Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 10:30
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Carpaccio sushi salmon and tunaThis was bascially the usual sushi topped with sliced onions, a slice of lemon and some Italian dressing.Overall they tasted quite pleasant and it was just like carpaccio with rice.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Steamed egg with urchinThis tasted too salty.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Seafood hotpot with crabThere was not enough soup to cover the contents when it came, so asked for more broth so that the contents could be ensured that they got cooked.The crab did not taste that fresh and it came straight from the Freezer because there was ice particles on it.The cutlery for the crab had to be requested.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
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好日唔入將軍澳, 今日做完野早放就搵左個朋友仔食tea, 佢帶左我黎呢間都幾難搵既餐廳~ 下午茶時間佢係同一個價錢但係有3件!!對我呢d jap food lover黎講真係好開心~我地叫左三文魚腩: 佢唔會因為tea time又薄切, 真係好好食!海膽"游"魚, (uni+ ika): 呢個, 佢加入既海膽份量都岩岩好, 唔會太乾or太"立"吞拿魚碎蔥花: 呢個係我平時既致愛,有少少雪氣味, 不過 入口都ok既~ 仲好足籵tim!! 共9件壽司~真係食得好包同真係好平, 唔會因為你係tea time 少錢而服務唔好or偷工減料 所以直得推薦!
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練完司儀之後就同同學黎呢到食飯,因為Yumiko係會員,所以唔洗加一.本身都以為呢間野幾好食,不過食左個定食之後就唔覺喇.班同學早過我入去食,入到去,d waiter都好有禮貌咁幫你斟水落去有綠茶包嘅杯到,不過就冇咩味-v-沙律好好味,菜夠爽甜,而且個汁酸味味,好開胃 但係凍豆腐就未免失色左,除左麻醬唔夠多,豆腐都唔夠香滑,一d豆味都冇呢個飯真係比得上super market買果d魚生飯-_- d魚生唔新鮮,而且冇味,仲淡口過飲水:S雖然呢到d食物差,不過服務又唔錯.不過如果你食野係為左服務,咁就唔知喇:S
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