Exit C3/ E1, Mong Kok MTR Station/ Exit B, Mong Kok East MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 00:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus Apple Pay Google Pay
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Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
巨無霸 至尊漢堡 麥旋風 麥樂雞 薯條 雙層芝士漢堡
Review (58)
晚上八九点钟去的,人并不多,到了就直接奔向自助点餐机去点餐了,点完餐之后没过多久就取了餐,并且找到了位置吃了饭,个人在点餐过程中,要求把这个蘑菇汉堡的洋葱走掉,瞬间感觉味道好了很多,薯条感觉是现做的味道非常赞,饮料的量相当的足。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-12-27
今日喺朗豪坊食總有一間在左近嘅麥當勞,見佢近期出咗一個新嘅signature套餐,本身自己係芝士瘋狂愛好者,所以點都要嚟試吓。三重芝士安格斯牛肉漢堡👌🏻,再加一個意式田園風味批,再加大薯條,差唔多$60 ,感覺有少少貴。芝士漢堡來講,麥當勞一向唔會令人失望,就係出品同埋廣告嘅相係會差好多,味道來講,唔知點解近年所有足三兩,安格斯漢堡,佢嘅牛肉都係好乾震震,不過都明白,乾爭爭好過唔夠熟食完會肚柯。試一次就可以,當支持下。另外嗰個意式田園批👌🏻,都有粟米,紅蘿蔔,有啲茄汁味,我覺得會好食過甜味嘅批,普普通通。******************************👍🏻好食 | 👌🏻可以 | 😔 難食評分 : 5/10簡評 : 牛肉都仲係咁乾爭爭 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-12-07
每次唔知食咩過陣就肯定會黎麥當當。黎到麥當當就會覺得好多野都想食,爽啊😊,哈哈。點翻過麥樂雞🐔+配薯條🍟+飲料🥤一餐又搞點啦。然後再➕個漢堡🍔Yummy, yummy, yummy……開開心心又一餐,正啊…… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-11-11
(English review below)這個月麥當勞用Mirror宣傳,我註定要同Mirror粉絲食大量麥當勞餐抽鏡仔卡。上星期試過金鐘麥當勞Next地獄級食物之後(可以看我之前的Openrice食評),這晚我們來到朗豪坊這間麥當勞,意外發現天堂級食物,實在太驚喜,真心想跟各位食家分享!朗豪坊的鋪位都不怎麽大,很多還要三尖八角,而這間麥當勞也不例外,而它更要以Jeremy做主題(不是他不好,只是各花入各眼,各位粉絲請諒解),硬件上不是很有優勢。不過這裏人手分配不錯,有適量清潔員工打掃,環境很企理衛生,而不會令人覺得他們走來走去好麻煩。記得之前經過這裏都看到他們迫滿人,不過今晚剛好等到一張空桌,所以就決定在這裏吃套餐換卡了。跟上次金鐘Mirror旗艦店之旅一樣,我們兩人共吃了四個餐,抽了四張卡(這次抽到Ian同AK啊,呵呵),而重點是我們吃到麥當勞最高水準的食物。這次跟金鐘之旅一樣,爲了盡量讓食物保持新鮮,我們分開兩次買兩個餐。因爲這次吃到的所有食物都是超班之作,吃完後不是飽而是滿足,跟上次很大分別: 薯條只看第一眼就已經知道他們非常挺身,4、5、6條平排拿起都無問題。吃下去很脆很有質感,而且鹽分恰到好處,有額外味道的Shake Shake薯條還要更上一層樓,熱烘烘地送上口感的享受; 麥炸鷄都是外脆内嫩又juicy,兌現了麥當勞前幾年瘋狂宣傳賣炸鷄的賣點,真的可以拿來跟其他炸鷄店比。我們這次每人吃三塊絕對沒有好飽好辛苦好勉强的感覺,完全是享受每一口鷄肉,期待下一口鷄肉; 麥樂鷄竟然是脆身的,跟麥炸鷄簡直是天作之合。恕我經驗尚淺,我吃過好多好多好多次麥樂鷄都只知道它味道好,不知道原來它可以是脆的。暖暖的脆皮麥樂鷄加上甜中帶酸的醬汁,每一口都是童年回憶的升華版; 熱朱古力濃度剛好,朱古力粉完全溶解至飽和,喝到底部也不怎麽剩下朱古力粉; 士多啤梨奶昔是我試過最好喝的一杯。幼滑、厚重、綿密集於一身,整杯密度均匀,沿吸管很容易滑上去,滑上去之後又只會慢慢回落。香氣滿溢的甜度和舒服的溫度為我的晚餐劃上完美的句號。吃完後我們還聊了一會天,直至快離開餐廳的時候才發現原來這間麥當勞是沒有播放音樂的。對我來講這是很神奇的,因爲在其他麥當勞吃的時候我都因爲冷氣聲音蓋過音樂,或者音樂不好聽而煩心,但這次竟然因爲被食物分心所以完全沒有留意到沒有背景音樂。最後,員工禮貌地告訴我們他們已經到了晚上10點關門時間,我們就好開心地離開了。想不到吃麥當勞都可以有這麽特別的經歷。我覺得這間麥當勞在有限制的環境中仍然發揮最大潛能,體現出香港拼搏精神,而且看得出他們的管理要求非常高,可以做的都為客人做到最好。吃快餐也可以如此一絲不苟,真心欣賞。I'm lovin' it!McDonald’s has its Mirror promotional campaign this month, so I am destined to frequently visit McDonald’s with Mirror fans to draw Mirror cards which come with specified meal sets. After trying the food from hell at McDonald’s Next in Admiralty last week (welcome to see my previous Openrice review), this evening we came to this McDonald’s at Langham Place, and unexpectedly discovered their food from heaven. It was such a pleasant surprise that I really want to share with all the foodies here!Shops at Langham Place were mostly small and irregularly shaped, and this McDonald’s was no exception. Plus the campaign arranged it to feature Jeremy (not my cup of tea, but hope his fans understand that beauty is subjective), it did not have very promising hardware. However, it arranged appropriate cleaning support to keep it clean and tidy, while the cleaning staff did not create too much fuss. Whenever I passed by here before, it was always very crowded, but we luckily got a seat this time.Like our last visit to the Admiralty