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巨無霸 至尊漢堡 麥旋風 麥樂雞 薯條 雙層芝士漢堡
Review (17)
去完camp長洲其實都冇咩食回歸城市梗係食反城市野要了一個shake shake分享盒套餐加了一個魚柳包大失所望shake shake分享盒貴之餘唔好食杏花邨呢間d野食更加係凍的薯條係凍的炸雞係凍的雞塊係凍的咁我點解唔食反原本既魚柳包+麥樂雞餐呢唯一值得安慰的是奶茶夠曬熱 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-11-26
這個早上難得的與媽媽也早了起床, 當然要去做我們已很久沒做的事 - 吃早餐去!!以前我們是定期的有去吃早餐, 但就是人大了很多習慣也改變了有時太忙有時太累就是久久的沒有再去吃早餐.. 其實早餐才是我三餐中最喜歡的呢!!每次想起去吃早餐, 第一間店子衝上念頭的一定是陪著我們一同成長的McDonald's吧!就起來這間McDonald's由我小時候到現在十多年間也裝修了好幾次, 位置一直沒變, 只是收得愈來愈小了.. 還記得初初的那個大樹伯伯還有很希兒童feel的裝潢...很令人懷念呢!!話題好像扯得有點遠了, 還是說回這天我們又是想當然的來到McDonald's去!McDonald's中的早餐有幾款也是在午後就沒供應的, 好飲火腿扒芝士漢堡, 煙肉蛋漢堡, 早晨全餐, 還有我一直想試的麥芝蛋包!! 這次來的目標也是它!!要了一個麥芝蛋包餐($12)!! 媽媽則要了早晨全餐. 我的麥芝蛋包餐是不包括薯餅的, 加上$2.5要了凍咖啡,凍咖啡不錯, 濃濃的.要重點在麥芝蛋包上!! 雖然只是簡簡單單的以鬆軟麵包夾著芝士和,蛋, 但我覺得很滋味!配上了適量的沙律醬和苛茄汁, 更為成品增添美味! 最美是那烘得有少許溶化了的芝士!還有那煎得厚身的雞蛋, 不知怎麼就是喜歡McDonald's恍中的雞蛋! 吃得我滿口滋味的!(有人說日本McDonald's的早餐麵包成品更好吃, 有機會真要一試!)媽媽的早晨全餐則是一貫的水準, 沒有退甚麼大的變化, 還是正正常常的味道能媽媽久不久來一次早餐, 在一個good morning中傾下計, 食個包! 感覺十分良好呢!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2010-11-21
出左新既法國包,但見幾貴,網上又有人話味道其實似至尊漢堡,咁食至尊漢堡算一向都比較鍾意食用盒包住既包,例如big mac, 因為唔會壓到一pat野咁.至尊漢堡塊芝麻包比較鬆軟,但我最愛豬柳蛋漢堡既muffin包. 蕃茄同生菜食得出爽爽地,唔會焗到腍曬.第一次食到麥當勞牛肉有汁 ^3^, 塊牛肉唔太乾,亦唔太重seasoning,難得. 至於醬我一直都唔鐘意d好似thousand island 既野.probably the best mcdonalds burger i have ever had 新出既蕃薯批試下,但無蘋果批咁好食,太過甜同滯,無蘋果ge香同fresh.而且太過杰.薯條是脆的,沒布腍 bat bat. 食過最好食既麥當勞餐! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-11-19
今日純為試麥記新出嘅"法國皇室凱旋堡"加多杯熱朱古力, 已經唔多食麥記薯條, 太熱氣個包新鮮整, 因為望到廚房整個包好軟熟, 中間係洋葱同厚番茄, 塊牛肉大塊個個麵包, 唔太厚, 唔鍾意足三両塊牛肉太厚, 好"漏"D沙律醬亦太個漢堡, 呢個包不錯, 好清, 唔似一貫嘅包, 較熱氣熱朱古力一般咁嘅味, 環境乾淨, 食物出得好怏, 唔使點等 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2010-03-23
Had breakfast today at McDonalds coz haven't had a fresh one for a long long time. Will just treat it as brunch as well. Ordered my most favourite breakfast, which is the hot cake set meal, together with an orange juice. I was not at all disappointed with the set meal. The hot cakes were very delicious, seemed thicker and bigger than before. I was most impressed with the syrup. In the past, the maple syrup provided was cold or not even warm, but this time, the syrup provided was lukewarm and it blended so well with the hot cakes. Also, the orange juice was not too sour and tasted good. Anyway, it was a good breakfast or should I say, brunch, and price was not too expensive. If you compare it with its previous price, it's of course not as cheap as before, but still it just cost around $25 and to me, it's still affordable (below $30). Service was quite good, but I really think they should avoid ppl lining up for too long. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)