3-min walk from Exit B2, Sai Ying Pun MTR Station continue reading
This traditional French restaurant is inspired by the iconic metro station in Paris. The French chef cooks authentic cuisine using ingredients mostly imported from France. The metro map painted on the wall and the retro clock creates an nice and relaxing ambiance of Paris to customers. continue reading
Additional Information
We are unable to accommodate dogs at the restaurant
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
11:00 - 23:00
Sat - Sun
09:00 - 23:00
Public Holiday
09:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash AE
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
10% Service Charge
Outdoor Seating
Sustainable Seafood
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (62)
Level4 2023-07-17
西營盤一帶一向都多pet friendly嘅餐廳🐕‍🦺而呢間西餐除咗可以比狗狗入餐廳 而唔係坐户外座位🪑仲會主動幫狗狗嘅飲水兜加水 waiter都好nice🙆‍♀️係難得嘅真•寵物友善餐廳🐶✨️Mushroom Soup分數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕係我飲過嘅蘑菇湯中最好飲嘅之一🥹睇openrice都見啲人推介蘑菇湯 估唔到真係好好飲🥰湯嘅質感好稠 蘑菇味好重 仲食到細細粒嘅蘑菇粒🍄而忌廉味濃厚得嚟 無喧賓奪主咁搶走蘑菇嘅香味😉整體食材配合得好好😊✨️Seared Salmon w/ green pea puree $158分數:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘其實我係驚怕三色豆嘅人 落單嘅時候無睇到係有青豆🤢不過原來佢嘅係新鮮青豆 一啲都係三色豆嗰種淋淋地嘅雪藏味😯表皮仲有啲爽脆 食落好清新甜甜地嘅味道🫛三文魚就中規中矩 油脂豐富而唔乾柴🐟所以呢道菜令我對青豆大大改觀了🤫✨️Hanger Steak w/ fries $178總結:十分relaxing嘅lunch💖一嚟餐廳環境寬敞 二嚟店員服務都好nice 仲係一間pet friendly餐廳🐕最重要係食物質素相當唔錯 蘑菇湯同主菜都令我有surprised到🥰好適合嚟呢間餐廳食過Friday lunch或者休閒嘅weekend lunch🍽🥂 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Out of all the dishes we tried, the dishes ranged from OK - YUM. This place is by no means outstanding, but the general food quality is good. 1. Burrata and tomato 10/10 YUMWhen you have a dish that simple, it's all down to the ingredients. The burrata cheese was so creamy/milky and so soft. The portion of cheese was quite big which I think is a good deal.2. Beef carpaccio 8/10 YUMA classic dish that you can't go wrong with! This dish came first actually. It's definitely good appetizer, its NOT filling at all, and makes you really hungry after. A plate of thin soft slices of beef, salty cheese, salad (no arugula sadly), dressed with a refreshing pesto sauce, all in all a good and flavourful bite. 3. Onion soup = 7/10 OKAnother classic. The soup has a sweet caramelised onion flavour so its quite tasty. My only issue is that there isn't much cheese, the only cheese being on the bread, and that wasn't a lot. So the soup is a bit one dimensional.4.  Pate =7/10 OKI am not qualified to judge it since I don't eat much pate. If I were to describe the taste, it is quite smooth, creamy, meatloaf tasting. Not my favourite, on the bland side, but its probably that style of dish.5. Beef tartare 10/10?!? or 7/10?!?!?Two different reviews here...Review 1: Beef quality isn't great, which impacts my eating experience because its a lot of chewing...Taste wise not my favourite seasoning, I don't think it quite has the classic tartare taste, I think its missing something but its pretty darn close.Review 2: Love the taste of the tartare, its better than other restaurants. Beef is a bit tougher than other restaurants, but I would order it again! The fries however were bland, but who is to complain when they give u a salt and pepper shaker. I would recommend to add salt and season the fries before eating.6. Tuna and potato hashIt's a healthy and simple  dish. Seared slices of tuna on a bed of hashbrowns