4-min walk from Exit C, Kennedy Town MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Tue
Wed - Sun
19:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Cash
Number of Seats
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (9)
Level2 2018-09-06
One of my favourite spots in K Town. I’ve eaten here probably 4 times and each time I walk away with the same conflicted feelings, though I always find myself coming back:1. The food is passionate. Watching the owner at work in his kitchen is mesmerising. I don’t know him personally, but you can tell this guy loves his craft. 2. The service can be frustratingly casual. I often feel like the owner’s friends are working the tables filling in for a waitstaff who’s called in sick at the last minute. so if you’re expecting amazing service this not the place. 3. There spoons are comically large. But I find it adds to the character of the restaurant.4. It’s rather expensive, but I can forgive that considering how generous the portions are, the quality of the food, AND the fact that he always manages to accommodate my requests for gluten-free options.If you come here I suggest you manage your expectations and enjoy the food and experience for what it is. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
見到上面話中伏嘅留言,真係笑咗。係開心嘅,如果有人信佢少d人去,我容易d有位呀。首先同外國好多有料嘅㕑師一樣,個㕑以前响米芝連餐廳做開,呢間亦係一間有態度嘅餐廳,牛扒唔會問你幾成熟,個㕑覺得點樣係最好食,就點上枱,食過幾次大概係rare嘅程度。食唔慣rare嘅人就唔適合幫襯了。至於份量,下圖係我两週前食嘅二人份量,根本食唔哂,唔明點解上面個留言話嗰個係9人份嘅量唔夠食。至於話冇嘢飲就更可笑,呢間餐廳係唔收cockage嘅,歡迎大家BYOB,如果你唔知冇帶酒去,佢哋會提議你可以去對面惠康買,非常大方嘅一間餐廳。佢哋有賣sparkling water,其他soft drink就真係唔知了,因為冇見過一個懂食扒的人會邊据扒邊飲汽水的。同埋注意,呢間野只有600蚊位嘅set menu,冇單點亦冇得揀嘅,個㕑嗰日决定煮乜就乜。包含頭盤、一個飯/pasta、一set唔同cut嘅牛扒加少少海鮮。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
成日行過呢間餐廳都見到好多人,一直都想去,終於有朋友訂到位。係一個星期六晚上,一齊去試一試呢間期待已久嘅餐廳。可惜$600一個人換來係一肚氣 🤬同非常不愉快嘅一個晚上,以致我要嬲到寫我第一篇食評。環境:環境非常狹窄,我哋比安排喺最入的一張枱。食飯途中,侍應多次要求我哋幫佢攞我地張枱旁邊既貨,因為餐廳實在太窄太嘈雜嘅環境,實在唔配呢個價錢。食物質素:tasting menu 只包: 1. 兩個前菜,味道普普通通(芝士配雜菜,八爪魚腳),2. 然後上一個大鍋飯,味道都唔錯。 3. 主角牛肉竟然係最後一道菜先上,之後亦唔包甜品或任何飲品。牛肉煮得非常非常生,唔係人人接受到,亦都冇問過我哋要煮幾成熟。份量:完全係極孤寒,我哋最後每人只分到一片牛肉,大概3cm x 10cm 咁大, 以$600價錢來講我哋全部人食完成個tasting menu 係完全唔飽!😕服務態度:服務先至係最最最最大問題!!首先女侍應全程黑面。上完前菜之後我哋等左45分鐘都冇嘢食,問侍應點解,侍應話大廚有事出咗去唔係餐廳,於是整間餐廳就等左成個鐘都無上過菜!之後係我哋終於食緊牛嘅時候,女侍應逼我地買單,話要埋數,我哋話等等先,佢就企正喺我地張個枱度再逼我地埋單🤯。其實餐廳仲有幾台人,唔明點解要咁急!之後我哋因為牛肉份量問題叫侍應叫大廚過嚟,女侍應竟然叫我地自己行去廚房搵佢!最後我一兩個朋友真係出去同大廚講,問可唔可以過一過嚟我哋張枱,大廚黑起塊面咁用英文講我好忙,然後就冇理我地繼續清理廚房。留意番,大廚亦都係餐廳嘅負責人,有任何嘅投訴佢係應該要負責處理。成個晚上我哋其實都食得好唔開心,首先嘢食絕對唔值$600,每人得一塊牛,亦都唔係好食。不過最嬲係個女侍應同大廚嘅態度,根本連普通一間平價餐廳都不如!大家千其千其唔好黎貼錢買難受!🙅🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♀️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2018-07-15
Average quality food served with shameful service and rude chef! At over $600 per head this a rip off for the location and environment.We were a group of 9 people with a late night booking from 8:45; after two small appetizers we waited 45 minutes for more food, when we asked for the next course the rude and lazy server told us the chef had left the restaurant to do something else! The whole restaurant was waiting for food without any explanation or apology. Eventually we had a large rice dish and finally the main steak course around 10:45pm! The steak meat was raw but tasted good. The problem was we had 1 steak between 9 people, we each got about 1 slice of meat each!Barely started eating when the server presented the bill and told us she wanted to cash up for the night. The bill was over $600 per head without drinks or desert! We asked to speak to the chef about it, but the server said he was "too busy". We went up to speak with him, but he said 'I'm busy' wrapping up boxes and refused to talk to us, we just received some rude comments from him about the price of the meat and next time to tell him for more... there won't be a next time! Avoid this place, there are plenty of better restaurants in the area.*My first review on here, I created an account especially because this restaurant was so bad! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
了解到以下分享稍微長, 建議大家直接去間餐廳感受下#Taste 🍝: 4/5#Atmosphere 🍹: 4/5 #Service 🙇🏻‍♀️: 5/5香港餐廳選擇多, 要係香港經營餐飲業一D都唔易, 唔特別D好難令食客會翻炒.Mangiare係一間食意大利street food嘅餐廳🇮🇹無點做宣傳, 但都做咗好一段時間, 做熟客多吧?Open kitchen嘅格局, 坐係近門口位置都覺得烏煙瘴氣...奈何..唔知咩原因, Miss Y隔咗年幾對哩間餐廳嘅影響仍然很深...記性差嘅我....連餐廳名都唔記得, 又唔記得地區, 成日溝亂堅尼地城、西營盤、西環. 只係記得條路由地鐵站🚇點去...為咗要搵返看咗google map續個地鐵站出口搵! 食物方面其實我覺得唔似一般為香港人而製嘅意大利菜. 雖然唔知係咪好地道 (我又唔係意大利人...), 但總覺得自己係餐廳入面格格不入, 周邊都係一大班外國人嘅面孔, 唔似係香港咁 有機會我會平日放工時候再去, 唔知點解咁嘅感覺好正 (完) continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)