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Review (20)
Level4 2015-04-22
M記做緊樂家杏仁糖蛋糕買一送一優惠。蛋糕迷既我,當然買來當飯後甜點,與親愛的家人分享蛋糕有三層!第一層鋪滿細小的樂家杏仁糖和cream,第二屬是朱古力蛋糕,最後一層是濃郁的黑朱古力,由第一層的甜到第三層的苦,可是本人嫌甜味太搶!令第二層和第三層的味道不突出、失去層次分明味道!話需如此,一邊喝著烏龍茶一邊嘆那麼甜的蛋糕,也是完美的組合 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-09-01
Went to McCafe because of the new Earl Grey cake and the Earl grey jelly latte.The Earl grey cake only costs $16 with the purchase of a drink from the Earl Grey series.I didn't get a chance to check the bill because I was not given the bill, but since they gave me the wrong drink I had the bill reprinted and discovered that I was overcharged.The rude biatch insisted that it was because the hot drink and cold drink costs different but I was not even on this issue.The cake should have cost $16 not $2X.Finally had the issue resolved when a smart senior spotted the problem.Surely, special offers should be pre-programmed into their POS systems??!!!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Iced Earl grey jelly latte:I was given the usual straw hence the jelly cubes got stuck!!!The drink was a bit dissappointing because the Earl Grey taste was not strong enough.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Earl grey cake:The Earl Grey taste was really artificial and the cake was too sweet.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎The bill: $8XService: rudeService charge: scammed if you don't check the bill.Sweetness levels: too sweetNapkins provided: yesEnglish Menu: YesAir Conditioning: Yes◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-12-31
2013年的最後1天, 雖然有得早放, 但1連2天開盡Turbo後, 真的有點倦, 不想再往外跑, 不自覺又回到我的安樂窩--太古城中心...時間尚早, 想吃個早飯亦未夠鐘, 只好找個Cafe坐一坐, 去到Habixx遇到一些枱霸王, 2個人霸6個位仲要大搖大擺放個鮮紅色暖水壺係枱面打開來飲, 無言... 全Full毫無起色, 唯有行去近近地的McCafe睇睇...門口超多人排隊, 好驚呀!!! 好彩入面都仲有少少位, 咁當然要搭枱啦... 坦白講, 座椅一點也不舒適, 但沒選擇, 張就一下吧, 只坐一會兒...門口擺放了冬日遊園的海報, 正推廣薑餅人咖啡及雪人薄荷朱古力咖啡... 去年已嚐過薑餅人咖啡, 今天就試試雪人薄荷朱古力咖啡吧...Honey排咗好耐隊先買到, 好彩我地都只係Kill緊Time, it doesn't matter...雪人薄荷朱古力咖啡 ($24) 添得快滿瀉, 要圓整無缺地帶回座位真的有點難度... 表面的雪人裝飾很可愛哦, 雪人的薄荷味道非常強烈, 反而咖啡內只有很少很少的薄荷味... 朱古力味與咖啡味是50/50, 誰也搶不了誰的風頭... 咖啡的甘味苦味酸味在這小杯子內通通缺席, $24嘛, 蠻大杯的, 不可要求太高...是誰人把雪人弄成這個樣子?!! 雪人 : Kenmerry你太可惡了...Honey仲加了$8換購咖啡味Macaroon, 甜甜的帶點咖啡香, 味道蠻不錯, 只是小圓餅的表面一點也不脆罷了...離開時只是離開座位數秒, 已有一家三口像發現新大陸的, 飛撲過來霸位... 香港人, 想搵啖食真的一點都不容易呀... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
This McCafe / McDonald are currently under renovation .... so not the most ideal place for a meal. Anyhow, craving for a cake and coffee to finish off the day ..... but was not too impressed.Presentation wise, they did an awesome job! I didn't know even the hot chocolate are made with the "M" symbol, just like their cappuccino! Was attracted by their new poster of "tiramisu latte" ....... but was very disappointed. When the server delivered the latte to me, I was all excited, cos the coffee has different layers, milk and the coffee does not blend together and still moves when you drink. However, besides looking unique .... it really doesn't have strong enough coffee taste! McCafe really should improve on their coffee beans! I think the only reason I'm here instead of other coffee places are cos of their prices lor!!!! They have the +$15 for a cake combo .... which is really cheap. The price you pay for a cake combo here .... you can only get a coffee drink at other places. But price is not the most important criteria for a coffee lover!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-12-11
原本想試PROMOTION的橘子CHEESECAKE,但唔見有,所以食番中意既藍莓CHEESECAKE,點知又賴野.首先聲明,我真係未食過咁難食的CHEESECAKE.面層的藍莓,好似攏過入焗爐焗咁,完全乾的. 更加食唔到一粒粒的藍莓和連SYRUP都無.一點都不香.中間的芝士完全沒有應有的香味,口感不綿密,不扎實. 質地介乎cheesecake 和忌廉之間, 好怪.餅底,完全係消化餅的味道,仲要係浸腍左lor. 好心自己整餅底好唔好je continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)