Exit D1, Nam Cheong MTR Station/ Exit C1, Sham Shui Po MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
15:00 - 21:00
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (5)
Level4 2015-09-07
Went to Dragon centre because I wanted to get some Metallic flash tattoos so stopped by to get some icecream.They said you could try the drinks but there was too many people in the shop so I just got two icecreams and chose the Jasmine drink.To be honest, I didn't look at the price and I hadn't a clue how much it would be but the two icecreams and a drink came to $15 which is shockingly cheap!Anyway, both icecreams were not cold enough and the texture and taste was basically the same as whipped cream and they were too sweet.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆Jasmine icecream:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆green tea brown sugar icecream:★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆Jasmine, momordica and brown sugar drink:I could taste the momordica but frankly it was too sweet to be healthy!Nice bottle and design though.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎The bill: $15Service: OKSweetness levels: too sweet◎ⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓢⓤⓟⓔⓡⓖⓘⓡⓛ◎ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Boyfriend and  I were in Sham Shui Po's Dragon Center food court area. The area is a pretty ... well ... it's probably the most ghetto feeling food court in all of Hong Kong. It's got everything and prices are cheap. Each of the stands are usually owned by small families, so it's almost like eating on the street but there's air conditioning.Milk Food is one of these little shops. It serves ice cream but lately they have bottled health drinks for $12 each. I decided to try one.The staff was fairly helpful, explaining the drinks and what health benefits one can get from it. All drinks are labeled in English and Chinese.I tried the wintermelon tea. This was a bit too sweet for my liking but boyfriend liked it enough. For $12, it was pretty cheap. Packaging seemed very hygenic as well with a breakable seal.They seemed to have a wide selection of drinks. Everything is kept in a well refridgerated area. I might buy one again if in the area and needed something to drink as an alternative to soft drinks. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2015-03-20
店名:乳粮地址:西九龍中心8/F shop73好味指數:8.2/10價錢:$5抹茶牛乳雪糕這間雪糕才試業了幾天,標榜採用3.6牛乳製作,有雪糕和乳酪。份量細細杯,大大啖吃的話大概有三啖。質感有點像粒粒雪糕,綠茶味道香濃,奶味尤其突出。店名:乳粮乳之製品屋.甜食.料理地址:深水埗欽州街37K西九龍中心8樓73號舖好味指數:8/10價錢:$8洛神花柚子紅茶對上一次光顧差不多是半年前,還記得當時仍時試業期間,連openrice也沒有。今次再光顧,售賣貨品多了,味道選擇亦多了,除了以往的雪糕外,還有健康飲品,清新布甸等。如果你拿不定主意,可先試吃,這裏什麼味道也可以試吃試喝,包有一款岩你。洛神花柚子紅茶味道酸酸地,頗開胃,加入柚子更加清新,喝後不感口渴,但略嫌不夠凍。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2014-09-08
飯後,好多時都立即成為大家的甜品時間,在我努力地餵食頑皮至極的兒子時,太太就決定再繞場一周,看看有沒有可口的甜品。兒子已經差不多半飽,太太見時到,再出走尋找飯後的甜味道,之後她拿了一張過膠的 menu,先讓我們選味道,再後去把甜品端來。這一家甜品店,名字同門面都很可愛,叫《乳粮乳之製品屋》,在門口也有一大隻牛牛來做招牌。名字是《乳粮》,很明顯地讓大家知道,他們賣的,是乳製品。我們都選了 Frozen Yogurt,而且味道也是十分之獨特的, 太太為我們選了三個味道,桂花口味,薑口味,同菊花香味。黑糖薑母,入口辣辣的,吃入口時有點似薑汁奶,味道十分之特別。桂花口味,桂花的清香,入口的感覺就像把桂花糕加奶,變成雪糕後再吃入口,很食美味。菊花香味,奶的味道就比較重,所以味道也是最香,最容易接受的,小兒一吃,不停口。很簡單的中藥 crossover 乳酪製品,利用這些中式的涼果涼茶來配合西方的 Frozen Yogurt,很有心思,亦很特別,我可以簡單的說一句...very nice。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2014-08-21
琴晚3人行食完<隱世拉面工場>之後,好像未夠喉咁,決定上去food court 食雪糕~ 我地食左2間雪糕店 其中就係呢一間啦!我地本身以為好似平時吱乳酪雪糕出黎個隻甘架~ 點知唔係 原來係一杯杯放左係雪櫃入面既"我地去到, 女店員就比我地試味啦~佢地話D雪糕都係用新鮮生果/材料製造既~ 之後,佢問我地中意食甜d 定酸d? 我地就話兩種都OK 我地試左"洛神花味" 呢隻真係幾酸下~ 之後試左"黑糖薑味" 呢隻有好濃郁既薑味~唔錯唔錯 之後我見到MEAU 有"薰衣草味" 真係有d 好奇,探究係點樣既味~結果個個店員比左我地試食"玫瑰味" 同"薰衣草味" 最後我地食左"玫瑰味" "芒果蘆薈味" "人參味" "玫瑰味" -  正~ 我超中意~甜得黎有花香味~"芒果蘆薈味" - 個人認為味道有d淡,唔夠濃郁味"人參味" - 呢隻太濃人參味~食完個口都有人參味出晒黎-0- 唔太喜歡~ Anyway,個個店員真係好好耐性! 傾得太開心, 唔記得映相-3- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)