3-min walk from Exit A, Causeway Bay MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (13)
Opening Hours
10:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
Delivery Details
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (42)
銅鑼灣嘅麥奀記,我試過佢嘅牛腩撈面。價錢有啲貴,要$72,份量都唔太多。不過佢嘅牛腩好入味,味道唔錯,肉質都幾腍軟,有啲嚼勁。撈面亦都幾彈牙。不過,個湯底就有啲問題。飲落去嘅感覺好似加咗好多味精,冇大地魚香味,飲落去個湯感覺好似好多味精咁,有啲失望。另外韭黃份量都唔多。雖然味道唔錯,但對於食量大嘅朋友黎講,要多啲麵先夠飽。如果你注重味道而唔介意份量少嘅話,可以試下。不過如果你食得多,可能要考慮揾其他選擇啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-06-23
行路經過,見店面裝修得精緻典雅,又是各種排名,就像入來試下。餐牌在桌下的小抽屜裡,揀了招牌的世家雲吞面(49),看openrice上之前的菜單,漲價好多😂等待上菜時,先上了熱茶,碗筷都精緻的。但這碗麵實在是太小了,和茶杯差不多大,幾乎幾口便可吃完。面是很細很勁道的,讚!雲吞內有整只蝦,但不知為何有些發苦的味道。服務態度都好好,茶喝完了有過來幫添茶水。但雲吞面的cp值不算高,全港分店都多,不必特意來打卡 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-12-31
今天幫襯銅鑼灣店有不愉快經歷。首先,進店要求一杯茶,但一位男樓面說水煲壞了,叫我可以點收費飲品。但稍後另一位女樓面說水只是未滾,之後送上兩杯熱水。另外,我點了加底薑䓤撈,但來了一碟未加底的,詢問下,煮麵的說已加一大一細。在我堅持下,同一女樓面幫我換了。很多謝她。好明顯事件中的男樓面及煮麵的都說了慌。今時今日,他們的服務都差強人意。希望管理層留意事件,以免影響麥奀記長久建立的聲譽。謝謝。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-10-14
佬伙記倒米,晚上9點入到去,雖然多人,但見無人等位,同佬伙記講3位,個佬伙記好大聲咁叫:無位呀!無位呀!最慶個老伙記重用手背做手出叫客走手勢!當時以為麥奀禮頓店收9點,所以都廢時勞氣!同行友人就話禮頓道店係服務最差的一間,所以平時都唔會來食,無服務,重要受氣!麥奀佬細呀!你有咁嘅伙記,真係替你惋惜,老字號係咪代表無服務?代表可任由伙記同你倒米?成日話要香港人留港消費,但店舖真係要檢討吓!真係唔想見到又多一間香港老字號敗壞在伙記手中!(陸羽茶室就係例子) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Went to the restaurant at around 7pm to order a wonton lo mein ($68) and a large kidney soup noodles ($71), the middle aged cashier guy charged me $157 and didn't give me a receipt.  I didn't pay attention till I got home, by then I couldn't be bothered to go back to the restaurant to ask why they charged me an extra $18.   Some restaurants charge a few bucks for takeaway containers but $18 for two noodles (3 little round containers and 1 rectangular, I said no to cutleries)? That's kinda scammy.  Losing a neighborhood customer who lives nearby for $18 is kinda silly, it's just a bad business tactic. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)