Exit C3, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit E1, Mong Kok MTR Station, Exit B, Mong Kok East MTR Station continue reading
來自大阪難波的人氣Cafe,主打梳乎厘班戟,以及意粉、三文治、班尼迪蛋等輕食。 continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
12:00 - 23:00
Payment Methods
Visa Master Alipay Cash WeChat Pay
Number of Seats
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
Phone Reservation
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (158)
Level2 2020-06-22
食完飯想搵個地方比bb靜靜瞓個晏覺,我見間嘢裝修都幾靚,又有好多位好闊落,咪諗住去坐下傾下計囉。門口個人同我講完佢舖頭啲規舉,咁我就知點解佢咁多位咁少客啦。擺明搏執笠啦。大大個牌攔住門口叫人等帶位,明明就得幾條友我懷疑佢地落咗場 佢話喎,每人最低銷費80蚊,如果食甜品上菜時間係一個鐘,唔收現金只收信用卡。咁我地都食咗飯,唯有嗌杯嘢飲嗌甜品,而且佢個menu根本都無咩好揀。好,都係貪你有位坐,等一個鐘囉,一個梳乎厘班戟百幾蚊,有咩咁巴閉呢?食咗識飛?成舊幾水,明明都無客真係諗唔明仲要等成80分鐘佢先肯登場,我食下係唔係咁好食啊,喂好普通咋喎,賣相味道質感通通都唔覺得你有咩咁把炮囉。連啲配料都衰到得兩pat cream兩粒合桃咁,咩料啊。個焦糖醬都係幾好味嘅。。。相對起舊pancake 係啊香港商場其實都好需要呢種餐廳架,喺門口趕走啲客,坐就焗你坐最少一個鐘。加油啊,唔好咁快執笠 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-06-13
So besides there souffle pancakes, they also have regular pancakes. Recently they are doing a buy 1 get 1 free promotion for their regular pancakes. A free original flavor pancake will be given if you purchase their other regular pancakes. Since sesame flavor is quite rare, we decided to order that.The sesame flavor was very prominent and surprisingly matched the red bean paste very well. Their regular flavor was just as great. It was fluffy(of course not as fluffy as the souffle) and the sweetness was just right. Though I recommend they add less sugar powder as it was a bit messy when we ate it.Their souffle pancake also has discounts and I definitely look forward to trying them again as well. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-06-01
It was a crowded and hot day in Mongkok on the last day of May. My friend and I decided to find a cafe to chill after shopping. However, many cafes were full with long queues. Finally, we went to this popular cafe in Langham Place where we could straight in.The environment was super nice with girly decoration and the restaurant was spacious with good distance between tables. The seating was comfy and very suitable for girl’s talk. The cloud-shaped lamps were so sweet!We needed to order at the cashier ourselves first and the food would be delivered to us by putting this little gadget on the table. We both ordered Matcha Latte with less ice. The appearance was nice and the taste was great! It was good that we could add sugar by ourselves. I thought the green tea was sweet enough with the milk foam. Best drink under the heat!It was a bit shocked that we were informed that we needed to wait 45-60 minutes for pancakes. Eventually our Original Fluffy Pancake with Caramel Sause arrived after half an hour. The fluffy pancake looked really nice for photos and it was really spongy!! It was worthy for the long wait!! The pancake was milky and super matched with the caramel sauce. It was too sweet and the little salty cream sauce enriched the flavour! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
最近比較少出街食飯, 也算是因為疫情的關係吧, 不是因為限制令什麼的, 而是我的本行 (醫療相關行業) 因為疫情下忙得不可開交, 連飯也沒有時間吃, 現在疫情叫做穩定落嚟, 我終於可以享受我的晚餐.要好好犒賞自己, 當然要慢慢嘆番我最喜愛的甜品作為我晚餐的一部分啦, 一啖啖軟綿綿, 就像雲朵一樣鬆軟無比, 彈下彈下的梳乎厘班戟, 啊~ 好耐冇食過咁好味的甜品~其實是晚我和相公兩人 (兩位都是由二月開始OT 到發瘋的兩人 > <)終於有機會一齊出街撐枱腳, 就來到位於旺角朗豪坊的MICASADECO & CAFE, 入去之前都要量度體溫, 職員都很體貼的給我們用酒精搓手液清潔雙手我們就叫了個二人套餐 (HKD388) , 有前菜, 餐湯, 自選兩款主菜, 甜品一款及飲品兩杯, 我就叫了個熱的mocha咖啡 (加HKD20), 看見這個靚靚的拉花, 有啲唔捨得飲佢添, 飲了啖, 朱古力咖啡香味濃郁 相公就叫了杯焙茶鮮奶  (加HKD20), 茶葉味濃郁, 令鮮奶帶出甘香的味道, 而且相公說茶的味道好少在香港其他地方可以飲到, 好特別呢~前菜是白湯及煙三文魚牛油果沙律, 分量都頗大, 煙三文魚厚身之餘油脂感十足, 加上沙律本身配以沙律醋等酸性來中脂感, 加上牛油果本身都是較有飽肚感的蔬果, 所以我食完都有啲飽飽哋在店員的介紹下 我就叫了這個海膽汁黑松露意粉 (+HKD10 升級), 陣陣黑松露的香味撲入鼻腔中, 與充滿著濃郁的海膽汁, 加埋一齊, 沒有誰蓋過誰, 反而將大家彼此的優點更為提升, 同事令這個意粉的格調提升了不知多少倍呢~ 好好味啊~另外我們叫了日本直送雞蛋卡邦尼意粉, 日本直送雞蛋出名滑而且蛋味出眾, 配上卡邦尼意粉是不錯的配搭, 不過當相公先食了海膽汁黑松露意粉後才吃這個卡邦尼意粉, 卡邦尼意粉瞬間給比下去了, 因為味道上當然沒有前者那樣 '搶鏡' 的說, 但如果好似我咁, 先吃卡邦尼意粉, 其實味道也不錯啦~最後主角嚟啦, 焦糖梳乎厘班戟 (+HKD58 升級), 除了配有焦糖醬可以給大家配吃梳乎厘班戟外, 旁邊另有海鹽Cream 及Earl Grey Cream, 鬆軟無如雲朵一樣的梳乎厘班戟, 但質感絕不會像雲風一樣, 食落去充滿住質感, 而且帶有蛋香味道, 一口點上焦糖另一口點上海鹽Cream 或Earl Grey Cream中和焦糖的香甜感覺, 加上幼滑的海鹽 cream 及Earl Grey Cream, 那就令到整個梳乎厘班戟味道層次大大提升啦~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2020-05-26
香港店是海外第一間分店,日本過江龍既班戟店,進駐左旺角朗豪坊,今日同朋友黎試下先,餐廳提供一系列輕食,有全日早餐,奄列,班尼迪蛋配煙三文魚等等🎈我嗌左Egg Bendict,有一層厚厚既荷蘭醬,配上半熟蛋,再有一片煙三文魚同埋波菜,不過哩碟Egg Bendict有啲hea喔,因為嗰包底唔係鬆包底既,只係普通多士,有違Egg Bendict既材料喎,同埋嗰半熟蛋煮得有啲實,唔係一隻完美既蛋🥺煙三文魚牛油果沙律🥑現成既牛油果+ 煙三文魚是正常外,沙拉菜是苦的🥺🥺🥺很不新鮮的一道沙拉。最後嗌左杯Latte ,拉花不錯,啡味好夠,而且溫度夠熱,奶味順滑☺️ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)