All Branches (254)
Opening Hours
07:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay JCB Apple Pay Google Pay BoC Pay WeChat Pay UnionpayQR PayMe Samsung Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (14)
今日去食麥記個脆辣雞腿飽餐,用 app 先購買飽你鍾意套餐換領券,價值$20,共四張。即每張$5。再點餐購買脆辣雞腿飽餐,價值$44.5。用換領券,可以扣減$20。最後個餐其實只是付出$24.5。個脆辣雞腿飽,好美味。微温,雞肉爽脆。有肉汁。個薯條金黃色。賣相滿分。食落美味。全部新鮮出爐。杯冰凍可樂好飲。個 app 功能,有埋慈善活動。捐款$90.3,可以參加抽獎,奬品係拉闊音樂兩張門票。自覺反正都係節省咗$20 x 4 = $80。用手機 app 去捐款兼參加抽獎。一舉兩得。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2023-07-26
我老爺最鍾意食魚柳包 我夫骨最鍾意食魚柳包我個仔都幾鍾意食魚柳包但係去到我個仔呢一代得返半塊芝士好唏噓好彩巨無霸都仲有一塊完整芝士薯條熱辣辣地方乾淨冷氣夠呢間麥當勞好新淨麥樂雞冇死錯就咁 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-01-07
唔知點解屋企樓下嘅m記就特別好食嘅,特別係雞翼餐不過想講冷氣真係好凍,一年四季每次入去都覺得好凍🥶 所以我通常都會選擇打包翻屋企食出餐嘅速度都好快,好少會有漏也嘅情況 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-05-25
最近因為疫情關係,好多餐廳響應政府既限眾令,好多餐廳可以坐既位置比較少。工作上路過長沙灣蘇屋邨呢間麥當勞,咁岩見到佢地又重出黑椒漢堡,見到個廣告同社交平台既宣傳好似幾吸引,又唔知食乜好,而呢間麥當勞無乜人加上有位置,所以入去一試!脆脆黑椒漢堡賣相好差,啲黑椒醬汁爆哂出黎,而漢堡共有四塊,味道真係有少少辣,食完呢個漢堡,個口仲有啲微辣,不過好失望既係香脆粟米片已經不脆。Oreo 曲奇忌廉批個批外表味道咸咸地,但內裏好似無乜Oreo 既味道! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
I love Fried chicken but it is really difficult to get fried chicken to my liking in Hong Kong.There are countless options for fried chicken with the introduction of Korean Fried chicken a few years ago, but they are not to my liking because they are often coated with weird dressings and the quality of chicken is not good either.The KFC in Hong Kong uses a different recipe to UK which is too crunchy as well as bad chicken inside.Jollibee was good but now the coating has also been modified so that it is crunchy.Anyway, McDonalds is now finally serving fried chicken just like McDonalds in Malaysia, Philippines and Singapore where chicken is wanted by popular demand.I would love to try the McDonalds in the Phillipines because they have chicken gravy just like the KFC in UK.In Hong Kong, the fried chicken a la carte at McDonalds varies from HKD31-HKD34.5 depending on location.There are two pieces per portion and the chicken is decent in size compared to the anorexic chicken at KFC!!Taking a bite, the coating was to my liking, not too crunchy or soft with a good thickness.The chicken was succulent and moist which was extremely satisfying, however the only complaint was the spices .I didn't expect it to be spicy The chicken thigh oozed out some liquid which is most probably the frozen liquid that melted when it was fried.Anyway, the chicken thigh turned out to be a surprise because it was convenient to eat in the sense that it only had one bone.I would definitely eat it again but I am allergic to the spices in the coating so I won't be eating it that frequently. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)