with some tomato relish of sorts. I don't think the potato hash goes with the tuna, it just makes the dish seem heavy. I would prefer a salad, or something more acidic to brighten the dish up.7. Seabass in beure blanc sauceCreamy fish in a cream sauce. It's good, the big plus being the fish isn't fishy at all and its very soft. The sauce tastes like a fancy cream sauce. The barley is hard, but its a different texture I guess?! That being said this is a sort of dish you should not pack home, as the butter will seperate from the cream upon reheating. 8. Creme brûléeAn above average creme brûlée. In less friendly terms, I have had better creme brûlée. Service 10/10The table next to us did complain about the service, and said the waiter kept pouring their cup every 5 minutes.However I had a good experience for the following reasons.1. Waiter added water frequently (but not excessively)2. Waiter helped chase our food 3. We ordered free coffee when we ordered desert, and at the end of our meal found out the coffee was FREE. 4. We were given 2 LARGE black umbrellas to use since it was raining.  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2022-08-10
 星期五約了朋友到高街的 Metropolitain 食午餐,這裡一向都是我最愛的餐廳之一,食極都未厭~今天適逢下雨天,天陰陰想食熱野暖暖胃先點了一個Mushroom Soup 磨菇湯,很濃郁Metropolitain 的牛骨髓是我的最愛,超級香同好味,每次來都必定要介紹朋友試!另一位朋友則選了 Beef Hanger,因正On Diet 所以請廚房加多少少菜,經理都非常helpful & friendly!最後則是這個Grilled Pork Loin,一樣十分出色,大家都食得好飽好開心~Metropolitain 是一間很有法式特色的小餐館,價錢合理,暫時去不了法國,唯有去住食飯頂住先~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2022-07-08
港島西食評系列 ~關鍵詞:1個人、工作日午餐我在香港島的活動範圍,一般在銅鑼灣至上環,很少到港島西,以下2個原因,成就了我的港島西獨食記:1) 港鐵港島線延伸至了3個站 (西營盤、香港大學、堅尼地城),交通便利,港島西獨食記的餐廳全是這3個港鐵站,10分鐘步程內;2) COVID--19疫情下,盡量不聚餐,工作日午餐多數1個人吃,有時間尋覓港島西美食。第1站:高街46號店名:Metropolitan餐廳類型:西餐--法國菜提前訂座:有點了Set lunch,包括以下的:#餐湯:當天的餐湯是扁豆湯,味道一般。#主菜:Fregola Sarda,珍珠意粉配魷魚圈、蝦仁、蜆肉、蕃茄醬,味道不錯。#甜品:另加15元配了芒果撻,芒果夠甜,撻底鬆脆,非常好吃!#餐飲:再加15元配凍檸檬茶,夏天喝,棒!總體感覺:店員都是外國人,客人也多數是外國人,感覺似是歐洲小鎮,食物味道不太合我的口味 (可能是太正宗),定價相對高街其他餐廳稍高。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2022-06-29
First time trying out this French place in SYP with a bunch of friends.Didn't expect much but turns out to be pretty great! It was six of us at 6.30 on a Tue. Didn't book a table but luckily didn't need to wait at all to get one. The servers were very nice and gave us excellent recommendation for dishes. We started with some cold cuts/salad and white wine. - both pretty nice. What's even better was the escargots - it was served sizzling hot The sauce was still popping on the escargots when it was on our table!Parsley-Garlic Butter Sauce was perfect on escargots. It was super delicious and we had to order another plate of it.Then here is the star of the night - Free Flow of Mussels!!It is their new Tuesday promotion thing. We didn't know it beforehand but the servers highly recommended it.The mussels tasted much better than those we had in other restaurant.The mussels were fresh and tender. Mildly seasoned and didn't overshadow the original tastes of the mussels. Since it was a free flow, we really had them coming non-stop! We stayed for quite a while after the dinner. Had loads of great wine!Had to order another Cheese platter to go with the wine at the end. Was a fantastic night with friends.Great food.Amazing service.Nice vibe.Loads of wine! Definitely should try it out if you're around the neighbourhood  continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)