Exit B, Ma On Shan MTR Station continue reading
All Branches (9)
Opening Hours
07:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
07:30 - 22:30
Public Holiday
07:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Visa Master AlipayHK Alipay Cash Octopus AE UnionPay Apple Pay Google Pay WeChat Pay
Other Info
Alcoholic Drinks
May Bring Your Own Wine
Accessible Environment Details
10% Service Charge
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (11)
Level4 2024-11-05
The fruit shop offers a selection of high-quality fruits, including a particularly delicious watermelon. While the prices may be on the higher side, the taste and freshness of the watermelon make it worth the expense. The shop's commitment to providing top-notch, flavorful fruits is evident in the quality of their offerings. Despite the higher prices, the sheer deliciousness of the watermelon makes it a worthwhile purchase for those seeking a truly satisfying fruit experience. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-10-07
天氣甘熱,有時係街都會想飲下凍飲,手搖飲料雖然開到成行成市,但我始終鐘情天然既野飲。呢間名果店除左主打係賣生果,仲會有沙律同果汁,有時唔想食得甘heavy,都會買下沙律番屋企食,但果汁就未試過。呢排唔知點解心血來潮想飲木瓜奶,我見menu有普通既木瓜牛奶同夏威夷木瓜牛奶,本身想飲平d個既普通木瓜牛奶,但店員姐姐話無哂😳甘就買左杯夏威夷木瓜牛奶,睇住店員姐姐用攪拌機打,入面就係得夏威夷木瓜同日本3.6牛奶,非常真材實料。木瓜香配上奶味濃厚既3.6牛奶,好味又透心涼。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2021-06-04
🍎名果店 (馬鞍山)馬鞍山鞍祿街18號MOSTown 新港城中心(4期)2樓2006-07號舖#超多選擇嘅果汁店❤️生果靚👍無添加🍓草莓香蕉奶$28✔️好香甜👅✔️香蕉味好濃☃️✔️新鮮滑脫脫😌😌-Strawberry Banana milkshake-Sweet and fresh -Strong banana flavour -Recommended 🍐麒麟果雪梨汁$28✔️清新香甜😙✔️有好多唔同種生果揀👏🏼👏🏼-yellow pitaya pear juice-Recommended 🍅生果種類極多,佢又賣埋生果,所以新鮮有保證🍇價錢唔算貴🥑佢仲有水果茶奶昔賣🎉另外特別推介:牛油果蜂蜜奶Igable: 7/10Taste:8/10Worth revisiting:8.5/10#foodreview #foodguide #hkguide #hkfoodguide #旺角美食 #太子美食 #深水埗美食 #旺角 #黃店 #standwithhongkong #hongkong #hkig #hongkong🇭🇰 #hkfoodie #銅鑼灣美食 #旺角黃店 #尖沙咀美食 #尖沙咀黃店 #馬鞍山黃店 #香港美食 #香港好去處 #香港加油 #foodie #hkfoodie #馬鞍山 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
@kan.teen⊍⊍ // 最鐘意飲木瓜牛乳 // ⊍⊍任何奶類豆乳類kanteen都鐘意飲 而呢間真係啱曬我心水 木瓜配牛奶不嬲都match架啦 佢仲要用日本3.6牛奶 同原個木瓜榨埋一齊 無加其他野 所以榨出嚟嘅顏色係好靚架 加上質感質中 唔會過和稀和稠 仲會食到少少木瓜果粒 好飲❣️經過必買😍女仔飲多啲仲有大波波添haha~———📍名果店 (馬鞍山) 馬鞍山鞍祿街18號MOSTown 新港城中心(4期)2樓2006-07號舖#kanteen #kanteen香港 #kanteen馬鞍山 #kanteen牛奶控 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢度好多靚水果賣,來自不同國家的生果都有。有日本士多啤梨丶日本蜜柑丶日本蘋果丶日本奇異果丶香印提子丶澳洲青提丶日本梨丶日本水蜜桃丶日本蜜瓜丶澳洲牛油果丶塔斯曼尼亞車厘子丶宮崎芒果丶越南火龍果⋯⋯多不勝數,種類繁多。除左有生果賣,仲有鮮榨果汁,可以即時飲。亦有慢磨果汁,係樽裝的,方便買返屋企飲。仲有一盒盒已經切好的生果,真係好方便,有不同組合的水果(三拼),例如:木瓜丶西瓜丶菠蘿為一盒盒,蜜瓜丶西瓜丶火龍果為一盒。我之前已經飲過好多次呢度d 即榨果汁,二十幾至三十幾蚊可以飲到新鮮又大杯的果汁,真係物有所值。而且材料十足。我飲過好多款,包括:金奇異果+橙$32丶紅菜頭+雪梨汁$22丶五青汁$23丶羽衣甘藍果汁$29丶牛油果+雪梨汁$25⋯⋯⋯⋯金奇異果有助排毒、通便、清腸胃,纖維含量較豐富。羽衣甘藍含有豐富的維他命C、K、鉀質及抗氧化物,有助提升抵抗力。牛油果含多種維他命(例如:A、B2 及 E)、豐富的不飽和脂肪和蛋白質、纖維、甘油酸。紅菜頭含大量維他命B12及鐵質,可以防癌、護肝、穩定血壓、減肥、補血、高效抗氧化。以上所有果汁排毒功效好顯著,我建議飲完之後要有心裡準備去排毒。呢個價錢可以飲到杯咁健康的果汁,絕對物超所值! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)