9-min walk from Exit B, Kowloon Bay MTR Station continue reading
The dessert store is originally from Hokkaido. It uses Hokkaido 3.6 milk as the ingredients. It serves homemade ice-cream, puddings, and cakes. continue reading
Payment Methods
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (38)
Level4 2019-03-26
九龍灣食飯行開德福,見到PIAGO就執,所以睇下有冇平野掃。咁岩見到間milk top,飯後又想食甜品,睇睇隔離見到有人食緊雪糕,但見到呢個玻璃樽好靚,所以買左。佢會俾個黑色獨立包裝匙更仔。廿幾蚊一細樽布甸真係唔平,但見佢都就搬,都幫襯下啦。食落好彈,但雞蛋咁既質地,唔會水lel lel。味道唔太甜,岩岩好,十秒內就食晒😂本身諗住拎個樽返去種野,但問左原來佢仲會幫手回收,唔使自己拎去玻璃回收箱,好! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2018-07-31
I was shopping in piago and saw this shop in the corner. They have so many types of ice cream but what attracted me most is the offer they have: $25 for 2 scoops on either cup or cone! I immediately came over and asked the lady to let me try out the flavours. They have 10 flavours in total. I had no shame and asked to try them all. The shopkeepers in fact were not even mad at me for being annoying at all! She even asked if I wanted water to clear up the taste before tasting another flavour. Super amazing customer service! I decided to get green tea and sea salt. They tasted fresh, not too sweet and was not icy anyhow! Will definitely come back for more!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2017-11-17
放工後等人食飯期間,個肚餓餓地;係九龍灣行曬要行既野,人又多唔知去邊好。經過快餐店同雪糕店,唔想入餐廳食多餐而且又無聊,搵野食下先。第一眼望限定日本桃呢幾個字,重要係雪芭,感覺好似冇咁膩。即試,雪芭貴3蚊都試,可能係雪芭,食落桃味唔會太特出,淡淡地,不過飯前食一食,確係冇咁餓既。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2017-10-25
喺九展食完拉麵,就想食雪糕甜一甜個口,出到德福搵到呢間Milk Top$30蚊有兩球,我同同事分別揀咗抺茶/黑芝麻粒豆腐雪糕同埋榛子/特濃朱古力雪糕抺茶/黑芝麻粒豆腐雪糕($30)抹茶味係我最愛,抺茶味夠濃唔會過甜,咁當然唔可以同抺茶專門店嘅雪糕比啦,黑芝麻粒豆腐唔太食到芝麻味,豆腐味都幾出,幾好食榛子/特濃朱古力雪糕($30)榛子味雪糕好香滑,有好多榛子粒,食落好nutty,特濃朱古力其實都唔係好濃,如果可以再濃d就好喇 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
每次去九龍灣看電影,我都必定要去milk top 食雪糕才覺得圓滿,老實說我自己喜歡milk top 多過Häagen-Dazs,因為後者部分味道實在太甜了。這間milk top有售$38 / 5球,印象中好像不是每一間分店都有,這樣可以一次過嚐遍五種口味,而且不時會轉款,每次來都有點不一樣,讓我過足雪糕癮!今次我就選了宇治抹茶、焙茶、栗子、朱古力、豆腐,最愛依然是焙茶,有點像喝玄米茶的味道,茶味細膩,奶味不會過重,其實宇治抹茶也不錯的,也是充滿綠茶的清香,下面的花形窩夫夠脆身。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)