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平時食麥當勞都係因為趕時間呢度啲姐姐唔會好似其他麥當勞咁hea做或者掛住吹水一有單就即刻整 好快拎得同埋我要用自己環保袋裝即係薯條雞翼唔要盒野飲用自己杯呢度啲姐姐都唔會嫌麻煩仲覺得用呢啲袋好得意同埋讚我阿妹咁環保🥰
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小妹係 McDonald 超級粉絲,對我嚟講 "麥記" 食品好味過一切鮑參翅肚,麥記 係我嘅 comfort food,我試過一日5餐都食麥記, 可以咁講一句,"If you are not McDonald 's friend, then you are my enemy", 我嘅心態就咁樣。18件麥樂雞 & 4色新醬, 四款新嘅醬料就係 南乳醬、蜜糖芥辣醬、鹹蛋黃醬、香草檸檬醬。聽到好多 foodies 都話南乳醬好 "伏",但我覺得正正就係覺得南乳醬,個質地同味道係最有特色,呢個味道最有創意。麥樂雞炸得金黃香脆勁有雞肉味, 四款醬料任你拼砌食落都好有特色,當然 南乳醬 and 鹹蛋黃醬 就係本小姐嘅至愛。
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Tried the new Tropicavo chicken burger which is a crispy chicken patty topped with avocado, a slice of cheese, mayonnaise and some orange sauce.The box was quite cute.The paper wrap was also nicely presented, on one side it is avocado for this burger and the other side has pineapples for the prawn burger.I was lucky at this branch because they put quite a bit of sauce which differs in different branches.The burger tasted quite salty and I couldn't quite taste the avocado.
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我重來都未見過咁既田園沙津...d cheese 同不時既好唔同..好似係將夾buger既cheese cut 成一粒粒..係唔係冇chesse呀!! 咁都得....重有重有, d 粟米係hot架!!! 好明顯係0係粟米杯拎d過來用...好求期呀! 大家睇下個樣丫...真係見到都唔想食呀!間間mcdonald既食物都係standardise. 可惜呢間完全fulfil唔到呢個requirement,重有...可能係屋村..呢間野..永遠都唔會有意大利dressing. 呢間野, 唔係咁岩上來搵人都唔會去呀!
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