來自東京的班戟專門店,供應60多款crepes,分為凍、熱、鹹及甜四大類,餅皮可選擇鬆脆或煙韌口感,雪糕由同一集團的麻布茶房供應。 continue reading
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Review (21)
Level4 2011-08-13
我地入黎jusco百貨無幾耐,經過見到呢間售賣可麗餅的店鋪,竟然有刨冰吃?!?!!?而且價錢仲要$10-$12 only?? WOW!!! 我order左1客黑芝麻牛奶刨冰 $12朋友zoe點左朱古力牛奶刨冰~但可見店鋪職員唔係認真工作的 d職員望落去都廿幾歲..但佢地工作態度真係好唔得... 當我地order完之後,.個職員0係刨冰機禁左個制,又無即時扲個杯埋去接住d冰...可能未扲得切掛..但係那10秒期間....已經曬左好多冰.... 真係玩玩下o既心態工作... 我果杯刨冰真係好巨型~好抵呀!!個冰球好大個~而黑芝麻醬溶在刨冰中~變左灰色~雖然食落去唔算太開胃,但有大量的芝麻粉末呢!而刨冰底o既牛奶唔算多~但我食到某幾啖,真係凍到牙都瑚埋呀~哈~我發覺有d冰唔係一片片,係「一舊舊」~要好大力用隻匙「篤」碎佢呀~ 鋪頭有個角落有舒適o既矮身bar桌!一坐落去張sofa圓椅好軟熟~我地食完之後都唔見有職員出黎tidy up....但我地係乖乖的食客,所以將刨冰杯扔在附近的垃圾桶內 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今日要去交收,交收完黎左太古心思思諗緊食吉野家定食班戟好 ( 最近都好想食呢2個)最後都係簡左班戟 好多款都想食睇左好耐決定叫個草莓特選$28 ,因為比較平同埋都幾想食比完錢企左係度等左等,見到佢依家有賣冰,一個大約$10,而且好多唔同既口味。下次我一定會黎試你!草莓特選幾好味同埋幾抵食我之前係第2度食左個差唔多既,佢係$22,不過佢無呢個咁好味呢個果皮比較厚,不過我就係鐘意佢夠厚!士多啤梨唔多,果雪糕好好味食完之後已經飽哂下次我一定會再黎食 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
(Non-member) 2011-06-14
記得上一次經過,貪新鮮,跟同事一起光顧..order左個士多啤利雪糕pancake 都幾好食!不過d人就怪怪地,無咩禮貌,好無生氣,好似唔吾做我地生意噤!但係今次真係有點驚喜!與男友逛完超市經過,男友話..依呢到係咪雪糕pancake果d 不如試下嚕我初初都話唔好,無咩特別,d人又無禮貌離開了一段距離男友話好想試下,唯有還佢一個心願啦等佢死心都好!!我地本來想order個set但係個靚仔店員話唔好意思呀我地無哂沙律同生果杯 你介吾介意單點個pancake咁無辦法啦唯有揀過 最後揀左個士多啤利芝士蛋糕wif士多啤利雪糕的加多杯凍檸檬茶 個靚仔店員幾有禮貌,真係睇唔出沖完杯檸檬茶仲提一提我地攪d糖漿先好飲佢可能聽到我地話想去後面d位到坐仲好有禮貌咁話..不如我拎俾你地丫,你地可以坐低先我地緊係答佢好呀唔該 佢笑住咁話唔洗客氣大概坐低左1分鐘左右啦,佢已經整好拎過黎..話 唔好意思 阻阻兩位 我地接左之後 講唔該哂佢又笑住講唔洗客氣 多謝哂咁 好深刻!!個pancake同樣幾好食,分別係塊皮今次唔脆唔軟今次我俾80分,如果加埋個靚仔店員我俾95分整體黎講,今次算係好滿意,睇黎呢間野真係改善進步左唔小下次經過會再食^^ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-09-25
頭先3點幾.. 仲未食 lunch....就去左呢度買 Pancake 食啦~我揀左 "士多啤梨朱古力芝士蛋糕" 口味 ($34)士多啤梨粒份量都 OK朱古力醬正常芝士蛋糕無芝士味, 一舊粉咁, 仲要好細舊 = =話明係 pancake, 咁當然最重要係個 pancake 皮啦~好 "un" 又唔香服務: 唔係有禮貌, 但亦唔算無禮貌~ 木口木面咁囉.....價錢: $34(講真, 呢個價錢唔平嫁, 如果係好食既話就無所謂0者, 但..... 呢度真係完全唔值囉!!)總括而言, 一次夠晒數~PS. 早知去隔離食五代同堂好過!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2010-07-20
I just have to ask, not just the sales of this shop but all sales in food court or stores. Do they understand the reason of wearing plastic gloves is to keep the food clean from their hands, not to keep their hands clean from the food?? I was there around 6.30pm and I am the only client. I ordered a crepe from this shop, the girl took my money and start to wear a glove without washing her hands, and yes, just one glove, not a pair. Then she start making the crepe, cut banana, scoop ice-cream, all the time using both hands, then start rolling up the crepe, again with both hand. What's the point of wearing a glove if you planned to use both hands to touch everything everywhere and handle food at the same time? The crepe taste alright, nothing special, but while I am eating it all I can think of is hygiene. I knew worst thing probably happen inside the kitchen but it's another matter when you are directly facing the client. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)