Additional Information
The gelato giant is popping up at LANDMARK to bring its whimsical, creamy deliciousness to a whole new part of town. This limited time pop-up will feature a 20-flavour selection curated from Messina’s ever-growing library of creative flavour combinations – 10 mainstays plus a menu of 10 rotating flavours featuring one classic Messina flavour and one LANDMARK exclusive that are not available at the Pottinger Street location.
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Cash Octopus AE
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (15)
Level3 2023-08-28
Messina was inspired by Nick and Danny’s Sicilian heritage, and their parents’ birthplace in Italy. Head Chef Donato Toce led his team spent years to come up with the 35 classic flavours, and developed 5 exclusive flavours for the stores in Hong Kong. The brand produces its own hazelnut and honey to ensure full control in quality from its raw ingredients.Milk tea flavour is one of the HK exclusives. It tastes very milky with a hint of tea, while personally I prefer a stronger flavour just like how the milk teas are served in local Cha Chaan Tengs. I also had the pistachio flavour. The colour as well as the flavour this time is so nice that I would totally recommend to give it a go. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2023-08-10
Messina係來自澳洲嘅Gelato雪糕店,喺中環有兩間分店。身邊好多朋友都話好好食,所以我都特登過海去試🤩我發覺三球雪糕係最抵食$70一球 $85兩球 $95三球開心果味🤤開心果味係招牌,所以我揀左好重果仁味,係好真啲開心果味入面有d開心果粒粒😊不過濃味d會仲好味鴛鴦奶茶味😚好像真係係度喝奶茶咁個人覺得有少少偏甜如果唔好甜既可能就唔好試不過我自己就覺得可以接受☺️咖啡味咖啡味就用真正的意式特濃咖啡炮製咖啡嘅苦澀味同Gelato嘅忌廉同奶既甜味中和左☺️最重要佢唔會過甜 值得推介!如果鍾意飲咖啡嘅可以揀☺️雖然價格比平時d雪糕偏貴~ 不過值得一試,希望下次可以試到黑芝麻湯圓味 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
夏日炎炎點都要整返枝雪糕嘅~🌤 Landmark最近就開咗間來自澳洲嘅pop up store 除咗gelato仲有好fresh嘅sobert揀 佢地有好多唔同口味選擇!我就揀咗cookies and cream 分量十足 曲奇夠多好大粒 仲食到脆卜卜嘅口感 唔會過甜 好食✨🍪 另外都去過石板街地舖 嗰邊嘅雪糕口味會更加多 另外亦都有座位堂食 撞啱時間仲可以見到佢哋現場整雪糕添!• Cookies and Cream $70🍦4.5/5 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Messina係一間來自澳洲嘅Gelato雪糕店,喺中環開咗兩間分店。網上同好多朋友都讚好好食,所以我都特登嚟試。三球雪糕係最抵食,開心果味係招牌,好重果仁味,榛子朱古力夠濃都好食,但蜂蜜脆脆就太甜。雪糕份量非常慷慨,絕對夠兩個人食。不過整體來講呢度嘅Gelato唔算好軟滑,而且就算我本身好甜食,都覺得味道有啲太甜,比歐洲旅行食到嘅gelato都係差啲。如果下次食應該會揀一啲水果味的Gelato平衡下。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
講完澳門gelato, 又講下香港,之前只有一間分店係中環砵典乍街,而家landmark都有,落左車唔洗行咁遠。。蛋撻味好鐘意食蛋撻當然要試下,唔佢唔到咁好食,做到蛋撻效果。雪糕係甜甜地嘅蛋味,重點佢加左酥皮碎,仲係脆脆地,好食!不過有一次去啲酥皮淋淋地就無咁正。。榛子好濃朱古力味,唔會太甜,好食!。開心果係好真啲開心果味,有開心果粒粒,唔錯。價錢:一球$70,兩球$85,三球$95雖然價錢有啲貴,但奶味好重,有gelato嗰重綿密。已encore, 推介😋推介指數:8/10 抵食指數:7/10 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)