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巨無霸 至尊漢堡 麥旋風 麥樂雞 薯條 雙層芝士漢堡
Review (50)
Level2 2013-10-05
今天學完ballet到CWB window shopping.行了兩個小時維尼妹開始腳軟並肚餓,就走進了Mc Donald並叫了新出的黑芝麻丸子新地。雖然M記出品一向一般,但十分喜愛芝麻的維尼妹也包著很高的期望黑芝麻醬十分濃,新地的奶味也重,但兩者並沒有蓋過對方的味道,小丸子也沒有其他食家說得那麼差,比想像中軟身。唯一要批評的是可能黑芝麻醬比較暖,令到到手的新地已經開始融。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。休息夠也食夠了,維尼妹繼續window shopping continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-26
前兩日試過黑漢堡覺得不錯(詳見另一食評), 今日試試白漢堡.今次選擇在一間人流強勁的麥記堂食, 店員們明顯地較住宅區的麥記快手快腳好多, 而買食物分流秩序亦較好.不過白漢堡的賣相與上次黑漢堡一樣僅屬一般, 始終不使用紙包著漢堡的後果是漢堡極易移位, 而內裡的材料亦會跌出.白漢堡主打雞扖, 配上薯蓉,煙肉,生菜及黑椒磨菇醬.白漢堡的雞扖明顯較一般如板燒雞腿包的雞塊小及薄, 大致因為白漢堡的體積較小所致.黑漢堡的松露蘑菇醬十分精彩, 原對白漢堡的黑椒磨菇醬抱有期望; 可惜期望越大失望越大, 這個醬的黑椒味不足, 頓時令這個包失色不少...至於薯蓉及煙肉, 個人仍然覺得旨在增強口感. 不過有一點較黑漢堡優勝的是, 煙肉始終配雞扖最好食.白漢堡只給予中評.由於今次堂食, 跟餐加了四蚊將餐飲轉了同樣是新出品的黑白珍珠奶茶.飲落才發現笨了, 因為這個珍珠奶茶實在不濟.珍珠奶茶的精髓在於珍珠, 可惜那些珍珠全部硬化了, 一點煙韌都沒有, 實在不吃也罷.至於奶茶無特別, 惟一好處是糖水分開上, 要幾甜悉隨尊便, 而珍珠本身已有少少甜.對今餐有點失望. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-05-16
When I saw the promotion for these black and white burgers, I just couldn't wait.In China, they served these Black and White burgers before but they were mini ones and each box had a mini black burger and a mini white burger, but in Hong Kong McDonald's are smart because the burgers are standard sizes so you have to go again to try the other one.The new series are quite Taiwanese style because of the Taiwanese pearls, but the burgers themselves were not that Asian because they contain mashed potato and lovely mushroom/truffle sauce.As soon as they were launched I ordered the McDelivery because there would probably be a huge queue of curious people ordering the black and white burgers.These burgers are the best burgers McDonald's has ever served in Hong Kong because in other countries they have other creations which also taste good such as the Cordon Bleu that was served for a limited time in the UK.As well as the burgers, they also had other new items which were: Smoky hot wings, Bubble tea and Black and white sundae which I ordered as well.At the restaurant, it was an interesting sight, there were lots of rice options on the menu!!!Both black and white burgers have mashed potato base and lettuce, whilst the white burger has pepper mushroom sauce for chicken and the black burger has TRUFFLE sauce to pair with the beef.And yes it really is TRUFFLE SAUCE!! but truffle is getting cheaper these days because you can get truffle essence.The burgers reminded me of the trial McD's German chicken sausage burger which was also delicious because of the potato patty.http://www.openrice.com/english/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2209586★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Black burgerQuoted from McDs) Discover the dark side of flavour with our new mashed potato base burger smothered in truffle sauce, topped by two 100% beef patties wrapped in deep black squid ink bun with bacon.The taste of the beef surprised me, it actually had some charred taste like Burger King because the bacon was quite smoky, and the truffle sauce was really nice.Since I am not fond of beef, the charred beef taste was too strong for me.I just felt the bun could have been bigger and the squid ink taste could have been stronger.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★White BurgerQuoted from McDs)Discover the white side of flavour with light and creamy mashed potato base burger smothered with pepper mushroom sauce, topped with crisp chicken patty, wrapped in light wheat bun with bacon.This was my favourite of the two because I always prefer chicken and the mashed potato beneath it was really silky and I am not joking the pepper mushroom sauce was a perfect match.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Supersupergirl's Black & White Burger:This is not on the menu, but you can buy both and swap the top part of the bun.Personally I loved it because I was able to sample the best of both worlds with mushroom and truffle sauce!Again the chicken one tastes the best.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Smoky hot wings:The colour of these chicken wings were bright orange.For people who cannot eat spicy foods, they were extremely spicy just like the spicyness of the McCurry burger.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Bubble tea:Basically it was Hong Kong style tea with pearls!I was given their standard straw and the pearls were too big for the straw and got stuck!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Black and white sundae:This is icecream topped with caramel, black and white pearls.The taste of this sundae was delicious because icecream with caramel can never fail and the pearls made it fun!★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Both burgers are really worth trying, especially the White Burger and the Black and White sundae!!The quality and taste of these burgers were certainly well above average for McDonalds standards. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2013-01-24
要到北角開晚會,被迫留夜,胃口也大減同事到麥記解決,也替架架買了最新款的黑椒漢堡雖然包身扁了點,但用四分一磅牛肉打造將軍離去,黑椒代其位,成為新焦點包身是扁了一點,是包裝的問題漢堡,由四份一磅鮮牛肉打造,頗富牛肉香入口也很煙韌,加上切粒的洋蒽,也添口感當然還有黑椒汁,入口帶點香辣,很惹味,是味之重點十六元有飽有牛扒,夫复何求~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-01-14
農曆新年將至,麥記再度與軟硬合作,推出招財褔堡套餐,兼送由軟硬設計的利是封三個個人覺得,麥記近年食物品質監控得宜,以性價比論,是立於不敗之地今回的招財褔堡套餐,以牛肉招財褔堡打頭陣(遲一點會有雞腿的版本)配以扭扭薯條,再加一杯飲品$31.9,低吃!(還有利是封送)牛肉招財褔堡其實有點像之前吃的黑椒漢堡牛肉鋪有香蒜粒和黑胡椒,味道濃郁惹味個人覺得,蒜粒和黑胡椒可以再多一點扭扭薯條實在有點失望炸得不夠香脆,而且有點軟稔還是吃平常的薯條滿足一點利是封以生肖為題,一套十二款,不知大家有否興趣儲齊一套今年會是我倆最後一年逗利是,明年就要派利是喇! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)