4-min walk from Exit A3, Wan Chai MTR Station
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Opening Hours
Open 24 Hours
Mon - Sun
Open 24 Hours
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
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麥當勞又有新攪作,又出返有18件麥樂雞同埋配咗四種唔同嘅醬汁,今日就同朋友嚟挑戰吓食唔食得晒18件麥樂雞咁多!我哋叫咗咖喱醬,芝士醬,甜酸醬同埋BBQ醬!朋友就加咗shake shake薯條同埋一個魚柳包! 我就比較鍾意食咖喱醬,覺得佢同麥樂雞嗰個配搭,本身係幾夾,而且咖哩醬汁嘅味道唔會好行有甜甜地嘅味道,另外朋友就反而鍾意食芝士sauce,覺得芝士味非常香濃,而且平時呢個味都冇得食,覺得都幾特別,薯條同魚柳包都係平平無奇冇乜特別,鍾意食麥樂雞嘅人唔可以錯過
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雖然係快餐店姐 唔使快到成日都有甩漏我發覺淨係依間分店咋喎 灣仔集成爆曬場都冇佢咁多出錯一係反應慢到漏油一係就成日比少野 始終我都係用錢買啦,一句唔好意思又算 我知你哋唔係好高人工,都係辛苦嘅但始終我哋都係消費者 俾返少少專業精神好嗎?一係衛生問題有問題 拎飲管俾人長期拎頭都尾 你做餐廳拎匙羹會拎個食飯位置俾人嗎?你有帶手套我都冇問題 間餐廳經理究竟喺度做咩 講緊唔係成日爆場得幾個人都可以出錯💀💀💀💀💀💀
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What can you buy with $1? A milk tea? You must be kidding!Recently McDonald's introduced an app that there are loads of coupons! In this week, the milk tea only costs $1! So I gave it a try. I didn't expect it tastes as good as those from cha chaan teng, and I would say that it is above my average. Tea leaves from Sri Lanka are used and the milk comes well together. However, due to the weather, the ice melted quickly and changed the flavour a lot. I guess it will taste better if it's freshly served. Do remember to download the app and check and use the coupons! You can save a lot!
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雖然疫情越來越越嚴峻,也敵不過我想在平凡的星期日在McDonald’s 嘆返一個珍寶早餐,喜歡熱辣辣的薯餅,鬆軟的熱香餅和一杯熱朱古力,再加兩個奶仔入熱朱古力入面,更香,更滑!在當天有一個美好的開始!
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