Exit D2/ E1, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
芳叔蛋撻TM 帝皇瑪芬 紅桃獻壽 蛋撻 菠蘿包 菠蘿油
Review (38)
繼之前的朱古力蛋撻,這店又推出限定蛋撻了喔!!而且今次推出的竟然是綠茶   感覺不試對不起自己呢~~剛好去買時,排前面的哥哥要了半打~~~所以店員姨姨給我的這4個是新鮮熱辣的!!蓋子不小心打開時聞到很濃郁的綠茶味。或者是我拿得不好的關係?! 回來後,蛋撻上用綠茶粉弄成的葉子都花掉了QAQ這個綠茶粉很讚 //A// 綠茶味道極濃郁而且帶苦澀的味道。讓我很期待中間的綠茶吉士+紅豆....誰知內餡反而是極甜,也吃不出綠茶味。整體一般而言,如果太期貨是很濃郁的綠茶味道會失望就是了~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2016-04-10
超群又推出期間限定版蛋撻,今次是為班綠茶控而設,可惜試後覺得未能滿足綠茶控的口味…廣告牌同樣展示了綠茶紅豆蛋撻 Green tea with red bean egg tart ($9)的橫切面,亦簡略用料。細看內文,蛋撻中心有層綠茶吉士 和一層紅豆蓉,撻面灑上兩塊綠茶粉 茶葉,幾有代表性。正正遇上店員磅綠茶粉, 可惜看不見是採用什麼牌子.....在撻櫃外看見一個個綠茶撻排得整整齊齊, 趁還有存貨, 快買來試試。拎上手稍稍微温,把其分半,內裏的綠茶吉士 和紅豆蓉 份量平均,能輕輕嚐到淡淡的綠茶甘苦,口感挺幼滑,但紅豆蓉的香甜蓋過綠茶的清香,雖然兩者一向是最佳拍檔,不過紅豆味道始終較濃,若然減少其份量,多加綠茶吉士的份量相信會較理想。至於高身的撻皮 厚度適中,鬆脆兼滿有牛油香,而蛋醬 亦挺滑身,配上一些綠茶粉,甜美中帶微甘,配搭也不錯,但整體而言,綠茶未能當上主角。不知何時會將伯爵茶雞蛋仔換上綠茶紅豆雞蛋仔? 期待...... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-12-04
I don’t think I have ever liked their egg tarts because the Earl Grey egg tart wasn’t good and this time the purple potato was way too sweet.The crust is always horrible because it is too buttery, hard, thick and smelly.It looked different to the product shot as well because it was only half dusted with purple powder whereas the one on the photo was all dusted. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-12-04
紫薯蛋撻紫薯撻真係有紫薯,唔係浄得d粉。會撻皮好鬆化!一咬即散而且味道不會太甜。底下的蛋也很滑和夠蛋濃味,算是超羣誠意之作!如果不是即食,可以吃時放入焗爐焗一陣,熱辣辣更好吃 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-07-30
食完飯又行到黎aeon,經過超羣見到大大張poster芳心芝麻蛋撻,心諗第一次見到芝麻餡蛋撻喎! 幾特別喎 又咁岩新鮮出爐! 唔係唔試呀熱辣辣既蛋撻真係香呀! 有一堆芝麻係蛋中間,賣相不錯~ 咬開有個煙韌既糯米滋,入面再有d芝麻蓉,食落都幾飽,不過熱辣辣既芝麻蓉係流質滑溜溜既,所以口感不錯,但係就無左蛋既香味,有得必有失... 創意可以,但有待改善 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)