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Open 24 Hours
Mon - Sun
Open 24 Hours
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又到咗十蚊九件麥樂雞嘅優惠啦~ 今日一放工即刻同同事去食十蚊九件麥樂雞嘅優惠。 本身怕麥當勞入面會好多人,要等好耐, 但係竟然有位坐,非常開心。 點單過程順利, 麥樂雞出餐速度都算快。麥樂雞夠熱夠脆, 數量正確~
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次次幫襯無論叫咩餐 薯條都唔會裝滿或者係得一半😀已經試過幾次攞完即刻睇都係好少 跟住入去叫佢再比多啲點知下次又係咁少。。。下次再幫襯都特登加大薯條點知又係比唔滿😅唔知係因為外賣自取嘅原因所以比咁少定係規矩係唔會裝滿?麻煩改善下 裝薯條裝滿啲裝好啲
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今朝早咗出門口,於是喺屋企附近間麥當勞食咗個早餐,飲咗杯咖啡。麥當勞嘅即磨咖啡,不嬲都性價比高, M記價錢Starbucks嘅質素。$20就有豬柳蛋漢堡同一杯咖啡,真心覺得好抵!仲要杯咖啡係高質!點知嗰日飲完之後,先發現M記嘅即磨咖啡原來已經停止供應。我表示很傷心,唔係間間都有McCafe咖啡,同埋價錢會貴咗好多!咁我不如去買返茶餐廳嘅熱咖啡好過啦!講返今朝嘅早餐,咖啡唔知點解沖到好滿😂好似賣大包咁
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(English review below)今年,麥當勞甜品站洗心革面,認真養殖珍珠(誤),一洗地獄珍珠奶茶之名,搖身一變成爲奶茶中珍珠的王者。不過這間分店破壞了今年辛苦建立的水準。可惜,可惜。早年麥當勞推出珍珠奶茶的時候,大部分食客都發現所謂的珍珠都結成餅塊狀/及肝硬化,震懾四方。今年發現麥當勞竟然推出珍珠奶茶系列的雪糕,我不知為什麼發神經身先士卒,竟意外發現奶茶雪糕有港式奶茶的香甜,珍珠爽滑彈牙,不禁驚嘆地獄折返人間的神奇感覺,一試難忘,完全上癮地不停見到甜品站就點這款珍珠奶茶新地,賴以爲生。在其他分店吃到的,都是超水準之作。作爲大型連鎖店,麥當勞既然把握到處理珍珠的方法,理應就要令各分店都做出相同水準。失望的是,這間甜品站十成十一遇上管理問題,沒有跟足既定程序製作珍珠吧。雖然奶茶雪糕有一貫的奶茶味,但作爲靈魂的珍珠就外强中乾,快達到肝硬化末期,實在神仙難救也。梅菲定律看來真的好難逃得過,就算養兵千日,都可以千年道行一朝喪,真的慘絕人寰……吃完后,還有個觀察,就是店裏擠滿人點正餐,但甜品站就不見人排隊。不知道是不是這裏的街坊吃過這個甜品站的珍珠奶茶系列,都黑名單了它呢?RAP, 阿門。This year, McDonald’s Dessert Kiosk developed a disruptive technology for cultivating pearls (you know I am talking about preparing tapioca *wink*), and has made a big turnaround from the hell of bubble milk tea to the conqueror. However, this branch undermined its significant hard work this year. What a big pity...When McDonald's launched bubble tea earlier on, most diners found that the so-called pearls were hopelessly hardened and/or stuck together, creating the end of the world. This year, I discovered that McDonald’s actually launched the bubble milk tea ice cream series. Courage just popped up and I tried it without securing an insurance policy. To my utmost surprise, the milk tea ice cream had the sweetness of Hong Kong-style milk tea, and the pearls were so smooth and bouncy. I couldn’t help but marvelled at the magical feeling of soaring to the heaven from hell. I was totally addicted and kept seeking dessert Kiosks to order this bubble milk tea ice cream to sustain my piteous life.This ice cream was superb and never disappointed me in other branches. As a large franchise, since McDonald's had discovered the secret of dealing with pearls, it was supposed to make sure all branches reached the same level of proficiency.Disappointingly, this Dessert Kiosk must have encountered management problems and failed to follow the established procedures to prepare pearls. Although the milk tea ice cream had the consistent milk tea flavor, the pearl as the soul of the whole thing was hard and dry. It’s coffin was there and even God could not save it. It seemed that Mayphy's law was really inevitable. A thousand years has been spent to build this great pyramid but the pyramid just collapsed with one faulty stone at the end. Smash!When I left, I had another observation. In side this McDonald’s, there was a long queue for their usual fast food, but there was no queue at the Dessert Kiosk. I am not sure if people living nearby have already tried the bubble milk tea series from this hellish Dessert Kiosk, and then blacklisted the Kiosk specifically… RIP.
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