansi Mojito以新鮮金桔配以白朗姆酒,清爽怡人。我點了無酒精特飲Manis Dan Masam則混合了百香果、青瓜和洛神花茶,層次豐富。食物方面,Shrimp & Pomelo Salad蝦肉柚子沙律配上香烤椰絲和炸乾蔥,酸甜適中。Penang Prawn Noodle檳城蝦麵的湯底濃郁,河蝦鮮甜,配搭魚片、牙菜和雞蛋。Char Kway Teow 招牌炒貴刁以星洲醬油提味,海鮮新鮮,口感彈牙。整體環境氣氛很好,服務也很好價格合理,絕對值得再訪。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-03-03
✨被紅色設計吸引了我同朋友,這是一間星加坡/馬來西亞菜食店,晚餐好多人流。甫進入店子內,裝修好特別,好多紅色襯木系,卻是好親民的感覺。***** ***** ***** ***** ****新加坡喇沙🍜十足星加坡的味道,配料都好多,真係好好味,好懷念星加坡的日子。馬來西亞特色雞肉沙嗲 🥓雞肉嫩滑,沙嗲醬非常惹味。蟹肉炒飯🍚蟹肉好豐富,炒飯粒粒分明,非常爽口彈牙的,這裡炒飯很出色。炒空心菜配三巴醬🥬原以為是一般般的炒通菜,點知入口有驚喜,三巴汁是甜甜地非常開胃的。我哋分別叫了兩杯飲品不含酒精嘅drinksMama Manis🍹青瓜🥒味Nanas Paradise🍹菠蘿🍍味總括來說,這裏的食物非常出色,我哋清晒所有枱上的食物,侍應的招呼周到,下次一定會再嚟試埋其他美食。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
喺將軍澳海旁原來新開咗間東南亞Fusion菜餐廳🥰每款菜式都令人好驚喜,味道出色!絕對覺得下次可以再encore😚Kueh Pai Tee 娘惹小金杯外形精緻,外皮酥脆,內餡配有蘿蔔、蝦米、雞蛋、紅蘿蔔、花生粒,面層帶有少少辣醬,夾埋一齊食好滋味!Malaysia Satay Chicken 沙嗲雞串雞肉大大舊又嫩滑,沙嗲唔辣而且好香花生味,沾上醬汁好香濃。 Beef Rendang 椰奶燉牛頰肉牛頰肉炆得好軟腍,牛味濃郁,吸入晒椰奶味,特別滑。Char Kway Teow 炒粿條味道酸酸甜甜唔辣,粿條Q軟,仲有彈牙大蝦,好有鑊氣。Thai Mango Sticky Rice 泰式芒果糯米飯芒果香甜,配以暖熱嘅糯米飯,再淋上香甜椰奶,特別好食。Young coconut 椰青大大個,椰青水香甜解渴。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Welcome to Makan Makan, A Culinary Journey🇲🇾💫..將軍澳南海岸🌊 又有新餐廳進駐喇!😍 以亮眼紅色為主調既馬來西亞餐廳🍽,離遠已經覺得好亮麗❤️,店內更色彩鮮明且帶有復古圖案的玩味元素,結合懷舊又不失格調~設有室內 & 戶外露天座位,更開揚180℃ 無遮擋海景,吹著海風倍感捨意。餐廳以開放式廚房設計,可以近距離觀賞到廚師在大爐火上🔥 即叫即做的菜式,外籍廚師團隊👨🏻‍🍳 即席烹調有鑊氣且地道惹味的佳餚,東南亞fusion 創新菜式,又是你的菜嗎❓今晚試左好幾款菜式,全部都滿滿驚喜❤️!其中推薦【娘惹小金杯】,造型精緻,薄脆包裹蘿蔔絲、蝦乾、花生 & 秘製開胃醬汁,酸甜帶微辣令人胃口大開😍!【秘製炒蜆】 蜆肉鮮味飽滿~配上秘製馬拉醬汁很惹味。主食方面【Pad Thai & 馬來西亞炒飯】 鑊氣十呢又惹味,粉條煙韌帶酸甜,讓人愈食愈想食呢!最後甜品有【黑芝麻湯圓】🖤 甜甜蜜蜜~2杯特飲🍹都充滿熱帶風情,很滋味又滿足的一頓晚餐,下次再來🥳。Kueh Pai Tee$88Kam Heong Lala$168Pad Thai$148Black Sesame Dumpling$78Nasi Goreng Kampung$158Hibiscus Bliss$58Nanas Paradise$58..×××××ש將軍澳澳南海岸唐俊街23號MONTEREY Place 地下G01號舖.. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2025-02-04
將軍澳海旁又開咗間新嘅餐廳 — makan makan啦❗️餐廳嘅裝修採用全紅🔴色,本身我以為佢係日式拉麵店嚟,但原來佢係馬來西亞餐廳㗎😋Calamansi Mojito, Makan Makan Martinì$58 eachCocktail嘅ingredients濃味得嚟又唔會遮蓋酒精嘅味道,兩者反而好夾,特別啱女士飲👍🏾Som Tum Goong $118青木瓜蝦沙律配上酸酸甜甜嘅汁好惹味,我就最鍾意佢嘅辣味夠晒出色Vietnamese Lamb Larb $128原來羊都可以做生菜包,食落一啲都唔騷,羊同辣椒🌶️、脆片等相映成趣,口感非常脆口Nagyu Beef Pho $148呢個越南河粉嘅湯非常香濃,食落淡淡都係牛味Hainanese Chicken Rice $138 + $23大家一定要叫佢嘅海南雞飯,因為佢嘅肉質非常嫩滑,連個雞油飯都好開胃,連我平時少食海南雞飯都會一食再食,真係好有喺星加坡食到嘅味道👅Malaysian Musang King Durian Pud $118榴槤布甸🍮味道夠晒濃郁,真係好似食緊真嘅榴槤咁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)