Opening Hours
07:00 - 23:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 23:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
晨早經過麥當勞,就想飲佢嘅Mc Cafe咖啡。之前買咗$100 8杯Mc Cafe咖啡券,當然要用咗佢啦。我用手機點餐,仲有得送去你張枱度。雖然杯咖啡只係10幾蚊,以呢個質素嚟講,性價比真係冇得頂。坐低飲杯咖啡,咁就好好消耗咗半個鐘頭啦。
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As an ex hello kitty fan, I was really tempted when I saw the collaboration.I ordered everything hello kitty. And the packaging did not upset me. My inner child was very satisfied🍔chicken pineapple burgerNot a new combo, they had this burger last year. Personally do not enjoy the black pepper sauce. It was mediocre. Wouldn’t normally get it🥧red bean rice cake pieDid not expect it to be this good. Red bean was mushy and pleasantly sweet. There wasn’t much rice cake but gave the overall texture a bit of chewiness🍹Kyoho grapes sodaVery sweet and refreshing. It’s definitely artificial tho🦞crayfish soupHad no expectations what so ever. BUT it turned out to be really good. So rich and tasted legit with actual crayfish🍟twister friesTheir twister fries have always been solid. Very well seasoned and fried. Love them!
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麥當勞最近新出咗阿華田系列嘅甜品,一向鍾意飲阿華田嘅我梗係要去試一試啦。今次試吓阿華田麥旋風阿華田麥旋風$16 麥旋風入面有好多阿華田脆脆,其實好似麥當勞之前出的阿華田pancake上面阿華田粒粒咁,阿華田粒粒比較大粒所以較為鞋口比較粗身,再加阿華田糖。開頭食覺得唔錯,但係食多兩啖真係有啲甜,因為阿華田唔似Oreo咁好滑咬咬吓個口好似被硬物介一樣,同埋一個雪糕裏面有超過10粒阿華田糖真係有啲過多嘅感覺食到一半就已經食唔到因為太甜。麥旋風都係配Oreo 夾d。
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McCafé係我早餐嘅首選, 有優質嘅咖啡, 有三文治麵包等等, 我真係超鍾意食今次我終於試咗新出嘅吞拿魚意大利包, 比我想像中好味, 入邊有少少蛋同埋芝士另外latte 永遠都係above average 好飲過S連鎖店多多聲
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