1-min walk from Exit B, Lam Tin MTR Station continue reading
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Review (19)
Level2 2021-09-03
Last week, I went to this McDonald's with my sister. We ordered a cheese burger and a 4 sets of fried chicken. That was really great. Chicken was crespy and juicyFried chip was well-seasoned and hot enough. BTW, cheese burger was also mouth-watering. niceeeeeee continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
McCafé加推三款全新口味嘅芝士奶蓋飲品,「芝士奶蓋葡萄」、「芝士奶蓋菠蘿」同「芝士奶蓋沖繩黑糖珍珠茶」。今日起第一日推出,周圍都大排長龍,用麥當勞APP 入面嘅優惠卷可以*免費*換到一杯新口味芝士奶蓋飲品,仲要係大杯裝😳!要試嘅記得趁呢兩日去免費換番杯!.芝士奶蓋口感較傑🧀,帶鹹味,飲落比較易膩,提子味最好🍇,味道清甜,有d果肉。菠蘿味嗰杯味道都突出,入邊仲有啲菠蘿粒🍍。而黑糖珍珠茶其實唔係平日嘅珍珠奶茶,一個比較清嘅茶底🍵加上黑糖珍珠粒,冇平日啲珍珠奶茶咁膩,珍珠粒有啲比較硬,唔係全部都夠煙韌。芝士奶蓋系列四季春茶葉同咖啡都由捷榮集團提供,你地試過又覺得點🧐? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2019-05-22
依家真係成街都係奶蓋茶,每隔三兩個街口就有一間, 呢個熱潮真係越嚟越犀利呀!不過最估唔到嘅係連麥當勞依家都出咗新嘅奶蓋茶啦!!!見佢新出所以就試下啦今次試咗佢最 basic 嘅芝士四季春!本身都驚伏伏地,但飲落又唔係咁差喎!!!!芝士奶蓋嘅質感都幾順滑嘅, 但四季春嘅茶味就真係比較淡啦, 所以整體嘅質素都係不過不失~~~~不過原來download個apps就有得免費可以飲或者買大杯裝嘅話就有得買一送一!!!買完先知.....不過都唔緊要嘅!以呢個質素嚟講有得買一送一或者免費飲嘅話就,當然會ok啦但如果原價買嘅就真係未必會回購lu continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Previously tried the Four Seasons cheese tea which was so nice that I decided to get it again and try the berry cheese.Unfortunately, they ran out of the flat style lids which lets you drink without a straw and used the dome lids which ruined the drinking experience and taste.The best way of drink cheese drinks or drinks topped with a foam cap/milk cap is to sip it so that you get a mix of tea and the topping in your mouth.So in this situation, I had to mix the topping and the drink together.The four seasons tea still tasted good but the berry cheese was too sweet either way.I definitely do not recommend the berries but the four seasons is still good. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-07-02
星期日嘅早上想食個輕型早餐,嘆杯咖啡。平民地區冇什麼特式cafe可言,於是就黎到區內嘅McCafe啦!呢間老麥裝修冇耐,幾特別!黎親McCafe都會飲佢嘅cappuccino,何解?只因貪平!細杯只係$14其實價比值超高!不過如果要加配野食,就唔可以叫細杯裝,所以圖中嘅係中杯size嘅cuppuccino $25。此店星期日都幾繁忙,皆因都有唔少外傭姐姐光顧,但店員都沖的好有心機,咖啡不錯!跟咖啡加$13就有圖中嘅雞肉沙律蛋三文治,呢個價錢又係好抵,當然健康過去隔離買魚柳包啦三文治會翻熱,不過未係好熱,但也可接受。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)