Exit A2, Tai Koo MTR Station; 吉之島內 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
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巨無霸 至尊漢堡 麥旋風 麥樂雞 薯條 雙層芝士漢堡
Review (21)
Level4 2015-11-12
Got the Sweet Corn Pie because it was new.It was good that the pieces of sweet corn were still crisp and bursting with juice, but the pie was a bit oily so it ruined the delicate sweet taste of the sweetcorn.The packaging was nice though and I liked the side with just the corn photo. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2015-10-20
麥記自從迷你兵後,keep 住揾卡通片主角crossover,今期係荒失失奇兵,不過就唔明班動物演員同南瓜有什麼關係,但係冇所謂啦,好食就得,而且就嚟Halloween, 應節嘛。個包裝好可愛,笑口南瓜都唔嚇人ge,巧得意。南瓜批加朱古力雪糕,一流。熱的南瓜批,鬆脆既外殼,內裡的南瓜蓉巧巧味,好流心,仲一d都唔太甜,好味過佢地既蘋果批好多添,加上凍雪糕,一凍一熱,係一個值得推薦既甜品。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
黑加侖子新地樂,用梳打水加黑加侖子糖漿,上面放雲呢拿新地。飲落怪怪地,個味唔係好夾。仲有個底有尐提子渣,感覺怪怪的,開頭以為有蟲。你要有被嚇怕的準備。同之前個巨峰提子梳打有尐距離。除左個杯幾靚,無賣點。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-01-17
11-1-2014(Sat)同男友,佢契爺食完飯,返佢媽媽屋企稍事休息後,男友話出去行吓,於是行去康怡廣場,行完街買啲o野,肚又有啲餓,就去麥當勞食啲o野,由男友發板買咩o野,佢o係Mc Café用$23.00買一件藍莓芝士蛋糕,我o地食喇.藍霉醬唔會好酸亦唔太甜,芝士蛋糕質地夠挺身,味道算濃同厚身,o岩o岩好,而兩者味道都冇話邊個搶過邊個.好均勻,難怪男友聽人講係唔錯就買o黎試.服務:我一早就搵到位,但等男友等好耐,等成10分鐘,攪咩?男友話男Mc Café得一個人又收錢又整o野,咁o岩前面個客要咖啡… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-10-09
1年都食唔到10次麥當當, 因為怕薯條熱氣嘛, 又怕汽水肥... 細路仔時大人用呢2個理由唔比食, 又特別想食, 而家大個咗自己話事, 又冇晒興趣, 真係奇怪...今日好趕時間, 冇咩時間食Lunch, 煩惱之際, 麥當當就出現係眼前, 猶豫咗一陣, 好啦, 一次啫...期間限定玉子將軍漢堡套餐 (加大) -- 次次都食最低卡路里的魚柳包, 都有d悶, 聽同事講玉子將軍漢堡幾好味, 我都試吓啦... 如果想要Shake Shake薯條, 一係比$2.5升級, 如果唔係, 就比$4加大汽水同薯條, 咁就會免費升級埋做Shake Shake薯條... 我比咗$4加大~玉子將軍漢堡 -- 其實我覺得係豬柳蛋漢堡換咗做牛肉漢堡, 換咗做日式醬汁... 味道都幾好, 日式醬汁甜甜地, 可惜掩蓋晒d肉味... 玉子係豬柳蛋個蛋, 只食到蛋白味, 蛋黃味好淡... Shake Shake薯條和風紫菜味 -- 冇紫菜味, 只食到鹹味, 來自成手綠色嘅鹽... 有點可惜... 實在不應為此加大個餐...最興奮都係Shake Shake果下... 狂Shake... Crazy... 哈哈...檸檬茶汽水-- 太貪心, 唔加大汽水都根本飲唔晒, 結果浪費咗半杯檸檬茶汽水... 超甜, 冇咩檸檬味, 同埋淡淡的錫蘭紅茶味...餐廳係吉之島內, 座位唔多, 經常都坐滿人, 以往都只係外賣, 今日應該係第一次堂食...非繁忙時間只有2個Service Counter服務, 都要等幾分鐘... continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)