Restaurant: | May May Restaurant |
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To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign
5-min walk from Exit A, Mei Foo MTR Station; 近地利亞中學
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Opening Hours
07:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
難得今天早收工,又是慳錢大計的時間,一於趁6點前仍可叫下午茶餐, 就要一個楊州炒飯配熱奶茶外賣回家當晚餐吧!一合滿滿的炒飯,內有蝦、蛋、火腿等配料再加上熱奶茶,比叫一個同樣食物的晚餐節省了十元多,財富就是這樣累積起來
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A local and neighbourhood tea restaurant of Meifoo. Breakfast and lunch sets are standard, no surprise. Typical tea style foods in variety from dawn to dark. Bread, rice, noodles with all types of Asian style cooking are available. After a numerous visits all staffs and chefs are known to us. Breakfast is available till 1130, and we take this opportunity to enjoy brunch usually. They are now able to take our orders with eyes closed as we only eat the same each visit.
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「美孚下午茶餐」依個系列真喺好耐無出過,查返對上一篇已經喺2014年年初嘅事,一來少咗晌美孚食下午茶,二來食過幾次又覺得無咩特別,都無乜好寫。本來,最近開咗間新茶記「東霖小廚餐廳」,可能喺新開,多人多到不得了,所以,改咗去轉個彎嘅「美味小炒茶餐廳」。晌「美味小炒茶餐廳」,下午茶都食過一次,但已經喺2012年嘅事。環境喺好街坊嘅茶記格局,地方細細喺逼夾啲,但勝在乾淨企理,以前食評都有講,所以,今次就唔多提。講番下午茶餐,最平就喺三文治或多士餐,$22-$28有交易,其他嘅碟頭飯麵餐或炒公仔麵餐,定價為$34,例包熱飲。蝦醬乾牛河 $34因為喺下午茶餐嘅緣故,份量比正常嘅碟頭肯定細一截,不過,以下午茶嚟講,夠晒食啦。加入蝦醬嘅乾牛河送到上枱,寧舍香。牛河炒得夠均勻,亦無炒到碎濕濕,添咗蝦醬,更加鹹香惹味。羅漢齋炒麵 $34老細揀素食嘅碟頭粉麵,一喺佢,一喺就羅漢上素飯。個炒麵睇樣就似模似樣,餸料都唔少,草菇、珍珠筍、竹筍、腐竹、木耳、白菜仔……等等埋滿面,味道亦調校得清淡,只可惜太油,食到近尾,老婆話都要放棄。熱奶茶、熱檸水仲記得佢哋嘅奶茶喺唔錯,雖未喺好絲滑咁,但茶底絕對芳香。老婆杯檸水都落足檸檬,無話下午茶餐就少一、兩片。晌美孚嘅茶記中, 「美味小炒茶餐廳 」算喺合我心水嘅茶記之一,不過,今次嘅下午茶餐,就好壞參半喇。
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