Mirror promotional campaign flagship store, the two of us ordered four meal sets and drew four cards (this time we got Ian and Anson Kong, ha ha), and the point is, we tried McDonald’s food at its highest level. Like our Admiralty visit, we bought two meal sets after the other two in order to maximise the freshness. The superb food this time did not make us full but satisfied, so very different from that of last time: French fries were so straight and strong that we could pick up like 4 to 6 parallel pieces at a time. They were very crispy and well textured, and the salt was just at the right portion. The Shake Shake fries even reached the next level given their extra flavour. The fries simply delivered splendid texture in our mouths with much warmth. Crispy thighs were really crispy outside while having tender and juicy meat inside. It realised the selling point of McDonald’s crazy promotion a few years ago. It could really compete with other fried chicken shops this time. Both of us ate three pieces just like last time, but this time we absolutely did not feel full nor suffering. We completely enjoyed every bite and looked forward to every next bite; Chicken McNuggets were as crispy as crispy thighs! Forgive my inexperience, I have eaten chicken McNuggets many, many, many times, but I only knew that they tasted great without knowing they could even be crispy. Every bite of the warm, crispy chicken McNuggets with the sweet and sour sauce was childhood memory enhanced; Concentration of hot chocolate was just right, the chocolate powder completely dissolved to the saturation point, and there was hardly any chocolate powder left at the bottom; Strawberry milkshake was the best I have ever tried. It was smooth, thick and rich, with even density. It glided up the straw smoothly but returned slowly. The well-scented sweetness and comfy temperature brought a perfect ending to my dinner.After finishing the food, we chatted for a while, and only when we were about to leave that I there was actually no music. This was surprising to me, because when I visit other McDonald's branches, I often get annoyed by air-conditioning noise overwhelming the music, or by music that I do not enjoy, but this time I was too into the nice food so I did not even notice the lack of background music here at all.Finally, the staff told us politely that it was already 10pm, which was their closing time, so we left happily.It was so unexpected that McDonald's can give us such a special experience. I think this this branch exerted its full potential in a restricted environment. It reflected the hard-working spirit in Hong Kong, and I can see that their management set very high standards. Whatever they can do for their customers, they did it the best.Even fast food can be this meticulous. Appreciate them from the bottom of my heart. I'm lovin' it! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2021-10-28
唔知大家係咪同我一樣平時諗唔到食咩就一定會係揀M記!!!!!🙈其實我都好鍾意食M記,尤其是佢嘅脆香雞翼同埋shake shake薯條🍟!!仲有佢個板燒雞腿包一開始出嘅時候覺得好好味,而家個感覺上好似冇之前咁好味,但係都係一個唔熱氣之選🤣🤣Shake shake薯條我就好鐘意依紫菜味!!基本上有紫菜味我都唔需要點茄汁 都好夠味!!而脆香雞翼真係咁多年都keep到水準!🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻咁多年都係大愛🙊 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)