7-min walk from Exit A2, Wan Chai MTR Station continue reading
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Review (2)
玫瑰系列係我難得中意既McCafe系列☕️雖然已過 但我諗佢遲啲仲會返黎❤️-有日返工做到死 推唔順落左樓下回一回氣☠️意外見到呢個系列 就嗌一Set試下啦!-玫瑰芝士蛋糕🌹🍰芝士蛋糕結實唔鬆軟 食落係淡淡既玫瑰味🌹唔太濃亦唔係假香精味👍🏻 上面仲有玫瑰花瓣點綴添🌺 芝士味香濃但唔會搶左玫瑰隻味🧀不過食到咁上下都有少少滯滯地🤣即刻飲返杯Rose Mocha平衡下先!-Rose Mocha☕️McCafe既咖啡一向對於我黎講有少少偏甜可能今次係玫瑰味既關係 又或者係我需要苦中一點甜🍬今次我又覺得接受到喎😋朱古力味十分香濃配淡淡既玫瑰花味🌹加埋心心拉花同玫瑰花瓣 成個人回哂氣!⚡️佢仲送一粒Lindor朱古力🍬Sweet哂❤️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2018-10-09
Tiger Stripe drinks are trending these days aka brown sugar milk where brown sugar is smeared on the cup filled with milk so that the colour contrast looks like Tiger stripes.McDonalds is smart as they are using Red Beans instead of brown sugar syrup.As well as red beans, they are collaborating with Vitasoy according to the menu,To my surprise, I actually liked it because the matcha was slightly viscous like milkshake with a slight savoury aftertaste while the matcha was not too grassy. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)